hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
They shouldn't show the losing team's reactions :\
That close up to maknoon's teary eyes is just not right. Not right at all.
They shouldn't show the losing team's reactions :\
That close up to maknoon's teary eyes is just not right. Not right at all.
Cpt. Jack is the best AD carry in the world.
I never said he was bad, just that of the team, he's probably the worst mechanically. And that's pushing it since it's kind of hard to call anyone on that team as the "worst." Like I said, he's still pretty much at least as good as every other AD Carry in the world
The hell are you guys doing?
Depends on how you define mechanics. Push comes to shove, the only metric you go by is how they stack up against peers. As good as Ambition and Lustboy are, they are not the best at what they do.
The hell are you guys doing?
Hmm, based on last night it seems AP Nid isn't that great outside of hitting with spears while AD Nid can contribute and not die in 0.5 seconds in teamfights.
AP Nid has killer traps, spears, heals, etc.
AD Nidalee..I mean, why wouldn't you play any other AD over her
AP Nid has killer traps, spears, heals, etc.
AD Nidalee..I mean, why wouldn't you play any other AD over her
AP nid has nothing past laning. She's a one hit wonder... literally. Like an AP Yi.
AD Nidalee is a top lane bruiser, not an ad carry if that's what you're thinking. She is incredibly good at zoning people out, and split pushing all day
AD Nidalee is a top lane bruiser, not an ad carry if that's what you're thinking. She is incredibly good at zoning people out, and split pushing all day
Indeed. I had mega trouble vs. an AD Nidalee as Darius up top.
Every ranged character counters darius
Ganks counter Darius.
I want to try Rengar vs Darius. That should be delightful.
Rex did it. He got stomped early game, mid game he was helping us clean up good.
So if I see a Nidalee ... should I just take another ranged and go top ... say like Kennen or Vlad?
Ganks counter Darius.
I want to try Rengar vs Darius. That should be delightful.
So if I see a Nidalee ... should I just take another ranged and go top ... say like Kennen or Vlad?
I would play more Kayle if I wasn't called a troll every time I build her as ADChow to counter darius hard 101:
ez pz counter:
need micro:
how to counter darius hard 101:
ez pz counter:
need micro:
Holy crap, I did not know of these tricks (ward placement)
Fucking black magic.
Wow what's almost fucking cheating lol.Holy crap, I did not know of these tricks (ward placement)
Fucking black magic.
Freaking love AP Yi in ARAM. ARAM is like the pitholes where crap champions become superstars.
Than the design we got. Underoob > cleavage.
Wow what the hell. (also dat RP)
I would play more Kayle if I wasn't called a troll every time I build her as ADC![]()
also, Syndra's concept art is so much better:
Than the design we got. Underoob > cleavage.
So, is Syndra available? Curious on how she is.oh god why do I keep buying all these new champs
WeirdosKorean PCBang exclusive feature
also, Syndra's concept art is so much better:
Than the design we got. Underoob > cleavage.
Yup, I'm also pretty decent at it. My problem with ADCarries are teamfights, I'm just no good at right clicking lol, I have an AP mid mind and am too focused on cooldowns and mana and using kayle adc kite like a fucking boss
Yup, I'm also pretty decent at it. My problem with ADCarries are teamfights, I'm just no good at right clicking lol, I have an AP mid mind and am too focused on cooldowns and mana and using skill...
I have to roll back to Ashe and just practice, but it's not a particularly interesting role for me, to be honest. I'd rather learn how to jungle.Just takes time if you play games like diablo or rts games it can help you adjust to format. You can see in the clutter granted you have the frames just takes a nice big monitor and some paitence.
As for mana and cooldowns that what memorizing times are for. Right clicking isn't easy what we give up and gain has it's price an AP type can do all it's damage at once leave and come back. We have to kite to death, hope our teammates protect, and that we can still escape.
I don't think there is any character class that doesn't rely on skill management each person requires different nuances.
Than the design we got. Underoob > cleavage.
There are so many complaints about teammates/community in the last two or three pages...if people frustrate you, this isn't the game for you. You are probably unlikely to find a group of people who consistently win even if you do premade teams, unless you practice as a team a lot.
If bad teammates frustrate you, why not play a singleplayer game or deathmatch game? Like, Starcraft 2 -- you can move things RTS-style, and not have teammates to worry about, and still play ranked or whatever.
I was just assuming some people were addicted, but that's an interesting explanation.Because it's easier for some people to play a team game with other people and blame and criticize how they play the game and attribute that to losing than their own mistakes.
I was just assuming some people were addicted, but that's an interesting explanation.
Riot could make some 1v1 mode, but obviously that would exclude most champions or come down to pure luck.