Stop pretending that you know how to play top kayle - the best build is straight AD like an adc. This buff makes items like rage blade or trinity a little better for kayle to give her more itemisation choices since the initial design of her was to use her righteous fury through ap/as anywayDo you have basic reading comprehension problems? They don't, but this still buffs Kayle's damage numbers across the board for all builds while doing nothing to really make building AP on Kayle viable.
I know this. Maybe if you were as good at League as you are at putting words in other peoples mouths you'd know that there are still numerous situations where she will see a small damage boost from the increased AP scaling without building AP herself, even through simple things like WotAs on the team.Stop pretending that you know how to play top kayle - the best build is straight AD like an adc.
Do you have basic reading comprehension problems? They don't, but this still buffs Kayle's damage numbers across the board for all builds while doing nothing to really make building AP on Kayle viable.
Because Boken is being nothing but insulting to both me and people who haven't even posted today.Remember that conversation a few pages ago about how abrasive and hostile you are? Don't know where they got that idea![]()
I don't get this, you know I'm better than you at league so why would you try to play that card?I know this. Maybe if you were as good at League as you are at putting words in other peoples mouths you'd know that there are still numerous situations where she will see a small damage boost from the increased AP scaling without building AP herself, even through simple things like WotAs on the team.
Itemization choices only open up if they offer more power. Did Kayle need more power? Of course not. This is AP scaling increase is a lazy fix that doesn't even do that to begin with.
This seems like a genuinely terrible idea.
Already said my piece about it, but if you want to play bruiser Akali, Trinity is a decent item. Curse EU's Angush goes Trinity on Akali, as does Voyboy on occasion. It's not an assassin build, it's for sustained damage and chasing (like any top lane bruiser plays).
It's fine that pros build it, doesn't mean that it's great. I don't see why she would need anything but the Sheen. Rylai's gets her slow, and she gets more resistances from a simple Guardian Angel or something. 250 health is really not much, and Phage/Zeal don't help her as much.
I'm not saying it's great, I think people are just misunderstanding the differences in the builds. It's apples and oranges. Trinity is a poor choice on an assassin build, but that's not what bruiser builds are going for. Phage and Zeal help because more auto attacks = more magic damage from her passive, which is crucial in a bruiser build that focuses on sustained damage. Also more spell vamp from her passive as well. The only truly wasted stat is the mana.
Additionally, Gunblade + Rylai's + GA costs a lot more than Gunblade + TF.
That's like saying Rylai's is a genuinely terrible item on Kog - it isn't if you're going AP.
I feel like these are sort of NSFW picture.... idk...
Pr0n is something whole LoLGAF always gets behind :3
Sorry that's classic skin.
Does farmer soraka count as a skin?
I don't have to be nice to you, and you certainly don't return the courtesy.Maybe if you were nice to people, people would be nice back.
I'm at such a loss for words at this point. You aren't even good at this game but you think you're such hot stuff. I really just don't want anything to do with LoLGAF so whatever, bye.I don't get this, you know I'm better than you at league so why would you try to play that card?
I would never say Rylai's is terrible on Kog.
And comparing those two builds is ridiculous because they don't come close to giving the same stats, so you can't compare costs like that.
I don't play Akali so I can't say more on the subject but from what I know of Trinity Force, it wouldn't work for a champion made and designed to be an assassin. I'm sure it has it's uses but why light a fire with a rock when you have matches right over there.
I literally can't explain it anymore than I have. Akali does a lot of really good sustained damage when built with Trinity Force + Gunblade. She scales well with attack speed due to her passive bonus magic damage and AD improves her spell vamp. It ultimately depends on the team comps, but if she can get into prolonged team fights, she will outdamage assassin Akali.
I'm not saying that bruiser Akali > assassin Akali, and in fact, probably 90 percent of the cases, burst Akali will do more consistent damage with way fewer caveats. But in certain team comps, bruiser Akali can be a viable pick and a little bit of AD + attack speed + a consistent slow does her very well in these situations.
