Zyra Impressions
Played her in a test sort of way. Not really sure what to think of her but she isn't what I expected. She has a lot of range on her, particularly her Q AOE and her E root. The root is just a really long range quick CC in a line, able to hit multiple targets and not stopped by minions. It's pretty devastating because even from a long range it's pretty easy for her to flash in and land it, allowing her or teammates to follow up.
She's sort of basic in the way she operates. Her Q AOE and E root don't feel particularly interesting or unique on their own. They augment her seeds though. These seeds last a fairly long time at 30 seconds, generating flowers that do a decent amount of damage but die fairly easily. It felt really hard to keep people in place long enough for the flowers to do what they need to. This is primarily because the range of seeds is very short. It reminded me of Xerath, only more annoying. You have all of these long range attacks but to truly get a combo off you need to come in close.
Basic combo is landing the root, planting a seed or two next to the champion, and following it up with a Q. Champions can easily run away from this, but combined with her ultimate you can pick up a kill pretty easily. The area on her ultimate is massive, and like her other basic spells it has a very long range on it and the damage is pretty comparable to an Annie ult. If Zyra does jungle she has the potential to destroy champions with this even under their own tower without going in deep herself. The knockup on it feels strange, late, and underwhelming.
It'll be hard for players to effectively use Zyra. Her flowers are really strange to use effectively. Her seeds can be walked over and stomped out, but it grants vision. There is some element of play here where players will want to step on the buds before they can go off, potentially walking further into Zyra's trap, but the flowers don't really feel effective enough and Zyra herself doesn't really have the follow through. Zyra has a lot of AOE potential, but her CC feels pretty underwhelming for a champion based around holding people in one area. She will likely be someone more reliant on team comp than other champions.
Played her in a test sort of way. Not really sure what to think of her but she isn't what I expected. She has a lot of range on her, particularly her Q AOE and her E root. The root is just a really long range quick CC in a line, able to hit multiple targets and not stopped by minions. It's pretty devastating because even from a long range it's pretty easy for her to flash in and land it, allowing her or teammates to follow up.
She's sort of basic in the way she operates. Her Q AOE and E root don't feel particularly interesting or unique on their own. They augment her seeds though. These seeds last a fairly long time at 30 seconds, generating flowers that do a decent amount of damage but die fairly easily. It felt really hard to keep people in place long enough for the flowers to do what they need to. This is primarily because the range of seeds is very short. It reminded me of Xerath, only more annoying. You have all of these long range attacks but to truly get a combo off you need to come in close.
Basic combo is landing the root, planting a seed or two next to the champion, and following it up with a Q. Champions can easily run away from this, but combined with her ultimate you can pick up a kill pretty easily. The area on her ultimate is massive, and like her other basic spells it has a very long range on it and the damage is pretty comparable to an Annie ult. If Zyra does jungle she has the potential to destroy champions with this even under their own tower without going in deep herself. The knockup on it feels strange, late, and underwhelming.
It'll be hard for players to effectively use Zyra. Her flowers are really strange to use effectively. Her seeds can be walked over and stomped out, but it grants vision. There is some element of play here where players will want to step on the buds before they can go off, potentially walking further into Zyra's trap, but the flowers don't really feel effective enough and Zyra herself doesn't really have the follow through. Zyra has a lot of AOE potential, but her CC feels pretty underwhelming for a champion based around holding people in one area. She will likely be someone more reliant on team comp than other champions.