I will always know her as Noel Vermillion.
Where are you guys watching these games?
That interviewer is awful. And the people they interview come off as either cocky jerks or socially awkward penguins.
I will always know her as Noel Vermillion.
Where are you guys watching these games?
Hate him. He is like the pinnacle of all the power creep we've been seeing lately. Not even fun to play either.
I will always know her as Noel Vermillion.
It can't be as bad as yorick with his ghouls. I feel like an idiot trying to click/smartcast on them. :/I wish her plants were a little easier to target. Sometimes it can get difficult to click on those viny things...
Yorick is one of those champions I just wish didn't exist, because their sole purpose in existence is to annoy the hell out of you.It can't be as bad as yorick with his ghouls. I feel like an idiot trying to click/smartcast on them. :/
Yorick is one of those champions I just wish didn't exist, because their sole purpose in existence is to annoy the hell out of you.
I'd like Nidalee AP too to disappear. DEM EFFING SPEARSTeemo. Evil, evil, yordle scum.
That's about her only really big gaming role that I can think of. Some small roles or important characters but low amounts of dialogue, etc.
Yeah, I'm hoping she'll be reprising her role in Blazblue: CP
Who won game 1? I missed it.
I will say this, he is the strongest champion I've seen since LB release and Xin release.
he is that strong in PBE right now
I always complain when people call champions OP until a month or two after their release, but yes, watching a stream of Rengar in PBE is pretty hilarious. I wonder if they will change any of his stats before release.
And as mentioned before, apparently that -working on turrets-.I 100% agree with you, I hate that shit.
But man, AA + Q (5stack) + Q + AA
Sheeeeeeeeeet. Fools be already dead.
And as mentioned before, apparently that -working on turrets-.
P.S. No matter how hard you carry it's never enough. Alistar bitched a little about how I'm a cowardly Ezreal. :/
P.S. No matter how hard you carry it's never enough. Alistar bitched a little about how I'm a cowardly Ezreal. :/
Yeah... also, I bought Iron Solari... I haven't played Leona once...
Yeah... also, I bought Iron Solari... I haven't played Leona once...
Pentakill Sona in the top middle right. And a well endowed Lulu at the far right.
Really Riot should do Bayonetta Vayne already...Find your champion!
Also, poor Lux is barely a face![]()
No, stop it. Here is the right Nunu build: http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=31129
It's not. In fact it was used in the tournament tonight. Nunu doesn't need inherent tankiness because he can clear easily without it. And he still needs mana regen. Also, you are comparing a 2% always on speed boost to one that only works above a certain health threshold that you could only get if you gave up all the amazing Utility masteries.that seems like a terrible build
No passive tankyness from masteries
getting mana regen when you have a skill that makes skills free
spending 4 points in untility tree to get 2 percent speed boost when you can spend 3 in defense and get 4 percent
But Lux is cuter, she deserves some space :3Twitch is just a mouth and nose and it looks like the Yeti is doing bad things to him.
Fixed it to be on the safe side. Back to rule34ing...I'm not sure if you should use those words here, even if you're "quoting" someone else?
that seems like a terrible build
No passive tankyness from masteries
getting mana regen when you have a skill that makes skills free
spending 4 points in untility tree to get 2 percent speed boost when you can spend 3 in defense and get 4 percent
Why does Diana exist? Like, who thought it was a good idea?