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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Tried Diana mid. She pretty fun so far though I got to learn how to use her q->r cooldown more efficiently. Can Q mark them if it hits along the way or only when it lands on them?

What are the changes to Ez? Can't access the link at work.

Q marks everyone it hits along the way. Also you can R to someone and if the Q hits them shortly after you still get the cooldown refresh. Throw the Q, R, Q hits, R again.

Pretty sure it reveals everything hit along the path? I think. I haven't played her too much.


Essence Flux [ W ]: Now does 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.8*AP) magic damage. (Changed from 80/130/180/230/280 (+0.7*AP) )
Mystic Shot [ Q ]: Now costs 28/31/34/37/40 Mana (Down from 30/35/40/45/50 Mana)

Looks like W was too good a poke on AD Ez.

They keep going back and forth. Nerf the W, buff the Q. The W is still strong with the attack speed debuff and the low mana cost.


I guess Riot was reading the comments that Corki, Ezreal, and Graves were the best AD, since they nerfed Corki, Ezreal, and Graves. Eventually we'll just have 5 top laners for a 5v5 top lane and that'll be the game. =D

Also Diana's Q got nerfed (double nerfed?), and her W got nerfed, per everyone's request.

Diana nerf? :( I need to find those notes. Hopefully this will lead to less bans. I rarely get to play her and I find her fun as hell. Though if the nerf is too strong she might fade into oblivion. Riot has trouble with assassins.

edit: found the patch notes:


Diana's W didn't get nerfed :p


Health Per 5 sec: Now 6 (Down from 9)
Crescent Strike [Q]: Now deals 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.7*AP) magic damage. (Down from 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8*AP))
Lunar Rush [R]: Cooldown is now 25/20/15 Seconds (Up from 20/16/12 Seconds)

The Q is the biggest hit. Ouch. That's wave clear, poke and raw damage output nerfed in one blow. Painful. And the mana costs are still pretty high on it. I think the health per 5 change is going to be big too. That's 30% less natural regen :(

I said it before but I don't think the increased cooldown on her R is that big of an impact. It's all about the Q here.

And more Alistar nerfs. He's taking a beating as a support because of his awesome jungle ganks.


Weird, I thought I was reading a page that had the two table columns for comparison, and I thought it had an adjustment to each of Diana's shield sphere hits. But yes, ideally for maximum money Riot should make each champion too powerful on release, then nerf them where they become non-viable, so people don't really have a choice but to switch to the new champions to remain competitive. They're not there yet, but with some effort they could be. :D

And this new champion has spheres. They should cause fear in enemy champions, so then the new champion could say like, you have nothing to sphere but SPHERE ITSELF HAHAHA!


Diana Q nerf hurts. The R nerf shouldn't be a big deal.

But yes, ideally for maximum money Riot should make each champion too powerful on release, then nerf them where they become non-viable, so people don't really have a choice but to switch to the new champions to remain competitive.

They released Rengar!

And this new champion has spheres. They should cause fear in enemy champions, so then the new champion could say like, you have nothing to sphere but SPHERE ITSELF HAHAHA!

Diana was the bad joke champion.


Yes but they nerfed his item first, and now everyone (and by everyone I mean I think I read 2-3 posts saying that) says he's weak or bad or non-teamfighty.

That was my point, he's not that great.

Well, we'll see if he finds his place in things. He's a great carry assassin.

Edit: Also worth noting, quite a few of the good mid and jungler players thought Diana wasn't that great upon release. In retrospect, I'm not entirely sure what changed their minds outside of getting used to her kit. Then again, jungle Diana isn't that good so I guess those guys were right anyway!


he is not useless thanks to his low cdr 2 second stun.

He is almost useless because you lack the damage of a traditional carry with steroids. Utility and (hard) CC are often left to other champions, so the carry can focus solely on dishing out damage. I'm not saying you can't run him, but there's a reason why people don't play him in that position.


He is almost useless because you lack the damage of a traditional carry with steroids. Utility and (hard) CC are often left to other champions, so the carry can focus solely on dishing out damage. I'm not saying you can't run him, but there's a reason why people don't play him in that position.

I could see him being alright with specific team comps (specifically, CC heavy ones), but yeah, his lack of a strong AD steroid hurts him. With a few tweaks, I could actually see him being a decent pick as an AD carry, but as it is, his weak AS buff on E and low range hurt him.

I've actually seen TheRainMan play him as a AD top bruiser a few times though.


He is almost useless because you lack the damage of a traditional carry with steroids. Utility and (hard) CC are often left to other champions, so the carry can focus solely on dishing out damage. I'm not saying you can't run him, but there's a reason why people don't play him in that position.

i was talking about mid twisted fuck, his late game dont have a good burst and squishy as fuck without any escape but he can do well with good team compositions.


