Anyone got a link to more information on the League of Legends tournament at gamescom? When the games are happening and the brackets etc... ?
ADC TF and no flash Cass helping me get to 0 ELO.![]()
Didn't some guy get negative ELO after trolling and getting hacked? I think it was Saintvicious.
Whats a n00b friendly char to use?
It turns out I'm not the only one who wants to get to 0 ELO. Heal/Ignite Cass.
You might have more success if you weren't so abrasive. Calling your teammates idiots isn't going to change their minds.
Whats a n00b friendly char to use?
I wasn't expecting success. I abandoned that notion long ago.
Garen. He's tanky, does a lot of damage, has a relatively low skill cap and has a kill steal button.
Garen. He's tanky, does a lot of damage, has a relatively high skill cap (so only the pro-est of the pro play him) and has a kill steal button.
Sigh. If they had said, "hey, could you support? I'm best with top and can counter pick" or something along those lines I would have been more than happy to support. Looks like they were a pre-made.
Unfortunately I had a pretty rough laning phase with Lee against Kennen, dying a couple times and getting out cs'd by a solid margin. Got a few comments from the last pick peanut gallery. But I kept farming and itemized well and was a beast in teamfights. Went from 0/3 to 5/4 and made plenty of plays to win those teamfights.
Still, attitude is everything. Wish people would just show a little respect.
i tried to be nice to people but it doesnt matter because they will shit all over you, raging at people give a much much better outcome in my case (EUNE).
i tried to be nice to people but it doesnt matter because they will shit all over you, raging at people give a much much better outcome in my case (EUNE).
Don't you get lonely on EUW without the rest of GAF? Think about how much I could be yelling at you if you were on the NA servers.It's sad but true. I found EUW to be less hostile although you still get the regular twats.
So sad with people banning blitz and ali. Especially blitz... he's my favorite support. Landing a good hook never gets old.
I think/thought you were a nice person, and I'm like the most annoying person ever, but it does seem like from the screenshots you post that you are kind of intentionally trolling teammates in chat. Are you intending to come off that way? I guess I'm really just not sure of your intentions in ranked.I wasn't expecting success. I abandoned that notion long ago.
You seem to take offense to a lot of the things I say in this thread. Feel free to use the ignore function.
So sad with people banning blitz and ali. Especially blitz... he's my favorite support. Landing a good hook never gets old.
I don't like naut in lane. I got leona already anyways.
Free week Renekton here. Both my Renekton games made me =(
Game #1: Me and Wukong dined on the bottom lane buffet. Top Kat does so awful against Cait. I know it's not a good matchup for her, but not 0/5 bad by 15 mins. I ask if she needs backup, no reply. Cait too strong with both BT and PD by the 25 min mark. Kat talking trash in chat, thinking she's still carrying the game and whines when she makes obvious bad calls where no one followed.
Game #2: I got disconnected for like the first 5 mins due to severe lag. Game was awfully glitchy even after restarting the game; Renekton's model only moved every 10 seconds or so even though there are no lost packets like in the first 5 mins. I got disconnected a few more times. I still ended up being the second best score (KA/D, gold) in our team since I managed to go 3/0 immediately after reconnecting. During mid-game, their Fiora and Ashe snowballed hard.
Alistar, Amumu, Malphite, Shen and Tryn are my top bans. I just hate Tryn because he can get back easy and he can farm/push a lane without too much fear from ganks.
Then he spins through the wall, heals off neuts then proceeds to farm.You just need o keep an eye on Trynd when he goes out to farm.
Then he spins through the wall, heals off neuts then proceeds to farm.![]()
I've found that Trynd only does crazy damage when you let him farm forever or get him fed, otherwise, he doesn't bring enough damage.
Yea, it's annoying to keep him under check, but if you do, then you have 1 less thing to worry about, a fed Trynd rampaging through your team.
Super fed/farmed Trynd - A nuisance but manageable.
Anything less than fed Trynd - lol
That's my experience with him, more or less.
Super fed/farmed Trynd - A nuisance but manageable.
Anything less than fed Trynd - lol
That's my experience with him, more or less.
He is sort of like Katarina in that if you have much CC, or smart people with CC, he can somewhat abruptly be cancelled or held back long enough to kill him. If teams lack CC, or he farms up 7 bloodthirsters, then he may damage and heal a lot though.Manageable if you have a team comp that can manage it.
Yo what year am I in where people are scared of Tryndamere? He's not even really viable in any role right now.
Even on an incompetent team I would take a Tryndamere over Darius or some shit by a million times.
Yo what year am I in where people are scared of Tryndamere? He's not even really viable in any role right now.