Is this the inevitable champion-is-OP reaction 1-2 days after each champion release? Is it actually that bad, or is it going to become nearly silent 6 days after release like Jayce?
*edit* Also, notice the subtle crotch shot on the new champion.
To add to kayos' thoughts, her damage is really cost effective and she'll regen it without too much worry. She'll have enough base regen (maybe add runes) to sustain her combo nearly indefinitely, even with her passive CDR from her W. Lets compare her to Ahri who has 20 less starting Mana (same per level), 0.85 less starting regen (and 0.15 less per level) while having similar costs (slightly higher since Zyra's seeds are free).
That said, I don't think it's bad enough for her to be totally overpowered. Zyra has low defenses, low HP, and no escape outside of a skillshot snare/slow turrets. She's safe when zoning but she can get destroyed when approached. Maybe tweak her mana costs up a little to compensate her staying power in lane but she'd still have no real mana problems after an early Doran's without some massive cost changes which may end up being too much.
As for her damage itself, it's pretty good. It doesn't scale well (.6 Q, .5 E, .7 R, .2 turrets) but high base values and Level scaling on her turrets makes up for it. Gives her a really good early-to-mid game but she loses out a bit late game. Personally speaking, anyway.
Edit: I will say that the most ridiculous thing to me right now is her Q plants can proc Rylai's. :|
This sounds like exaggeration, but if it's true, I'd better buy her quick before she's nerfed. Someone teach me how to play mid lane so I can lane awesome with her. ;(
Last hit really well. Personally, I don't think mid has much extra to learn besides map awareness, positioning, and last hitting. Not to say "lol so ez" or anything. Just that just treat it like a lane but keep in mind how exposed you are and farm like a boss.