How the hell do you lane against darius? Who counters him? I assume people with range?
How the hell do you lane against darius? Who counters him? I assume people with range?
How the hell do you lane against darius? Who counters him? I assume people with range?
I spectated a game where Singed just obliterated him...
How the hell do you lane against darius? Who counters him? I assume people with range?
I feel like lol popularity is turning lol into xbox live which is not a good thing, next thing people will be making mom jokes
I feel like lol popularity is turning lol into xbox live which is not a good thing, next thing people will be making mom jokes
Teemo range is the same as apprehend range. You're better off picking someone like Kayle.People say Teemo counters him, I'm not so sure.
Doesn't help with CS as much as pure AD runes, maybe?+% critical damage runes... possibly underrated? You can quite easily get another 17% critical damage with runes. Or you could just get another 5% by using glyphs so you don't give up anything else that's really important early game. And considering at end game a ranged carry probably has 55-85% critical chance, isn't that by far the biggest damage increase you can get with runes?
1- yorick if played right can have an advantage in lane over darius because of his sustain.How the hell do you lane against darius? Who counters him? I assume people with range?
How the hell do you lane against darius? Who counters him? I assume people with range?
AD Nid, AD kayle, ap kennen eat him for breakfast.
I feel like lol popularity is turning lol into xbox live which is not a good thing, next thing people will be making mom jokes
I'm finding ranked to be almost unplayable. The first sign of trouble, everybody starts wallowing in self-pity and give up. I had a Varus afk on us earlier because his support overextended and got himself killed. We were 3-1 and had a dragon when he declared us doomed because fucking Soraka died.
I finally got a game where everything clicked and we pushed to their nexus in under 30 minutes. Then my AD decided to say "BG too easy" right as their nexus blew. It's like people can't go a single game without being a dickhead.
I'd love to play with GAFfers but honestly it's a bit intimidating since I'm almost undoubtedly less skilled than them.
I wouldn't worry about that too much. I've had games so bad you'd never believe me if I told you.
I played ranked for the first time today in forever. It was kind of weird. Our mid Kassadin went AFK for the whole game at level ten. I just carried hard and crushed the enemy team 4v5. I would say pick champs that can really carry if you can, and do your best to direct your teams to the objectives they should be at. You might have to save them every once in awhile, but it isn't worth dying yourself too going in after them if you lose the advantage. A big mistake people make is going in to try and save people that can't be saved, and it gives up a bunch of kills and map control.I'm finding ranked to be almost unplayable. The first sign of trouble, everybody starts wallowing in self-pity and give up. I had a Varus afk on us earlier because his support overextended and got himself killed. We were 3-1 and had a dragon when he declared us doomed because fucking Soraka died.
I finally got a game where everything clicked and we pushed to their nexus in under 30 minutes. Then my AD decided to say "BG too easy" right as their nexus blew. It's like people can't go a single game without being a dickhead.
I wonder with the Sona changes, if people will build chalice in response to being able to go through their mana quicker, or if they'll stick with their normal builds and just try to manage mana better...
I wouldn't worry about that too much. I've had games so bad you'd never believe me if I told you.
You really should be trying to get a Chalice on Sona ASAP after your Aegis or sooner if you need it. That plus Shurelyia's gives you all the mana regen you could ever need.
And even if you have a great game Kiunch will just throw, good times for all!
I find ranked to be more pleasant than normals where griefers are rampant.
Everyone chooses proper team comp which is very good.
If you play with me you will never be raged at ever because that's not the way I roll.
I do troll a bit in dominion though.
Everyone chooses proper teams in the normal elo I'm at usually... not in the ranked. That and people get way more childish in ranked.
Why'd you get mad at the last game? They're just for fun.First pair of GAF games in a long time to make me rage rather hard.
Why'd you get mad at the last game? They're just for fun.
that janna ult that blew me into disconnect
I thought you just came top to appreciate my Singed. I was pretty scared when you ulted me under tower.We had two randoms and I was sorely hoping Akali would lose.
I going to smash the next sona that rush chalice =/ magic resist is a waste stats on bot lane. If philo stone + rune + mastery isn't enough mana regen, stop spamming >_<. Buy me my oracle, support slave.
Regarding the second comment, I just like to keep the game challenging. Otherwise no one will play with GAF cause GAF just faceroll everday, too boring.
Except today, so many losts... so many![]()
Janna blows everyone...away
We had two randoms and I was sorely hoping Akali would lose.
Of course no one post screen cap of game where I do well as Vayne! Only the disaster game...
Of course no one post screen cap of game where I do well as Vayne! Only the disaster game...
Of course no one post screen cap of game where I do well as Vayne! Only the disaster game...
But you made a miracle comeback using the power of friendship and love!
Should be proud.
I kinda hate winning 4v5 because you gift the AFKers a free win
Also, I think between today and yesterday I got yelled at the most of my LoL history. My aim was off in two matches as Lux, so I was charged with throwing the match for everyone, while I still held my towers while half the time our team wouldn't stop roaming and losing their lanes. Then a Fiora felt like it was my fault that she kept dying for some reason, so she asked everyone to report me. Luckily the Garen I was facing top came rushing in my defense, so I guess I won't get banned, maybe.
Fuck this game's players some(most)times. It warms my heart nice-GAF exists, even though I almost never play with you guys![]()
You should've seen my chat when I first started playing Blitz hoo boy, people can be dicks don't let it get to you. Also, the tribunal system is usually pretty fair so even if 4-5 people report you, most people won't punish you for it.
I'm probably the biggest jerk you'll ever meet on LoLGAF.