Honestly, I've given up caring about team comps in normal games. If they win their lane, I don't care what they chose. Granted, if they pick like that then they're probably not good enough to win their lane but ... still. That said, I hate two top. Whenever it happens, my partner in lane just pushes to tower and keeps the wave there the entire time. And it's always a goddamn Garen spintowin and being useless which brings my effectiveness down as a result.
I think that's why I want to play mid so bad right now. Nobody ever does two mid!First game tonight will be two mid as punishment for this sentence
It's not so much the meta as it is what's effective and what's not. As long as the Malphite bot actually plays like support it's perfectly viable. Instead they were competing for CS the entire time and the opposing lulu/vayne "meta" team ended up with a very well fed vayne.
And on top the opposing top played it smart and just sat on tower getting solo xp while GP and I competed for CS. Their jungler wisely ignored top lane and just focused on making sure their bot lane won hard.
It's the meta because it's effective. Abnormal team comps can certainly work but they have to be played well. Bot lane would have been ok if they could shut down vayne/lulu but instead their jungler made sure they won handily so we ended up with an under utilized jungle and an underfed "carry". And their jungler ensured they secured all dragons.
If I could stand the extra time to get into a game, I'd do nothing but draft. At least you can counter pick and see what's coming. Plus people play a little more straight in draft.
I picked Malphite for jungle once, then a teammate switched champs at the last second and also switched to smite. He wouldn't give up the jungle so I went to support bot lane with full jungle masteries and smite.
We absolutely crushed that game. With constant Malphite Q harassment and the insane starting armor I had, we zoned them from level 1. Our AD was 4 levels ahead at one point. It was awesome.
Malphite can be a great support. I'm actually suprised he isn't picked more. His strength in initiation is there regardless and he's naturally tanky. His slow is ranged and effective. I think I'd rather him than Blitzcrank most times. At least he doesn't have a CS stealing AE.