I literally can't explain it anymore than I have. Akali does a lot of really good sustained damage when built with Trinity Force + Gunblade. She scales well with attack speed due to her passive bonus magic damage and AD improves her spell vamp. It ultimately depends on the team comps, but if she can get into prolonged team fights, she will do a ton of damage (likely even more that assassin Akali).
I'm not saying that bruiser Akali > assassin Akali, and in fact, probably 90 percent of the cases, burst Akali will do more consistent damage with way fewer caveats. But in certain team comps, bruiser Akali can be a viable pick and a little bit of AD + attack speed + a consistent slow does her very well in these situations.
Champions like TF and Sion were DESIGNED to be played as AD. It's really hard to pigeonhole characters based on how they are "supposed" to be played, especially a lot of the earlier ones.
Don't take that so literally, I don't mean myself here. You put people down constantly when they are wrong, stating the ultimateness of your correctness. I simply felt compelled to always tell you when you were wrong.I don't have to be nice to you, and you certainly don't return the courtesy.
That's a bit rich sodacop - I remember seeing how you put everybody down, acting as if you know the best about everything. I'm not saying I'm hot stuff, you put the card down so I just had to say that I'm better than you.I'm at such a loss for words at this point. You aren't even good at this game but you think you're such hot stuff. I really just don't want anything to do with LoLGAF so whatever, bye.
you could say the opposite as well, Other champs burst harder than akali as well. Her burst isn't the only reason shes a good pick, her mobility is also a powerful tool.Bruiser Akali is never viable because other bruisers are much more viable than her if she built bruiser. No point. As a result it's either Burst or no Akali.
you could say the opposite as well, Other champs burst harder than akali as well. Her burst isn't the only reason shes a good pick, her mobility is also a powerful tool.
At any rate, this is a dumb debate that stemmed from me miwunderstanding a post. I've made my points, and if you want to continue to think bruiser akali is unviable or a troll pick in every situation, go ahead. If you want to see some good bruiser akali play, check out crs eu angush.
I don't have to be nice to you, and you certainly don't return the courtesy.
I'm at such a loss for words at this point. You aren't even good at this game but you think you're such hot stuff. I really just don't want anything to do with LoLGAF so whatever, bye.
Maid Fiora.
Don't you get lonely on EUW without the rest of GAF? Think about how much I could be yelling at you if you were on the NA servers.
People totally build AP on kayle right now. *rolls eyes*
Only ap item people get is trinity.
.Q throws a sphere, aoe nuke and the sphere lasts for 8 seconds. W has two activations, when first used it grabs a minion or the sphere. Used second time she throws the minion or sphere at target. E knocks back enemies and spheres, enemies hit by the sphere are stunned R and passive are not showed.
Passive: ???
Abilities on maximun level gain bonus effects:
Dark Sphere: Deals 20% bonus damage against Champions.
Willpower : Knock an enemy in the air for a short time.
Dispersing of the Weak: Works on a 50% wider area.
Q: Dark Sphere
40 mana | 5s cooldown
Conjures a dark sphere, dealing 70 (+) magic damage. The sphere lasts for up to 8 seconds long and can be manipulated by Syndra's other abilities.
W: Willpower
60 mana | 12s cooldown
First activation: Grabs a dark sphere or enemy minion.
Second Activation: Hurls a dark sphere, or minion. Enemies struck take 80 (+) magic damage and are slowed by 25% for 2 seconds.
E: Dispersing of the Weak
50 mana | 14s cooldown
Deals 60 (+) magic damage and flings back opponents and dark spheres.
R: Unleashed Power
100 Mana | 100s cooldown
Syndra uses all her cataclysmic might and all her dark spheres to deal 70 (+) magic damage ( at the minimum of 210 (+) ) to one enemy champion.
W sounds pretty funny. Sounds like a champion I would play.