hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I nailed my first Baron steal ever with Lux and I did it with my E![]()
My first steal was with MF ult, felt so good.
I nailed my first Baron steal ever with Lux and I did it with my E![]()
Yup. I'm talking about ones that are:
- full health guy farming in lane with no one nearby to take advantage of a hit
- not even close to hitting anyone at all
I've seen people try to hinder Baron attempts and missed Baron's area entirely. I get the ones you mention since ... that is what you use them for. That's kind of why globals are nice. I just mean the ones that clearly screwed up and chose to ult someone that changes absolutely nothing if it hits or the ones that miss so badly that I wonder if they actually aimed it instead of just hitting R and clicking somewhere. I get those two Ashe players more often than not and it saddens me![]()
How do you miss the general Baron area, the indicator goes to wherever your mouse is.
Do people just aim approximately near them hoping they get the angle right?
Yeah, I went back to base with such a big grin on my face hehe. I must've tried about ten times before to get Baron with the laser but I always miscalculate and shoot it too late, and now I just got lucky with my E.Nice!
My first steal was with MF ult, felt so good.
The stealth rework is here:
She might still be bad. It's my understanding that her remake came together much more slowly than Twitch. I kind of have more hope for him, but I'm interested to see what they do with both.But if they make Evelynn better, I won't know who to say as my goto "bad" champion!
The stealth rework is here:
She might still be bad. It's my understanding that her remake came together much more slowly than Twitch. I kind of have more hope for him, but I'm interested to see what they do with both.
But Eve is getting permastealth and wards won't work on her. Sounds pretty long term to me.oh ho ho ho! I approve. I hate long-term stealth, but this seems the way to go.
But Eve is getting permastealth and wards won't work on her. Sounds pretty long term to me.
Played an ARAM and got kog. He was pretty good champion in ARAM it seems.
Anivia on ARAM is OP.
Anivia on ARAM is OP.
Her passive puts her in stealth if she isn't in combat. She can be seen from like 500-600 range away I think, they weren't specific.Wait permastealth? What?....
Didn't the descriptions say that she will be stealthed when not near enemy champions, unless she walks past a vision ward? Or did you mean only normal wards?But Eve is getting permastealth and wards won't work on her. Sounds pretty long term to me.
Well smartcasting Lux's hysterical laugh with shift+4 is pretty fun![]()
It's my understanding that Eve doesn't play by the rules of anti-stealth mechanics. Oracles and pink wards will not detect her, you simply have to come in to range of her.Didn't the descriptions say that she will be stealthed when not near enemy champions, unless she walks past a vision ward? Or did you mean only normal wards?
Nice. Just when you thought Lux couldn't get any more utility, you realize her madly laugh will haunt you in your dreams.Once at the start of a match when someone on my team went mid after I did, I got them to leave by spamming her laugh.
It's my understanding that Eve doesn't play by the rules of anti-stealth mechanics. Oracles and pink wards will not detect her, you simply have to come in to range of her.
It's my understanding that Eve doesn't play by the rules of anti-stealth mechanics. Oracles and pink wards will not detect her, you simply have to come in to range of her.
Riot said:Eve’s new stealth
Eve’s passive is now Shadow Walk. From Level 1, Evelynn is stealthed, meaning she can only be seen by enemy champions within a relatively short range of her, or when she passes through true sight (e.g., Vision Wards). She becomes unstealthed whenever she enters combat and reenters stealth after a brief cooldown once out of combat.
Oh, pink wards do work on her. I misread another post. Oracles doesn't extend vision range on her though, so it doesn't really effect her:, this may not be true. Disregard, details on this aren't final! clarify Oracle's interaction vs. Eve:
It has no effect on her. This is because the range of Oracle's detection is actually shorter than Eve's natural stealth detection range. So there is no real difference between an enemy with Oracle's and an enemy without Oracle's in terms of detecting Eve.
Vision Wards (and clever Sight Wards) though are fairly effective against her.
Oracle range is shorter than where you can see her from. Some other red said it was irrelevant.
So what the hell is oracle's for now? Just ward sweeping and finding mushrooms?
I mean it's not like it was used to kill Eve's nowadays anyway.
This is more significant than you make it out to be.So what the hell is oracle's for now? Just ward sweeping and finding mushrooms?
So what the hell is oracle's for now? Just ward sweeping and finding mushrooms?
This is more significant than you make it out to be.
I just don't feel like a squishy junglers without much CC would be effective at depending on the lane to initiate most/all fights, unless they really buff something on her (CC, speed, damage).Your points are ignoring the fact that she's one of the only ones who can stealth. It'd be the same as any other jungler.
The way I read the stealth range is that it'd be akin to if you first spot any other gank. Thing is she still doesn't really have an initiate, so I'd think you would rely on the lane to start a fight.
Kiunch 24/7 EveAnd the only person who will play Evelynn after the rework will be crackbabierjr.
I'm just saying that was its primary use all along. At least to me.I never said it was insignificant, it just feels like an under utilization of the elixir to me for the range it gives.
Well they're buffing all 3 of those things?I just don't feel like a squishy junglers without much CC would be effective at depending on the lane to initiate most/all fights, unless they really buff something on her (CC, speed, damage).
And saying it'd be the same as any other jungler ignores the fact that my two points were two of the main unique and desirable traits she had. I don't really see much point to stealth if champions negate it, except maybe getting past normal wards.
Man I just fucking hate when I pop my W and guys just drop a Sight Ward in it like it's nothing. DONT YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND YOUU MAKE ME FEEL POWERLESS AND SADAkali!
I don't really see how she would be a bad counterjungler. With the invisibility passive she will have a lot of power roaming. The point of stealth isn't to excuse inability to position or gank properly. It isn't to make Evelynn a free ward. You should know where the enemy is on the map. Evelynn's advantage will be that she can remain under the radar until she comes out to gank.To imagine how well that would work, think how well an Eve currently works if the entire other team has Oracles? That would mean she would be practically trying to gank from a bush with a sprint ability...doesn't sound super great to me.
Having stealth range BEYOND Oracles range seems to get rid of a main point of the stealth, being able to walk on top of someone in preparation for an attack -- or being able to check bushes where enemies are.
What sort of counterjungling would you be able to do if anyone can simply see you when you're in nearby sight range?
She will be fast. She has her new ultimate. She is going to come in on players and likely be very deadly. A ganker shouldn't really need invisibility beyond the basic range around someone. By the time you come in the gank is in progress, otherwise you are often wasting time.The way I read the stealth range is that it'd be akin to if you first spot any other gank. Thing is she still doesn't really have an initiate, so I'd think you would rely on the lane to start a fight.
Ward control and oracles is crucial to map control, one of the most essential points of the game. Controlling the enemies vision is what oracles is based around and why it is used in games. I don't like gold sinks as a counter to stealth because it means the stealth champs fall off late game.I never said it was insignificant, it just feels like an under utilization of the elixir to me for the range it gives.
Watch what items enemies have and come back to lane with.Man I just fucking hate when I pop my W and guys just drop a Sight Ward in it like it's nothing. DONT YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND YOUU MAKE ME FEEL POWERLESS AND SAD
That was my point.She will be fast. She has her new ultimate. She is going to come in on players and likely be very deadly. A ganker shouldn't really need invisibility beyond the basic range around someone. By the time you come in the gank is in progress, otherwise you are often wasting time.
Oh. I still think she'll be able to start the gank with her ult at the very least.That was my point.