Did anybody post the graph that shows Rengar only has a 33% overall win rate? On mobile so hard to see
As someone who has been having fun with Rengar, it really shows why new champs have to be OP.
The overall community is too dumb to come up with builds/strategies on their own, so unless a champion is OP and you can just stack it with items and get kills then most people will be awful with it.
I was having an hard time on my first 3 or 4 games, until I realized what items I wanted depending on the situations, but after that it has been pretty easy to do a good job.
I think I should have 60-70% win rate by now, so in case he gets buffed because everyone is crying, that should be fun.
I'm not saying he is a competitive pick, since he isn't reliable, but he's fun champion for the other 99%.
(I decided to quote your post because it brought the subject of Rengar back, just giving my piece of mind about him after playing a bunch of matches)