Someone once said anti-bruiser bruiser Lux but I don't even know what that -means-!

Speaking of Rainman, I was trying to follow his (super old?) Teemo top lane guide. However, that guide apparently has no attack speed runes and no attack speed items until you get mercury treads, wriggle's lantern, phage, possibly frozen mallet, and who knows what else.

When I tried to do that, however, maxing E first as suggested, I found that not only did I not have any damage due to the suggested items (and level 1 Q does hardly anything), but the lack of attack speed really hurt me for farming, attacking towers, and trying to harass champions. Champions with sustain could literally take 3+ shots and heal up since the attacks were so slow.

Is getting some attack speed earlier a viable approach? Or does anyone have suggestions for how to play better against high-sustain top lane champions? Or is the answer to merely not pick Teemo? But I want to have fun. :(


Is getting some attack speed earlier a viable approach? Or does anyone have suggestions for how to play better against high-sustain top lane champions? Or is the answer to merely not pick Teemo? But I want to have fun. :(

Go AP on-hit Teemo?!
Yes but they nerfed his item first, and now everyone (and by everyone I mean I think I read 2-3 posts saying that) says he's weak or bad or non-teamfighty.
My friend played him yesterday top and he was doing garbage damage in teamfights despite having like 7 kills at the 25 min mark. Disappointing but not as disappointing as my other friend who was trolling both teams with a support teemo.... and stealing all my precious farm by taking the minions I was trying to last hit and generally just pushing the lane. Why do I always have to be support to have success T_T

Thanks for the info, I play sona quite a bit so this is awesome news to me :D!



brb buying Sona

My friend played him yesterday top and he was doing garbage damage in teamfights despite having like 7 kills at the 25 min mark.

He can do decent damage and blow up a carry if built right. Really easy to get into that position too. I don't know if that'll be enough to make him really viable or just kind of "interesting." I still need to get the chance to play him some :/

But, after last night, I really, really, really need to work on playing anything bot lane. So terrible. Just never played any AD Carry from 1-30 and I've done nothing to setup playing support. I probably should work on that more than anything else.


brb buying Sona

He can do decent damage and blow up a carry if built right. Really easy to get into that position too. I don't know if that'll be enough to make him really viable or just kind of "interesting." I still need to get the chance to play him some :/

But, after last night, I really, really, really need to work on playing anything bot lane. So terrible. Just never played any AD Carry from 1-30 and I've done nothing to setup playing support. I probably should work on that more than anything else.

fun adc:

want to win so hard adc:

fun supports:

boring but effective:


Speaking of Rainman, I was trying to follow his (super old?) Teemo top lane guide. However, that guide apparently has no attack speed runes and no attack speed items until you get mercury treads, wriggle's lantern, phage, possibly frozen mallet, and who knows what else.

There was a Teemo bug where if you exceed a certain attack speed, it will refresh the DOT so fast that the first tick will never activate, which result in dps decrease.

It was fixed a while ago.



Well I know what champs I want out of the roles, it's more that I've literally never played ADC from 1-30. It's a different push/harass dynamic than what I'm used to along with a role (early - mid - late game wise) that I'm not familiar with actually playing out. I want to practice them but I also don't want to be garbage when playing with people. My dilemma about trying to get better T.T
I should worry about this less.


Well I know what champs I want out of the roles, it's more that I've literally never played ADC from 1-30. It's a different push/harass dynamic than what I'm used to along with a role (early - mid - late game wise) that I'm not familiar with actually playing out. I want to practice them but I also don't want to be garbage when playing with people. My dilemma about trying to get better T.T
I should worry about this less.

Worry about it less. Lol. You'll pick it up quick.


Does not compute.
i was the same until i saw gosu pepper sona godly harass.

you can either be a healing bot or badass motherfucker harasser.

soraka is useless..
if your ad is good with last hitting and harass she is good because of mana/heal, but if he cant do that then soraka is useless.

forgot to put taric with the boring as fuck but effective supports
tf is all about mid game ultimate ganks, he dont scale well but he is not useless thanks to his low cdr 2 second stun.

TF has some pretty insane late game power if he maintains blue buff. His tower pushing skills are phenomenal, his ability to two or three shot squishies every few seconds, his chasing abilities, and of course his poke with Q are all really good. He's one of the stronger late game AP carries if you know how to position yourself.


Go AP on-hit Teemo?!
Pretty much. Teemo attacks so slow without any AS runes or items. If you are going to go that route you'd have to be AP Teemo and just melt people with Q and Shrooms and hope they are dumb enough to never build magic resist.

