Well the last patch completely screwed my game up.
Dced from the game then I get this undefined server thing when I try to reconnect again.
Rengar OP.
Well the last patch completely screwed my game up.
Dced from the game then I get this undefined server thing when I try to reconnect again.
I....don't see the issue with this. Did you want to ult minions or bushes?
I gotta start playing Morg soon...she's one of the few mids I haven't tried yet and she's cheap as hell.Thanks to the people who brought Morgana to my attention. Not only was I a wonderful support for this killing spree of a Xin Zhao, but her W leads to sheer minion death, and I was leveling up in no time flat. The only issue is she can't activate her ultimate unless she's close to a champion, and I'm used to ultimates you can throw out whenever. While I'm worried of finding a sequence where I'm mashing R because I think I'm in range of something but not really, I have no problem teaching myself restraint on not blowing the ults when I will certainly need them later.
They should have a champion with an ultimate that lets you assassinate their summoner.
So you would get permanently disconnected from the game.
Riot would make mega bucks.
Would buy this as a skin: http://i.imgur.com/zFpDV.jpg
Cool, though last time I tried to use custom skins, my champions' arms disappeared lolhttp://leaguecraft.com/skins/9651-radiant-deity-ahri.xhtml
Someone already made it, but it is a custom skin, so only you can see it.
nah, the summoner goes into coma like in .hack
I wonder how you managed to skip the quadra.
That would be even better.
I'm imagining a League of Legends anime where if you lose you die in real life. I wonder if the team chat would improve under those conditions.
Well the last patch completely screwed my game up.
Dced from the game then I get this undefined server thing when I try to reconnect again.
Yes, like I said, it's a mix. If your keys tend to stay stuck down for a long amount of time then it might make a difference, but having the ability to show range indicators might be worth it for some people.One thing bad about turning on smartcast range indicator, the spell is cast when you release the key, not when you press it. So there will be a slight delay when you turn that on, may not matter as much since LoL is not a fighting game.
I like this response:
I actually don't agree with anything you said.
A: They beat vast majority of possible lanes in the game.
That's not true. Irelia, Kayle, Kennen, Nunu, Udyr, Vladimir, Rumble, Shen, and Olaf are on par with Riven and Jax. These champions don't really have clear counterpicks. That's the characteristic of top lane laners. The point of picking these champions is to manage 1v1 well without requiring too much jungler help.
B: They do not have counterpicks that demolish them yet still remain useful.
Top lane matchup is practically skill based. Almost any matchup of two top laners I listed above is pretty even. They can farm well under pressure or lane very well, and they come out strong.
C: The character that "counters" them exhibits these same traits.
Like I have mentioned, any champion who can be played safely (as opposed to risk-packed mid and bot, where one mistake translates to death) is considered a good top laner. My list above exhibit the characteristics of what you call "counters." In the end, what matters to the top laner the most is the player's skills.
Finally, this is a point that you did not mention.
Riven's late game is a lot weaker than any of the other top laners. Her HP does not scale well, and it works against her to build tanky items considering her skillset. All of her skills scale on AD, and she doesn't have a long and reliable CC like Udyr (stun everyone in enemy team) or Olaf (slow enemy AD carry all day while tanking). Therefore, her ideal builds consists of bloodthirster(s) and perhaps a guardian angel. It leaves her a lot weaker than other top lane champions late game.
I suggest that...
you watch some high level top laners stream. My favorite streamers are wingsofdeath and Reapered - who just started streaming. You will be able to see them wreck or outscale players known to play Riven like goldfather, Cris, and Best Riven NA.
First game. I'm not saying she's OP, but she's OP.
I suggest that...
you watch some high level top laners stream. My favorite streamers are wingsofdeath and Reapered - who just started streaming. You will be able to see them wreck or outscale players known to play Riven like goldfather, Cris, and Best Riven NA.
8 matches in a row. Ugh...
And what, Riven is amazing late game.
She's just always amazing. God damnit riven.
Didn't play 8 straight matches, I've been just losing every single time over the last few days. Good thing Dark Souls is released the day after tomorrow...that'll cheer me up...Sometimes you just have to take a sanity break
Bye for a couple weeks, BadGAF. There are no win of the days where I'm going.
Don't tell anyone but he's amazing.Pffft, report Graves.
Also, what's the current opinion on Wukong? Have him and Kennen and never played either :-
Yet the other diana went 1/7....
People (at least not me and some of the other posters) were judging from the initial PBE, watching live streamers, not videos. I didn't even watch the Rengar vs Lee Sin video.From OMFG LOOKS LEBLANC OP to lol shit useless. This is why we don't judge shit off a video.
SaintVicious breaks down Rengar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNCLrq39anI
Carry game
Get bitched at
Bottoms don't know how to bottom
Due to the client being terrible I lost a lot and it seems my teammates have been downgraded
From OMFG LOOKS LEBLANC OP to lol shit useless. This is why we don't judge shit off a video.
He hasn't even been nerfed or buffed in patches that I recall.
Should be noted SaintVicious is probably talking about Rengar from a jungling perspective. He might be one of those characters that can jungle, but is a better top laner - like Jax or Riven. Looking at the Reddit thread, SV apparently said that Rengar is a champion that needs to snowball to be useful, which makes him an inconsistent competitive pick. Sounds like he might still be an alright pubstomper.
Haven't played as him yet, and the only Rengars I've seen have been jungling and haven't had much of an impact.
I think he's overpowered top lane... max e first, free zero mana harass, when you hit 2 just melt their face with Q if you can get to them.
dunno why people are maxing Q first, it only adds 25 damage per rank plus a small amount of attack speed. Q is perfectly good as a 1 point wonder.
I think there are better junglers though, his clear is a bit slow.