You guys know of any prominent AP mid specialist streamers? OceloteWorld I think is one popular one, just looking for other names to pick out of stream lists.
They're mines. Step over them they go boom, do a good deal of damage and slow.
Yes but the minions set them off too, and other than leading someone right to them, I only found a use for placing them in bushes and in jungles, and then I'm not normally around to capitalize on them.
Using them as mini-wards is very useful since they last for 10 minutes (unlike normal wards which are like 3 minutes). Typically you will put them at minimum in the bushes next to your lane, and if you have mushrooms in all bushes you should have a great chance of avoiding any incoming ganks. Putting a mushroom in the entrance to baron and dragon is very helpful to your team. Putting mushrooms in all jungle bushes (as long as you are in the area and it is safe) and on the little ramps into the river is a good idea. Try not to ever have 3 mushrooms just sitting ready to place, always drop one somewhere if you're full so it will start charging another one.Yes but the minions set them off too, and other than leading someone right to them, I only found a use for placing them in bushes and in jungles, and then I'm not normally around to capitalize on them.
You guys know of any prominent AP mid specialist streamers? OceloteWorld I think is one popular one, just looking for other names to pick out of stream lists.
Going AP Teemo can produce mushrooms with massive damage, but if people take oracles and start cleaning them out, it may not be very useful, so I recommend building attack speed, on-hit stuff, and damage instead of AP.
With no real idea how to play him, and only playing for about a month myself I have been following this build, which I think is what you are suggesting, since in my first two games with him without this build I went like 6/15/9, and the one game after that I went 9/4/11
The Madred's seems like overkill.With no real idea how to play him, and only playing for about a month myself I have been following this build, which I think is what you are suggesting, since in my first two games with him without this build I went like 6/15/9, and the one game after that I went 9/4/11
The Madred's seems like overkill.
From the guide he linked:Looks like a solid build, don't understand the defensive masteries though. Also solomid usually is considered the better site for builds.
The reason I prefer to dive in to the defensive masteries is very simple: Teemo is neither a tank, nor a tanky dps. He is a dps (plain). That deals (heavy) damage. Enemies are aware of this fact. That's why it's nearly guaranteed that they will hunt you down in a team fight. Apart from that fact, early game you are squishy. A lot. And you need to cover the above points somehow. Plus I could not find anything better in the other trees. I mean, you can get the cd reduction and 15% magic penetration in offense, but save this there's nothing else to help you there. Arpen? Raw attack damage? But I deal magic damage. More crit damage? But I rarely (if ever) crit. Utility is even more meh. More experience would be good, but neither the extra gold nor the mana per 5 are worth the investment. And you will not need extra movement speed, as you already have more than 450 at level 18. Nothing more to say.
* Tier 1: Kennen, Rumble, Skarner, Morgana, Ahri, Graves, Ryze, Xerath, Karthus, Caitlyn, Galio, Gragas, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Cassiopeia, Janna, Sona, Vayne, Yorick, Soraka, Maokai, Udyr, Irelia, Zilean,
* Tier 2: Riven, Jarvan IV, Gangplank, Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Leblanc, ChoGath, Sivir, Tryndamere, Alistar, Anivia, Corki, Rammus, Nasus, Amumu, Nocturne, Kassadin, Ashe, Trundle, Wukong, Ezreal, Annie,
* Tier 3: Veigar, Brand, Akali, Renekton, Urgot, Pantheon, Swain, Heimerdinger, Singed, Orianna, Miss Fortune, Taric, Jax, Mal'zahar, Talon,
* Tier 4: Olaf, Lux, Blitzcrank, Leona, Shen, Vladimir,Warwick, Xin Zhao, Teemo, Sion, Garen, Kayle, Shyvana, Poppy,
* Tier 5: Malphite, Nunu, Fizz, Yi, Volibear, Fiddlesticks,
* Hard to place on a team: Twitch, Mundo, Karma, Katarina, Eve, Mordekaiser
Looks like a solid build, don't understand the defensive masteries though. Also solomid usually is considered the better site for builds.
Ashe is high up there, really? She doesn't feel like a great AD carry. No escape, any gap closer should be able to melt her and she doesn't have a wealth of offense skills.
Her kiting/poking is super- potent. Also, dat ult.Ashe is high up there, really? She doesn't feel like a great AD carry. No escape, any gap closer should be able to melt her and she doesn't have a wealth of offense skills.
