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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Put a burst mage at bot and push the lane to the turret and hit graves with spells as graves is trying to last hit. I got denied really hard by a vayne and brand at bot.

And yeah I am ferrio.

I can see maybe a support/AP caster lane against graves (maybe like soraka/brand? Im not too sure tbh)

If someone sent vayne/brand they've already ruined their own lineup if vayne brand are being forced to share CS nor do they have sustain to heal out from the counter poke from graves or the support bot. So while you might lose the lane, youll win the midgame and on.
Just had two horrible losses in Single Ranked due to horrible team comp There goes my solo queue record. At this rate I'll be stuck in sub 1000 again since getting a loss ends up pairing you with horrible players.


If someone sent vayne/brand they've already ruined their own lineup if vayne brand are being forced to share CS nor do they have sustain to heal out from the counter poke from graves or the support bot. So while you might lose the lane, youll win the midgame and on.

Ya... in theory. ugh
theorycraft is all I have guys....I can't FORCE your jungler to have map awareness nor can i prevent riven from starting dorans blade when shes about to go top against a Garen.


If I understand your question, yes, everyone was higher leveled than me both on my team and the opposing team.

I just did a PvP game and "match me with other people" match.

No, I meant, did you start a game with a party of others; looks like you did not. Unusual for you to get such high levels, the game is usually good at pairing newbs together.


What's with jungling since the revision a couple months ago?

I don't see Junglers that often in normals, and when I do a lot of the time they'll be underleveled. They lowered the xp rate, right? So your forced to gank more to keep up? Its a role I wouldn't mind picking up. Between the bad custom ai, people in bots, and ragers in real matches, it doesn't seem the easiest thing to practice though.


No, I meant, did you start a game with a party of others; looks like you did not. Unusual for you to get such high levels, the game is usually good at pairing newbs together.

If he clicks on "matches me with other people", that's the solo q. It could be someone on other team have 3 or 4 premade, with all level 30 except for a new low level friend, so the game group him against them to balance out the level in both side.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What's with jungling since the revision a couple months ago?

I don't see Junglers that often in normals, and when I do a lot of the time they'll be underleveled. They lowered the xp rate, right? So your forced to gank more to keep up? Its a role I wouldn't mind picking up. Between the bad custom ai, people in bots, and ragers in real matches, it doesn't seem the easiest thing to practice though.
Jungling is fine right now. You need to gank but XP/gold levels are okay after the tweaks. The only part of jungling you need to really learn right now is being comfortable clearing it out. Just do a custom game and get good at doing a full first clear. Anyone can jungle now though. Just try to balance killing mobs in the jungle, controlling buffs/dragon, and ganking. It's something you have to get the feel of to do right, but now that you can kill jungle mobs in any order you can kind of just do whatever you feel like most of the time.

Also, play a good jungler to learn with like Skarner or Nocturne. Oh and avoid Fiddlesticks and Warwick.





You beat me to posting it. Thanks for hanging in there, everyone (don't give up, schmattakopf). The other team was nasty with two oracles, warding the whole jungle, and shaco was underleveled for a long time. We finally sorta won some fights despite having people nuked by veigar, malphite did cool ults, and we got 3 of us destroying towers up to the nexus...at which point we very nearly lost since I stopped attacking once vayne died. I could have gone for guardians angel instead of something, not sure...I still love the CDR of brutalizer though.

I got first blood and did pretty decently against maokai, though he's surprisingly rough in melee fights.


So even though I probably played maokai before, I completely forgot that his dash-and-root thing makes him untargetable. I missed a couple or riven stuns because of that and was very confused for a while. =P
2 more losses and im smack dab in ELO hell now. I don't see how the whole hyper carry strategy works when one is constantly paired with leavers, feeders, and incompetent players. I'm sorry but I'm just furious right now. Right off the first loss the quality of players I get paired with just got worse and worse and worse.
2 more losses and im smack dab in ELO hell now. I don't see how the whole hyper carry strategy works when one is constantly paired with leavers, feeders, and incompetent players. I'm sorry but I'm just furious right now. Right off the first loss the quality of players I get paired with just got worse and worse and worse.

