Flash stun is still an escape. Just like Flash snare is. But it's not a great escape. It's not a case of "Zyra has a bad escape unlike everyone else" but that "Zyra has a bad escape like everyone else." Just because other champions share that scenario doesn't somehow negate that it's still a bad escape.
I thought the arguement was Zyra is super strong, and someone suddenly argue that Zyra is balance since she is very easy to gang? If she has bad escape like everyone else, while at the same time being a lot more powerful, then she is OP.
She dies really easily when things get on her. She's forced to quickly use her Flash to get out of bad situations. It's nothing unique to her but it is her situation. Bringing up champions in the same boat doesn't change anything about her situation.
Her early-to-mid game is strong and her team fight presence is really high (plant damage, knockup). I wish she'd have a higher skill requirement rather than just changing her numbers but, eh, I suppose that's harder to do than numbers.
A good change will be putting a global cd on when she set the seed, that way instead of casting seed on reaction, she had to predict enemy movement like hiem.
If you're getting ganked, you shouldn't miss Ahri Charm, Lux Snare, or Morgana Snare either at close ranges. Swain snare is pretty shitty though. Missing their skillshot on an engaging target requires you to really miss or get drastically outplayed.
That is why we said Zyra is safe in lane, which was our point
It's about a 1s setup. Depends on how the gank forms if that's not enough time to get a gold card.
1 seconds is very long time in a bursty paper cannon lane with ignite. Jungle only have to flash and land 1 or 2 hits with red on you, the ap can burst you down to zero with ignite. If it is maokai TF can only throw Q near his tower without his flash. That is why skillshot is a lot better, because you can stop them outside of flash range
Most Zyra players still buy wards since W is leveled last, though. Using seeds for a temp ward is possible but it's not a replacement for mid warding.
Zyra doesn't have a choice, unless you want to go back to buy ward at first 15 min, if that's the case you already lost 2 waves of minions worth of gold + xp.
Zyra get W at level 2, it stack up to 2, and you can place up to 4, which mean there are no point on holding 2 seeds. You might as well set them as a mini ward so another seed can regenerate.