The point I was trying to make was towards the nature of the item a support should be making (fairly CHEAP, good UTILITY)
look it really is simple, I don't know why you need to nitpick ridiculous little things
supports don't get too much money and what they do get usually goes towards necessary and situational things, not luxury items. If they do make it all the way to get some luxury items, then you are playing an awfully unskilled match.
supports are picked situationally to fit with the team. soraka is known for making her lane hard to gank from the mostly physical damage threats. but hey guess what, you can also fuck up a lane that has a soraka in it, and there is nothing she can do about it. same goes for a lot of "bullshit" or cheese lanes
blitz is known for putting people on edge and creating an offensive lane, and he can stop ganks pretty decently with his girth and cc etc, but his lane needs to take care of itself and not get chunked by random ez qs and what not
just because there are other champs that can peel and stuff doesn't mean you can't use more. do you think that at the point a support can start building their luxury scaling items (read:usually NEVER), they are even putting a dent into the other team? Wota is a good (situational) support item no doubt, but you're fooling yourself if you think the AP has any role in that at the stage you can build the item.
Comparing Alistar and Naut's cc is also apples and oranges. THE HEADBUTT, ITS QUITE UNIQUE.
You say things that make sense, but you are arriving at very weird conclusions. Does Soraka make it hard for you to kill someone? Sure! (ARMOR) Does cc make it hard for you to kill someone? Yes! OF COURSE I would like to have more sustain against someone I can't CC like Olaf. It would be GREAT if I could knock up a gap-closer so whoever he's targeting can reposition. No I will NOT be getting a pentakill with my wota soraka, or saving my carry with heals if I can't stop the ungodly onslaught of the enemy team.
CDR is crucially important on supports. They are usually the last ones standing, and it can mean more utility.
I don't really know how to explain to you that CC is more important than helping your support scale into late game. Supports aren't supports because they can make some gigantic shield that the enemy team has to break through in the late game. People complain about Soraka because she makes it tough to aggress early on, but these people just don't know how to construct better situations. SUPPORTS ARE PLAYMAKERS, not damage dealers or mobile fountains.
and look, don't bother trying to nitpick little things about my post, I'm sure there are things I'm overlooking or I don't care to write down, but try to understand the point I'm trying to make and the nature of the support role. If you disagree with me on THAT we can actually find out more about each other's opinion, but if we can't then the discourse is just two people talking at walls.