Why not play her a bunch and build up a win streak then? She's supposedly countered at high levels by decent players and/or pink wards but you might do well otherwise.
I don't know why. When I find a champion I do really well with, I will often stop playing them in favor of champions that I don't do well with.
Sounds weird but it's mostly how I select which champs to play. Maybe I think that I should spend more time on those I'm not so good with so I can be better, than with a champion I'm already good at playing.
Although, Akali isn't difficult to play.
I made the mistake of trying a normal game. Got a troll eve who proceeded to feed the enemy Ashe repeatedly intentionally.
Can't say I've had that in a ranked game before. In ranked games people always try to build a good team composition.
Which is why I think League is a more pleasant solo experience than say Dota2 where everyone wants to be the carry resulting in frequent 4 carry 1 support situations which are pretty much doomed to failure.