Duo Queue with GAF bro.

GAF works best in 2s and 3s.


2 more losses and im smack dab in ELO hell now. I don't see how the whole hyper carry strategy works when one is constantly paired with leavers, feeders, and incompetent players. I'm sorry but I'm just furious right now. Right off the first loss the quality of players I get paired with just got worse and worse and worse.
What SouthernDragon said, go Duo. Duo mid/jungle is the best way to win IMO. It minimizes dependency on allies.
I have found that a trio of mid, top, and jungle is extremely effective. You effectively control most of the map and strategy. If you have a competent top and mid, your jungle can focus on delivering kills for those lanes and keeping bot lane safe.

Also, Garen so strong.

"But Garen falls off late game!"

IE and a triple kill at the last team fight laugh at you.

Edit: 60 CHAMPS! I'm quickly running out of cheap champs, though...


What's with jungling since the revision a couple months ago?

I don't see Junglers that often in normals, and when I do a lot of the time they'll be underleveled. They lowered the xp rate, right? So your forced to gank more to keep up? Its a role I wouldn't mind picking up. Between the bad custom ai, people in bots, and ragers in real matches, it doesn't seem the easiest thing to practice though.

you're rarely going to find junglers in pre-30 games, occasionally in lv. 30 normal blind picks, often in lv. 30 normal draft mode, and always in ranked games.

junglers now always either go for lantern or double gp5 (philo and hog). the latter is really great if you gank often.

I think I might figure this game out yet. Got the Majai's stack up to 20 and my Ability power up to 657 (lol!).

Found out after the game that the Deathcaps don't stack Passive abilities, but man...that 657 sure looked good on my screen. :)

Still struggling picking up gold, but hopefully that will change with experience.


Still struggling picking up gold, but hopefully that will change with experience.

Leblanc doesn't farm well. The majority of your gold *must* come from early game kills or you're screwed. Leblanc usually is pretty ass end game, so you must leverage your early game a lot to offset it.


If shen uses taunt to initiate, frozen mallet is all the cc he has!

Shamelessly stolen from reddit (How to explain the finer aspects of lol to new players):
Imagine the lane is a cute girl.

Laning phase is that time when you think she might like you, so you stick around her a lot and try to upgrade your relationship from friend who just hangs around, to the guy that everyone knows has that girl.
You try to get as much CS as you can, maybe a few kills to impress her. There are other guys trying to sabotage your courtship rituals so they can win the girl, so a good way to combat this is to zone them. You show off your alpha male powers and make them too scared to get CS or kills, winning the girl for yourself.
Winning the girl takes priority. The tower is her virginity. Taking it is a good thing, but you never want to take it too early. It'll make her look differently at you and give the enemies a leg up in courting her, because they can CS freely. Also, even if the enemy takes your girl's virginity, you can still get her, so don't give up.

Ganking is basically being a wingman. The main purpose of this is to be a wingman for your friends, helping them win their girls. You help them by helping kill the opposing enemies, and the kills helps you as well. However there are a few things to watch out for when ganking.
- Don't gank if the other guys are winning your girl. Always make sure you have a fallback girl if your gank doesn't help you win your friend's lane. There's nothing worse than trying to make a move on too many girls and losing them all.
- Don't make too many moves on your friend's girl. You take their CS and push up their girl, they don't really like that, so after helping them get rid of the other guys, leave him to court his own girl. Taking someone else's girl is not cool, because then they grow up lonely and won't help you when you need it.

I can make more if there's interest.

The jungle is a scary thing for new players, and because of that, the jungle is a bunch of prostitutes/loose girls in the bad part of town.

