Soda cop is pretty decent when he isn't so angry.Pretty much this. Have fun leveling up and treat each game as a learning experience where you familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics.
Don't worry about jungling. Even if you wanted to your lanes probably couldn't handle the 2v1 top.
My GF pretty much just got into the game too and while she gets owned a fair bit, and people rage all the time, she's still happy to play because right now everything teaches her something. How admirable. I don't know how to be so pure.
Yeah I think think around level 12, junglers feature in every game.There is a surprising amount of junglers now when I play on my level 10 smurf.
Go to the NeoGAF channel! Hows smite now? did it get any better?So I'm bouncing between this and Smite for my MOBA fix. I wish I could get into DotA 2, but it's just too much of a damn learning curve. I had so much fun playing this I have to watch myself from getting crazy addicted.
I'm VeezyF if you'd like to add me to your friends list. Be warned, I'm terrible.
Can anybody recommend a few heroes to play with just to get better acclimated with the game?
Annie teaches the basics of playing an AP carry. Tristana, the basics of AD carry (and she's free!). Warwick/nunu, the basics of Jungling. Don't play ryze, he builds weird and requires smartcasting.
PS: Krater is pretty neat.