That is the worst part of playing any healing support. Having your laning partner go 'all in' multiple times in quick succession. Sorry I can't heal you to full every 2 seconds, perhaps you shouldn't go maverick and tower dive 2 champs at once with only 50HP left. But yeah, totally my fault; I can see how you came to that conclusion.
If I recall correctly, Soraka's heal used to be on a shorter cooldown, but Riot nerfed it once or twice since they hate supports and healing.![]()
Got trolled. Free champ, can't trade.
Life stealing minions to heal damage from tower was amazing but Caitlyn could've just shot Graves in the brush with her Q.
I'm not sure. It looked like Graves, Taric, and Ezreal were the most popular, with the order changing as you went up in ELO. Ezreal only beat out Taric and Graves at the platinum level.why cant the same happen to chogath, he have to god damn legendaries
ezrael was very popular in Korea before PFE, right ?
Life stealing minions to heal damage from tower was amazing but Caitlyn could've just shot Graves in the brush with her Q.
I hope the IP refund thing gets transferred over to non-PBE. I'll return my Graves in a heartbeat.
Yea I'd love to trade my gentleman cho for the new one.
I figured I'd try returning to ranked. Season 3 is coming up and all that!
The return was not very good. On my second game two duo queue smurfers got mad because someone went top, and intentionally fed all game -- one of them semi-fed, and the other went all out mobility boots, straight up the middle/each lane, suggesting they be allowed a kill to feed more gold, bragging about having more smurfs and having gotten the account from a friend, etc.
I wish there was a way to at least nullify the 11 ELO loss when you have intentional feeders, especially a duo queue pair of them -- if they had really wanted to grief they could have refused to surrender forever, too.
Gaf chat is on fire tonight, dramamamamamamaa lol
Aw I missed it.
Haha first time I play with GAF in close to a year and I get three games with drama (ONE OF THEM WAS A FREAKIN' ARAM FOR FUCKS SAKE). Now I remember why I only AFK in chat![]()
Haha first time I play with GAF in close to a year and I get three games with drama (ONE OF THEM WAS A FREAKIN' ARAM FOR FUCKS SAKE). Now I remember why I only AFK in chat![]()
Happens to me with Lux all the time
Haha first time I play with GAF in close to a year and I get three games with drama (ONE OF THEM WAS A FREAKIN' ARAM FOR FUCKS SAKE). Now I remember why I only AFK in chat![]()
I think you get less drama in dominion since the games are shorter.
Longer the game, more potential for drama since there's a lot riding on consistent performance throughout a potential hour period.
This is why I like Dominion. If someone is annoying me, I can just deal with it for 10 minutes. Or just ignore them and not feel like it really changed anything for the outcome of the game.
I don't normally play with lolgaf
but when I do, I carry the game for them
so i don't have to listen to drama
I think you get less drama in dominion since the games are shorter.
Longer the game, more potential for drama since there's a lot riding on consistent performance throughout a potential hour period.
What would have been a good build starting out?You get horrible vayne's wtf. Really a pick axe and bloodthirster as her first two damage items insta fail vs team with smarts and some armor. Seriously boots of swiftness and that setup don't mix.
Infinity, PD and Berserker's, like every other ADC?What would have been a good build starting out?
Well he said boots of swiftness with that setup, so I figured there was some specialized boots of swiftness Vayne item combo.Infinity, PD and Berserker's, like every other ADC?![]()
What would have been a good build starting out?
Infinity, BD and Swiftness?Well he said boots of swiftness with that setup, so I figured there was some specialized boots of swiftness Vayne item combo.