Indeed, Ashe was one of the most popular carries back in Season 1, when her ult was more spammable.Kyoufu said:Watch the Dreamhack games!
She is still below every other AD carry except Urgot, Ezreal, and Miss Fortune. Relatively speaking, she isn't high on the list when there are like 5 other champs who could fill her role and do a better job.Ashe is high up there, really? She doesn't feel like a great AD carry. No escape, any gap closer should be able to melt her and she doesn't have a wealth of offense skills.
She is still below every other AD carry except Urgot, Ezreal, and Miss Fortune. Relatively speaking, she isn't high on the list when there are like 5 other champs who could fill her role and do a better job.
It's pretty meaningless when it can easily be avoided, and the longer the distance gets the easier it is to avoid and the harder it is to hit. You might as well just roll a dice to determine your usefulness if you are trying to land crossmap arrows.Not many champs have a cross-map AoE stun.
It's pretty meaningless when it can easily be avoided, and the longer the distance gets the easier it is to avoid and the harder it is to hit. You might as well just roll a dice to determine your usefulness if you are trying to land crossmap arrows.
I saw them. It's 2012 and that stuff doesn't fly anymore.You need to watch the Dreamhack games too.
So you're saying Ashe arrows don't fly anymore? Get it, FLY anymore? Arrows, fly???I saw them. It's 2012 and that stuff doesn't fly anymore.
You should consider the fact that the CD on Ashe's ult back then was a lot shorter, and much more spammable. You could spam that thing every minute, right from level 6. It was much more forgiving back in the day.You need to watch the Dreamhack games too.
Cool, thanks.Check out LoCicero, he's good. Also good taste in music.
I should make a tiered list of champs for low ELO non-ranked playing noobs such as myself. In fact, I will right now!
* Tier 4: Olaf, Vladimir, Xin Zhao, Teemo, Shyvana, Poppy, Pantheon, Anivia, Miss Fortune, Zilean, Ryze, Mundo, Karma, Urgot, Ashe, Heimerdinger, Nunu, Shen
Tier one champs own noob games and change the game. Tier two can either carry hard or dominate at one point in the game. Tier three champs are harder to play, but can do very well or be super annoying. Tier four champs are too hard to play well consistently. Tier five champs have little impact on the game.
Cool, thanks.
Ryze is quite straight-forward and can pretty much carry low ELO normal games.
Tier one champs own noob games and change the game. Tier two can either carry hard or dominate at one point in the game. Tier three champs are harder to play, but can do very well or be super annoying. Tier four champs are too hard to play well consistently. Tier five champs have little impact on the game.
soraka can't carry. no support can single handedly carry entire team. unless you are building them the wrong way.
Shaco should be tier 1. He destroys low elo.
* Tier 1: Kennen, Rumble, Skarner, Morgana, Ahri, Graves, Ryze, Xerath, Karthus, Caitlyn, Galio, Gragas, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Cassiopeia, Janna, Sona, Vayne, Yorick, Soraka, Maokai, Udyr, Irelia, Zilean,
* Tier 2: Riven, Jarvan IV, Gangplank, Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Leblanc, ChoGath, Sivir, Tryndamere, Alistar, Anivia, Corki, Rammus, Nasus, Amumu, Nocturne, Kassadin, Ashe, Trundle, Wukong, Ezreal, Annie,
* Tier 3: Veigar, Brand, Akali, Renekton, Urgot, Pantheon,Swain, Heimerdinger, Singed, Orianna, Miss Fortune, Taric, Jax, Mal'zahar, Talon,
* Tier 4: Olaf, Lux, Blitzcrank, Leona, Shen, Vladimir,Warwick, Xin Zhao, Teemo, Sion, Garen, Kayle, Shyvana, Poppy,
* Tier 5: Malphite, Nunu, Fizz, Yi, Volibear, Fiddlesticks,
* Hard to place on a team: Twitch, Mundo, Karma, Katarina, Eve, Mordekaiser
Latest tier list from CLG
I'm starting to jungle pretty regularly. What do you do against teams that actually use wards?
I'm starting to jungle pretty regularly. What do you do against teams that actually use wards?
Holy shit most of the champion I play recently (except Kat) are tier 1, I am such a tier whore. Wait.... Riven is Tier 2? We can stop banning Ferrio's Riven now.
I just realized I was kicked out of naGAF. I suppose I'll try out for the team again. :<
Ahri is such an easy hero to play. Her abilities hardly cost mana, her spell vamp is enormous, and that true damage orb just deals way to much damage endgame.