So I really want to play some ranked before Season 2 ends and at least see where I stand in the wide world of ELO rankings. My biggest problem right now is I keep trying new champions and liking them. However, I think I'll buckle down and stick to the ones I feel strongest with:
- Riven
- Vlad
- Lee Sin (probably my weakest of the bunch, but I win with him so it's all good)
- Kassadin
- Diana
- Ahri
- Brand
- Ezreal
- MF
- Graves
- Nocturne
Should be a solid lineup for ranked. I'll spend the next couple weeks getting reacquainted with some of them then start it up. Should be fun and frustrating.
- Riven
- Vlad
- Lee Sin (probably my weakest of the bunch, but I win with him so it's all good)
- Kassadin
- Diana
- Ahri
- Brand
- Ezreal
- MF
- Graves
- Nocturne
Should be a solid lineup for ranked. I'll spend the next couple weeks getting reacquainted with some of them then start it up. Should be fun and frustrating.