Too bad Zyra got nerfed already. Still going to try her out, as long as I don't end up in groups that insta-lock and yell "MID OR I FEED".
wtb level 30
wtb level 30
Things suck at level thirty too.Too bad Zyra got nerfed already. Still going to try her out, as long as I don't end up in groups that insta-lock and yell "MID OR I FEED".
wtb level 30
Too bad Zyra got nerfed already. Still going to try her out, as long as I don't end up in groups that insta-lock and yell "MID OR I FEED".
wtb level 30
It never gets better lol
So even high level ranked games are sucky, eh?
So even high level ranked games are sucky, eh?
Trying to think of a dedicated ranged AD carry I would want to see less on my team.I will never concede that Varus is anything less than upper-middle tier as an AD carry, even in his current state.
Corgi the Chloe: hello
Pentoba: adc
deadinparis: jungle
cedomaso: top
Corgi the Chloe: i am on a quest
cedomaso: sup
Corgi the Chloe: my quest is to get to 0 elo
deadinparis: i hope u r not serious
Corgi the Chloe: i am as serious as taric is outrageous
deadinparis: if yes plz leave
Corgi the Chloe: and taric is truly truly outrageous
Trying to think of a dedicated ranged AD carry I would want to see less on my team.
Nope can't think of any.
Corgi the Chloe: hello
Pentoba: adc
deadinparis: jungle
cedomaso: top
Corgi the Chloe: i am on a quest
cedomaso: sup
Corgi the Chloe: my quest is to get to 0 elo
deadinparis: i hope u r not serious
Corgi the Chloe: i am as serious as taric is outrageous
deadinparis: if yes plz leave
Corgi the Chloe: and taric is truly truly outrageous
Trying to think of a dedicated ranged AD carry I would want to see less on my team.
Nope can't think of any.
Tristana is in an okay place right now. She has a pretty fair early game and laning phase and becomes the strongest carry late game. She could be better but she can still be a good pick.Tristana. Too easy for her to lose out early-to-mid game which really hurts her late game, especially with randoms. In the same sense, a bad Vayne.
No, that would make Nutty sad if I said that. I haven't played Twitch so I won't say, but I've seen good ones.Twitch?
Tristana is in an okay place right now. She has a pretty fair early game and laning phase and becomes the strongest carry late game. She could be better but she can still be a good pick.
No, that would make Nutty sad if I said that. I haven't played Twitch so I won't say, but I've seen good ones.
Here's the thing, even if Twitch was a less than desirable pick he brings unique stuff to the table with his stealth, dots, and AOE. What is Varus good for? There are better champions suited to poke. You could also find better candidates if you're looking at healing debuffs or percentage based damage. The same goes for crowd control, again, why pick Varus?Odd, everyone I hear from hates the new twitch.
Tristana is in an okay place right now. She has a pretty fair early game and laning phase and becomes the strongest carry late game. She could be better but she can still be a good pick.
What is Varus good for? There are better champions suited to poke. You could also find better candidates if you're looking at healing debuffs or percentage based damage. The same goes for crowd control, again, why pick Varus?
Well, yes, but I more meant while also factoring the player themselves. Tristana (and Vayne) are both really late game focused and them being bad in lane REALLY hurts.
Edit: Though I suppose factoring in bad players means that every champion would potentially be bad!
He has good range and his kit isn't bad, per se. The problem is a lot of what he brings isn't good enough to pick for it since, like you say, everything he does is done by someone better and you rarely are looking for that combination of stuff.
I still don't know why he doesn't just have magic damage that scales off AD rather than those AP ratios.
I think they had Hybrid Varus in mind when they were designing him. However, what happened in the end was that end result.
I don't know that I would say Trist is bad in lane. There are certain points where she trades very well, and she has mobility up there with the holy trinity of Corki, Graves, and Ezreal. It can be scary taking her in to team fights mid game though because in some ways her kit is unreliable.Well, yes, but I more meant while also factoring the player themselves. Tristana (and Vayne) are both really late game focused and them being bad in lane REALLY hurts.
He has good range and his kit isn't bad, per se. The problem is a lot of what he brings isn't good enough to pick for it since, like you say, everything he does is done by someone better and you rarely are looking for that combination of stuff.
I still don't know why he doesn't just have magic damage that scales off AD rather than those AP ratios.
I don't know that I would say Trist is bad in lane. There are certain points where she trades very well, and she has mobility up there with the holy trinity of Corki, Graves, and Ezreal. It can be scary taking her in to team fights mid game though because in some ways her kit is unreliable.
At 1232 elo and cant seem too muster up the courage to try to make it to 1250. Winning 4 ranked games in a row can only mean a loss is coming![]()
Too bad Zyra got nerfed already. Still going to try her out, as long as I don't end up in groups that insta-lock and yell "MID OR I FEED".
wtb level 30
LOL. Same predicament except i'm like 1252
Right, which is why they should just suck it up and make him full AD :x
Or at least some AD ratios on his W/R.
I feel like if I once again go into detail about why Varus is solid but misunderstood I am going to sound like a broken asshole record.
Or don't be afraid to give him actual AP ratios
Ezreal is just Lux with a haircut. (luv 'im too)Lux is gross.
Now Ezreal...
Ezreal is just Lux with a haircut. (luv 'im too)
(mid one)
lol yeah, that one right there is my favorite...I love those comic, too bad the site stop updating
Now to just wait about a year for a sale.
I think it'll be given out at Gamescom/PAX similar to K9 Nasus last year and Riot Singed in 2010.
Now to just wait about a year for a sale.
I think it'll be given out at Gamescom/PAX similar to K9 Nasus last year and Riot Singed in 2010.