Some guys don't really like to commit themselves with one girl, so they just swing between girls. Because of this, nobody knows really what the jungler (from here on, swinger) is up to. A good swinger does as many low class girls as he can, racking up experience. A good swinger must also remember to keep constant pressure on the enemy that he might come in and help give his teammates the extra edge in wooing their girl. Since he doesn't have a set girl and goes all around town doing them, the enemy might not know at which part of town he's at, so they get scared of his presence and are too afraid to commit.
There are a few types of swingers:
- The type that just does as many girls as he can so that when his friends ask him for help when they've got the girl and want to try taking it to the next level, he has a lot of experience to give them, so they know more and are at an advantage when the gangs (teams) scuffle.
- The type that helps his friends a lot. He just acts as a wingman very often for his friends, helping them all get their girls, while still giving him some experience. He doesn't have as much fun for himself, but helps his friends a lot and that makes him feel better than anything. Good Guy Swinger.
- The type that goes around the other swinger's turf. Some swingers do their own hos, but there are some that go around in the other swingers turf, banging his girls as well. This denies the enemy swinger a lot of experience as well as giving you more. Since it takes the girls a while to get ready and come back for next night, the enemy swinger is effectively cockblocked. This is dangerous though, because if you get caught, the swinger and his friends might rough you up a bit.

1dabred said:
and NEVER facecheck her brush

PS. Ferrio making us all work so hard with jungle teemo.



I think I might figure this game out yet. Got the Majai's stack up to 20 and my Ability power up to 657 (lol!).

Found out after the game that the Deathcaps don't stack Passive abilities, but man...that 657 sure looked good on my screen. :)

Still struggling picking up gold, but hopefully that will change with experience.

Yeah, any bonus that says "Unique passive" in front of it won't stack with itself.
I think I might figure this game out yet. Got the Majai's stack up to 20 and my Ability power up to 657 (lol!).

Found out after the game that the Deathcaps don't stack Passive abilities, but man...that 657 sure looked good on my screen. :)

Still struggling picking up gold, but hopefully that will change with experience.
Yep. Unique passives and actives that are the same won't stack. Could have gotten Will of the ancients. Get another ap character to get it. It STACKS, as long as its on another character and not more than 2. Nothing wrong with 50% spellvamp and 60 ap aura lol.
If shen uses taunt to initiate, frozen mallet is all the cc he has!

Shamelessly stolen from reddit (How to explain the finer aspects of lol to new players):

PS. Ferrio making us all work so hard with jungle teemo.

Rawk Hawk

I think I might figure this game out yet. Got the Majai's stack up to 20 and my Ability power up to 657 (lol!).

Found out after the game that the Deathcaps don't stack Passive abilities, but man...that 657 sure looked good on my screen. :)

Still struggling picking up gold, but hopefully that will change with experience.

Still like 180 AP for the second one, which is real nice. I would have suggested something else, maybe an hourglass or something, but a second deathcap isn't always a terrible idea.


Chinese New Year is upon us: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/lunar-revel
Skins released:
  • Dragon Fist Lee
  • Dragonblade Talon
  • Guqin Sona
  • Jade Dragon Wukong
I have found that a trio of mid, top, and jungle is extremely effective. You effectively control most of the map and strategy. If you have a competent top and mid, your jungle can focus on delivering kills for those lanes and keeping bot lane safe.

Also, Garen so strong.

"But Garen falls off late game!"

IE and a triple kill at the last team fight laugh at you.

Edit: 60 CHAMPS! I'm quickly running out of cheap champs, though...

Falling off late game doesn't mean you can't kill people. I got my first penta kill with Pantheon 50 minutes into a game and he's also known to fall off. There are always factors to take into consideration when measuring the strength of a champion:

1) You're fed.
2) You're good.
3) You're lucky.
4) They suck.

it was 3 in my case


I'm pretty new to the game, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I was wondering if anyone had somewhere they could point me for a good jungling guide for beginners? Something with pictures of the map showing normal jungling routes and such. I'm sure I'll have to play quite a few bot games to really get it comfortable with it before I try it with people, but I want to start early so I have a good handle on it by the time I hit later levels. I figure learning normal laning -> jungling -> support in that order makes sense, since it seems like a lot of the support's role involves jungle surveillance and such.


I'm pretty new to the game, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I was wondering if anyone had somewhere they could point me for a good jungling guide for beginners? Something with pictures of the map showing normal jungling routes and such. I'm sure I'll have to play quite a few bot games to really get it comfortable with it before I try it with people, but I want to start early so I have a good handle on it by the time I hit later levels. I figure learning normal laning -> jungling -> support in that order makes sense, since it seems like a lot of the support's role involves jungle surveillance and such.