AP Teemo can be fun (especially if the last thing I said is true). But I wouldn't expect to be a powerhouse actively killing champs. It is more about a high AP + CDR + shrooms everywhere picking up kills on your behalf. The best thing is to run through lighting up the enemy's jungle with shrooms and watch the comments roll in. Even better when their jungler pulls a monster into your shroom and you 'steal' the buff. I'll be walking around and suddenly; hey, where'd this buff come from, thanks guy!


AP Teemo can be fun (especially if the last thing I said is true). But I wouldn't expect to be a powerhouse actively killing champs. It is more about a high AP + CDR + shrooms everywhere picking up kills on your behalf. The best thing is to run through lighting up the enemy's jungle with shrooms and watch the comments roll in. Even better when their jungler pulls a monster into your shroom and you 'steal' the buff. I'll be walking around and suddenly; hey, where'd this buff come from, thanks guy!

AP Teemo is the scourge of Dominion :|

Teemo actually does pretty well against many top lane champs just due to how fast he can go into kiting mode against them. It's kind of funny, actually.


AP Teemo is the scourge of Dominion :|

Teemo actually does pretty well against many top lane champs just due to how fast he can go into kiting mode against them. It's kind of funny, actually.
I'd like to do this, but again, if I followed Rainman's lack of attack speed advice I just don't seem to have the damage output I'd want. Also, even with leveling W I think a warwick was the SAME SPEED as me. Someone even commented on it when they ganked, like how is he so fast. The warwick said they had masteries + MS quints which I guess makes sense, but it was still noticeable. Very hard to kite him because of his movespeed and how far his Q range is now.

For Soraka, she seems to be very popular with Ezreal for the mana.

Does not compute.
I think Sona is cool -- you have to actually pay attention to land power chords properly, the ult needs good coordination with your team, and she has neat music. Unfortunately I think her harass used to be better but Riot kept nerfing her in their eternal trend of nerfing AD carries and supports. =P


I'll admit that I haven't either. Only in ARAM where he's a beast.
We ran 4v4 ARAM against my brother playing Ez (aka the worst Ez in existence) last night, who built him AD lol and we wrecked them.

We had the best of luck, though, we got Lux, Kog, Vlad and Janna. Me and Kog got our mains, so it was pretty brutal. So much poke...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Metal Rammus has new particles and sounds but it's only 975.


No she isn't.

as someone who has played a LOT of soraka games... her heal CD is *so* long early game. 15 seconds or something even with some CDR runes.

i've had so many instances of the AD dying right in front of me and yelling at me about not healing. "WTF SORAKA?!" umm... i healed you 8 seconds ago... maybe you should've been b...


Been playing around with AD and AP Nidalee.

Those spears man.

She can be pretty OP in the right hands. Panther form is no joke either.

Pretty squishy in team fights though if she is in the middle of em .... Stand back chuck spears and heal ... panther to mop up.

What did they do exactly to Corkis passive...?

They changed it? Isn't it just 10% of his total AD added as additional true damage?


formerly sane
I've got 1350 IP, I'm no good with money, who do I buy?

I haven't seen an AP Ez in ages. Fortunately, I hate laning against him :p

Sweet. I hope it's not legendary :/

If you're an adc with typical runes up the MR per level and drop some of the armor for him. Late game you can easily adjust your armor or lifesteal to deal the the damage he will have. Eating AP damage from someone like him early who has a mix of both is not good. I treat ez like I use to treat Jax who use to go bot. Get MR and get it fast otherwise their setups will melt you mid game as they start getting better items.

Also I think the soraka heal is higher like 18 or 20 secs.


as someone who has played a LOT of soraka games... her heal CD is *so* long early game. 15 seconds or something even with some CDR runes.

i've had so many instances of the AD dying right in front of me and yelling at me about not healing. "WTF SORAKA?!" umm... i healed you 8 seconds ago... maybe you should've been b...
That is the worst part of playing any healing support. Having your laning partner go 'all in' multiple times in quick succession. Sorry I can't heal you to full every 2 seconds, perhaps you shouldn't go maverick and tower dive 2 champs at once with only 50HP left. But yeah, totally my fault; I can see how you came to that conclusion.



That is the worst part of playing any healing support. Having your laning partner go 'all in' multiple times in quick succession. Sorry I can't heal you to full every 2 seconds, perhaps you shouldn't go maverick and tower dive 2 champs at once with only 50HP left. But yeah, totally my fault; I can see how you came to that conclusion.


That's because Teemo support isn't a healing support! Silly yordle.
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