Tried Diana mid. She pretty fun so far though I got to learn how to use her q->r cooldown more efficiently. Can Q mark them if it hits along the way or only when it lands on them?
What are the changes to Ez? Can't access the link at work.
Q marks everyone it hits along the way. Also you can R to someone and if the Q hits them shortly after you still get the cooldown refresh. Throw the Q, R, Q hits, R again.
Pretty sure it reveals everything hit along the path? I think. I haven't played her too much.
Essence Flux [ W ]: Now does 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.8*AP) magic damage. (Changed from 80/130/180/230/280 (+0.7*AP) )
Mystic Shot [ Q ]: Now costs 28/31/34/37/40 Mana (Down from 30/35/40/45/50 Mana)
Looks like W was too good a poke on AD Ez.
They keep going back and forth. Nerf the W, buff the Q. The W is still strong with the attack speed debuff and the low mana cost.
I guess Riot was reading the comments that Corki, Ezreal, and Graves were the best AD, since they nerfed Corki, Ezreal, and Graves. Eventually we'll just have 5 top laners for a 5v5 top lane and that'll be the game. =D
Also Diana's Q got nerfed (double nerfed?), and her W got nerfed, per everyone's request.
Diana nerf?
edit: found the patch notes:
Diana's W didn't get nerfed
Health Per 5 sec: Now 6 (Down from 9)
Crescent Strike [Q]: Now deals 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.7*AP) magic damage. (Down from 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8*AP))
Lunar Rush [R]: Cooldown is now 25/20/15 Seconds (Up from 20/16/12 Seconds)
The Q is the biggest hit. Ouch. That's wave clear, poke and raw damage output nerfed in one blow. Painful. And the mana costs are still pretty high on it. I think the health per 5 change is going to be big too. That's 30% less natural regen
I said it before but I don't think the increased cooldown on her R is that big of an impact. It's all about the Q here.
And more Alistar nerfs. He's taking a beating as a support because of his awesome jungle ganks.