Prejudice against yordles.
Why isn't Tristana played more often? Best range after some levels, easy mode farming (that pushes lanes), two excellent escapes and a ridiculous steroid.
And what have we learned today LoLGAF?
That Kiunch can't go 13 seconds without being hit by a spear
And what have we learned today LoLGAF?
And what have we learned today LoLGAF?
That Kiunch can't go 13 seconds without being hit by a spear
Got a cheeky comp badgaf should try sometime: Shen top, TF mid, Nocturne jungle, choice bot. Five man jump/TP ganks on bot!
Doesn't work.
choice bot
I like using Karthus, there's just something about peoples hatred and anger that brings a smile to my face. One time I was on Skype with a couple of my friends and we were playing together. So we're purple, late game and we're[my two friends and I] pushing blues final bottom tower. Suddenly a wild fight occurs. So we're putting up a pretty good fight but they end up killing me. So I obviously press R during death defied. However, while it's comign down I'm shouting like "ARGGGGGGGGH" all of a sudden TRIPLE KILL. And my one of my friends were just like omg, Hulk Karthus! Good times with Karthus, I must say. Btw, before you say he's cheap because of R, I don't use it all the time, only when it's like crap that enemy is getting away and everyone else is too slow. Other than that it's my Q and E doing a good chunk of damage.
You can't spell Karthus without R.
Caitlyn has a better build at least.
I play Tristana :3 Basically she's just losing out to all the poking/trading champions bottom like asshole graves and ezreal. Shes great with hard initiate supports though.Why isn't Tristana played more often? Best range after some levels, easy mode farming (that pushes lanes), two excellent escapes and a ridiculous steroid.
Free the Yordles~Prejudice against yordles.
Hello Sophie.
She's already getting nerfed -- movespeed reduced, and plant combo damage down to 25%.Mid vs Zyra is still a pain in the arse. Her little plant turrets have way to much HP for their damage and range, and her ult is a pain. She's not broken or anything, but I see the nerf bat coming her way.
I think TSM was using Nocturne + TF for ganks earlier today against Blaze but I'm not positive.Got a cheeky comp badgaf should try sometime: Shen top, TF mid, Nocturne jungle, choice bot. Five man jump/TP ganks on bot!
I have tried many different routes and many difference pieces of advice, and I'm almost universally terrible as Zyra.
Wall of Pain is an incredible zoning tool.
That's not even the animation for her ultimate.All I see is that Orianna missed her ult.
What's a relationship chart and will I get RP for making mine?
But I has none tiesBasically your ties with other people in LoLGAF.
You just draw a bunch of happy arrows that say "like" to me.
If you're Bind you would draw a bunch of arrows that hit nothing.
That's not even the animation for her ultimate.
But I has none ties![]()
umm, I started playing this game today and if you gentleman have any advice for a scrub wannabe shaco player let me know.
I have a few friends who taught me some basics, but I understand that the LoL community isn't very newb friendly?
Don't play shaco is going to be a majority of the advice you get.
umm, I started playing this game today and if you gentleman have any advice for a scrub wannabe shaco player let me know.
I have a few friends who taught me some basics, but I understand that the LoL community isn't very newb friendly?
Play whoever you want early on, it really doesn't matter.
Who you begin to understand basic concepts like last-hitting and lane pressure, then you can start focusing on the right picks etc.
Take some time to look all over the store at the items. Helps to understand the different traits etc.
umm, I started playing this game today and if you gentleman have any advice for a scrub wannabe shaco player let me know.
I have a few friends who taught me some basics, but I understand that the LoL community isn't very newb friendly?
umm, I started playing this game today and if you gentleman have any advice for a scrub wannabe shaco player let me know.
I have a few friends who taught me some basics, but I understand that the LoL community isn't very newb friendly?
Are you jungling Shaco?
As soon as I figure out the correct way to jungle I will. It's all a lot to take in on the first day, but I am learning something new every few minutes.
Pretty much this. Have fun leveling up and treat each game as a learning experience where you familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics.Play whoever you want early on, it really doesn't matter.
Pretty much this. Have fun leveling up and treat each game as a learning experience where you familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics.
Don't worry about jungling. Even if you wanted to your lanes probably couldn't handle the 2v1 top.
So I'm bouncing between this and Smite for my MOBA fix. I wish I could get into DotA 2, but it's just too much of a damn learning curve. I had so much fun playing this I have to watch myself from getting crazy addicted.
I'm VeezyF if you'd like to add me to your friends list. Be warned, I'm terrible.
Can anybody recommend a few heroes to play with just to get better acclimated with the game?
Really? Interesting.There is a surprising amount of junglers now when I play on my level 10 smurf.
Soraka, Ryze, Kayle. All very cheap, all very strong and good at different roles.Can anybody recommend a few heroes to play with just to get better acclimated with the game?