I lost 200 elo in a span of 3 days.
I can't play this game anymore. It's no fun. Literally, I'm in ELO hell. I know I do stupid shit, but not nearly on the level of my teammates. People picking 2 mids, people crying not to play support, junglers that die twice at golems, AFK, leavers, feeders, etc.
But nothing NOTHING can compare to my experience. I'll do well. By well, I will either win my lane or be behind a few cs compared to my competitor. But something about my teammates. They like to die. They like to die so much so that they might get a kill but their opponent gets one too. They feed so fucking much, that by mid game, they have like 8 deaths compared to my 1 or 2. This leads to me being behind. By how much? By all the fucking times my teamtes died. It's ridiculous. The game isn't fun anymore. People don't play and think about the other 4 people on their team. I can't get out of this hell hole. Fuck this game.
I feel ya. I've had the hardest time breaking out of the 1200 range because I've got some awful, awful teammates (not that I'm perfect, but I'm pretty sure if everyone else played at my level, we would have won). Dropped four in a row last night:
1. I went 9/5/3 as Karthus. My team got 15 kills total, meaning I was involved in 12 of them. Bottom went a combined total of 1/11 (Sivir 0/7, Soraka 1/4) and Darius counterpicked himself against Jax and went 1/6.
2. I went 3/1/1 as Kassadin against a Casseopeia mid. I dunked on Cass (it was a strong matchup for me, obviously. However, the game ended in a 20 minute surrender because Ezreal and support Volibear (?) fed Draven and Nocturne hard - they went for combined for 0/14 (Ezreal 0/8, Voli 0/6). My one death came from when I coordinated a four man gank bottom but Draven was just so far ahead that he killed all of us.
3. I picked Cho jungle because we had a Talon mid and no one wanted to go AP top, so we needed a decent AP character. Then everyone said Cho was a terribad jungler (he's not), so someone picked up Amumu. Fine, I'll go top - nope, Gangplank wants to go top. So I'm stuck playing support Cho (lol). Even at that, me and Graves win lane. However, top feeds Rumble hard and Talon gets a lot of kills mid, but he also dies just as many times.
The moral of this story: I really just need to not play ranked when my duo Q partner isn't logged in. I'm not saying I'm the perfect player (far from it), but I believe I can play at the 1300-1400 level. But these guys... counterpicking themselves, going 0/8 - even at my worst I don't make these mistakes.