He does so much fucking damage. So much. It hurts.
As for Kat, I don't like her new W, at all. It does minimal damage alone, the movement speed is a good bonus but that's all. Her ult does less damage because it channels less, and the healing debuff on her ult - I'm not sure how I feel about that. Her shunpo damage feels nerfed. Also, I'm not sure if they increased some of the cooldowns, it felt that way though.
I think they're relying too much on consuming the marks from her Q to more damage and it's not really worth it because the only time she's gonna be in your face is if she's practically given free reign to do so.
EDIT: Just compared her PBE cooldowns/damage to her current ones. The damage was nerfed on all the abilities. And riot's reasoning is that she has more utility now... =(
EDIT 2: Her ult has a 60 cooldown at all levels? And Voracity got nerfed (basic abilities reset) to 10 seconds. That means no Ult Reset even after a pentakill. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
......Her model does look amazing though...
Omg riot pls
teers roit

Q bounces less, does less damage, doesn't scale off AD for +0.15 AP scaling
shunpo lost +0.35 AP, longer cd less damage
ult lost +2 per bonus AD and +0.75 AP damage
+0.3 bonus AD +0.3 AP on W... some shitty short range aoe
and +0.2 AP on Q proc
omg tears