No one wants to play with me and Schmatt.![]()
No one wants to play with me and Schmatt.![]()
How does one deal with Nunu top. I was play Jarvan and was royaly wrecked by him.
How does one deal with Nunu top. I was play Jarvan and was royaly wrecked by him.
That is what happened to me. I started out fine hurting him with the passive but after his 1st B I was getting zoned by his harass. Literally nothing I could do. We could trade evenly but he would consume and I would be at a disadvantage.Once he gets a few levels he's an immovable sustain snowball. Get pressure on him early and get some MR/sustain. Otherwise, he will keep you at tower indefinitely.
What are the best strategies against Darius top lane? I think he did either 496 or 596 true damage at level 11 or level 12. That seems like a good bit of unavoidable true damage at a low level to me. Do you just have to stack health or play a ranged champion to avoid it, or wait until he can be stun-burst by an AP mage?
Doesn't affect true damage.Exhaust?
Exhaust cooldown is longer than Darius' ult cooldown, isn't it? And that's even assuming you react quickly enough to use exhaust in between the pull (does that disrupt/prevent summoner spells from going off) and the ult. Does exhaust reduce the true damage from the ult? *edit* Already beaten regarding that particular reduction.Exhaust?
Doesn't affect true damage.
To be fair, it was J Rizzle, so he probably didn't even use his ult heyooooo etc.Hmm...
True Exhaust.
5000 RP
Oh yeah, a Riven beat J Rizzle's Darius yesterday pretty badly so maybe her. But it was Battle Bunny Riven so I don't know how Classic Riven stacks up against Darius.
Normal draft normally seems pretty decent for me, but yesterday I got like two or three games in a row with weird raging/troll premade people. One game had them insisting on Janna top and Akali jungle. I think Janna got first blood on Rumble but got crushed after that.New splash arts seem to be getting worse and worse.
Also, I somehow managed to avoid the summer kids until yesterday. Nothing but trolls and terrible players on both teams.
What are the best strategies against Darius top lane? I think he did either 496 or 596 true damage at level 11 or level 12. That seems like a good bit of unavoidable true damage at a low level to me. Do you just have to stack health or play a ranged champion to avoid it, or wait until he can be stun-burst by an AP mage?
What are the best strategies against Darius top lane? I think he did either 496 or 596 true damage at level 11 or level 12. That seems like a good bit of unavoidable true damage at a low level to me. Do you just have to stack health or play a ranged champion to avoid it, or wait until he can be stun-burst by an AP mage?
True Exhaust.
5000 RP
Oh yeah, a Riven beat J Rizzle's Darius yesterday pretty badly so maybe her. But it was Battle Bunny Riven so I don't know how Classic Riven stacks up against Darius.
Holy cow, shitty art(ash) to replace the perfectly good one.
Lux ult name change (booo)
Cho buff just right before a legendary skin.
I don't like the direction they are going.
Lux's ult name was stupid. Come at me bros.
Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath will be available soon for the Legendary Skin price of 1820 RP.’gath-sighted
I hate skulls on mechs so I may or may not buy this.
We did get ganked a lot, but seriously, you played very smart. You just outplayed them several times in the beginning where I thought they would get you, to the point that I think Ali actually wasted a lot of time.Go Funkeln yourself.
This is one of my top 3 favorite GAF games ever.
We were down by about 60 cs on bottom lane at one point and I was 0-2 due to being ganked by Alistair SEVEN TIMES by the 20 minute mark.
Then they got greedy at baron and I managed to mop up 3 kills. Even though we lost a fight at dragon right after, we had nothing but some of the smartest plays I've seen GAF make and won three big team fights right after, securing baron again.
I managed to ult Kennen right in the face as he came in during those fights and we just melted him.
chogath should change when he stacks increase just like when PFE hits 6-11-16.
at least its looks awesome.
Not directly related to the skin, but his abilities does change when he feasts.
Not directly related to the skin, but his abilities does change when he feasts.
Oh. You weren't supposed to watch that game.
Tried out Varus, too. Fun dude, kinda wonky.
We did get ganked a lot, but seriously, you played very smart. You just outplayed them several times in the beginning where I thought they would get you, to the point that I think Ali actually wasted a lot of time.
He also got his range nerfed, his mana pool and costs nerfed, his ult damage cooldown timer nerfed, and his passive nerfed.Graves is so good. If only I played more of him before his Q nerf.
do you know who need nerfs ?
do you know who need nerfs ?
Nope. Nothing wrong with you know who need nerfs ?