played SIX games as AP nunu.. back to back... and have lost every single one.
very next game, picked jungle ali.. and won... 32 assists
ridiculous ...... i really want to learn some other cheapish.. champs... but ryse is borring, ashe is already picked in every game, TF i just can't grasp... and i can't win with Nunu...
Who else should i try thats cheap? (my mains are trist and Ali)
Did you not ever try Nunu jungle instead of AP top? Once I started following that guide Dance In My Blood linked, I think I actually won several games with him jungling...but I don't think I ever had much luck top lane.
My general experience is that if you can eat the other team's wraith and get a good early gank or catch their jungler at low HP, you will have a good game. Otherwise you may have a bad time but might still catch up after you get 2-3 GP5 items.
On another note, about sportsmanship, my problem isn't with people playing ARAM or whatever, it's with teams acting like immature jerks when they win/lose, or being like Rainman on the mic and talking about how you gotta rape, rape, rape the other team/champion, as if rape is something to be taken lightly.