You're better off learning support first. You'll be stuck playing that for some time when you reach a higher level. But anyways, jungle.

A large part of the junglers depend on the blue buff (Ancient Golem), so they often start there with help from a team member. You can't ask bots to help you out, but maybe ask someone from GAF to help you in a custom game. When you get more experienced with the game, you can do the Wolves camp first, as it spawns 15 seconds before the blue buff. After that you go Wolves (unless you already took it), Wraiths, Golems, Lizard, Wraiths and Wolves. You might have to go back before hand to heal up or see if one of the lanes are extending. This could very well be your cue to leave the jungle and set up your first gank. You can obviously break out from this route and start ganking earlier if the opportunity arises and then get back to jungling later - the smaller camps will accumulate gold over time.

Some important things as a jungler:
Know the damage of your smite - use it to secure/steal buffs/dragon/baron.
Remember to time the big camps (Elder Lizard, Ancient Golem, Dragon and Nashor). They each spawn on fixed timers.
Always look for ganks.
Observe the other jungler. If he leaves his jungle, you can invade and take some of his exp/gold. If you want to be a complete jackass, you'll leave one small creep in each camp, so the rest doesn't respawn.


(the 1 next to the 3 is the wolves camp)

There's also this very handsome guide to help you along with builds, different champions and...stuff : http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/jungling-101-what-you-need-to-know-big-update-77704


Thanks a lot for the info and the link, I really appreciate the help. I was also wondering to what extent it's even possible to practice jungling at lower levels without the full load out of masteries and runes. I'm only level 13 at the moment, so would it even be possible for me to jungle successfully with only 13 mastery points to distribute and 13 total runes?


Absolutely. Pick up a safe jungler such as Udyr, Skarner or Lee Sin. Runes and masteries improve clearing times and prevent your health from ever getting dangerously low, but they're not necessities to jungling. The more help you can get at blue, the safer your jungling will be - with or without runes and masteries.


I think the best jungler to learn first is WW because he is strong in all the basics of the jungle - his sustain is incredible, and his post 6 ganks are fool proof.


I think the best jungler to learn first is WW because he is strong in all the basics of the jungle - his sustain is incredible, and his post 6 ganks are fool proof.
Warwick used to be good...

Nowadays he's just too slow to be a viable threat.

I'd rather recommend learning jungle- Udyr, and focus on his Phoenix stance. Skarner and Lee Sin are also pretty good.
What's with jungling since the revision a couple months ago?

I don't see Junglers that often in normals, and when I do a lot of the time they'll be underleveled. They lowered the xp rate, right? So your forced to gank more to keep up? Its a role I wouldn't mind picking up. Between the bad custom ai, people in bots, and ragers in real matches, it doesn't seem the easiest thing to practice though.
AoE junglers are still good, single target junglers are pretty terrible and not worth it (Fiddle, WW and so on).

Though, to be fair, Fiddle and WW were already bad before the change, and heroes like Skarner/Rammus/Udyr were already amazing. The changes just exacerbated the difference.
I think the best jungler to learn first is WW because he is strong in all the basics of the jungle - his sustain is incredible, and his post 6 ganks are fool proof.
I wouldn't recommend this. WW is slow as shit in the jungle and it's a good thing his post-6 ganks are good because his pre-6 gank is complete garbage.

It's not like learning jungle on Skarner is hard either. Spam Q, use W on CD, then when ganking run up behind a guy and... Spam Q and use W on CD. Use ulti post-6. Couldn't be simpler.


2 more losses and im smack dab in ELO hell now. I don't see how the whole hyper carry strategy works when one is constantly paired with leavers, feeders, and incompetent players. I'm sorry but I'm just furious right now. Right off the first loss the quality of players I get paired with just got worse and worse and worse.

Feel free to add me - ExcelBeyond. I'm always up for duo ranked.
Warwick used to be good...

Nowadays he's just too slow to be a viable threat.

I'd rather recommend learning jungle- Udyr, and focus on his Phoenix stance. Skarner and Lee Sin are also pretty good.

If I knew that Udyr was that good without runes... he was on sale until yesterday.
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