Aram. Full AP. Win.
That's so stupid, her ratios are baaaad. Load up on HP+defense, magic penetration (abys+pent runes), and sunfire.
Aram. Full AP. Win.
That's so stupid, her ratios are baaaad. Load up on HP+defense, magic penetration (abys+pent runes), and sunfire.
I'm in love with ARAM Lux, I'll just feel bad playing another champAram. Full AP. Win.
I'm in love with ARAM Lux, I'll just feel bad playing another champ
By the way, Leona was the first champion I've ever played. I never play tanks in any game, but for some reason I felt like starting with a tank in LoL and wasn't too fond of her, but I don't think I really understood how to play her. I want to give her another chance, I love her Valkyrie skin...
Nautilus is the mix. He pulls himself to the enemy AND pulls the enemy to him. He has an ultimate that is ranged but also hits in a line, and an AOE ability that is centered around him.Reverse blitzcrank. She pulls herself to her enemy, doesn't pull them. Her AOE ultimate is ranged... his is centered around him.
For those not following the drama about the DQ, apparently Riot Red Beard said the DQ was not about splitting the money but both teams planning the outcome of the BO5 (which doesn't really make sense, because the team with something to gain from fixing lost).
Additionally, MLG seems to be having some trouble getting their story straight and are deleting tweets that contradict each other:
Curse has denied any allegations of splitting the prize pool or throwing matches and said they only colluded in terms of planning an ARAM with Dig. No response from Dig yet, other than saying they were investigating what went down.
Master yi is good for pub stomping, and ARAM.I might get hate for this, but I'd love to see a Master Yi remake. Currently he's just not that viable with the way the meta rolls these days.
Master yi is good for pub stomping, and ARAM.
That's about it. I wouldn't mind seeing a remade yi for the meta what he has can't be buffed otherwise he will become broke like he use to be.
How would no bushes help melee champions? Bushes give melee champions a place to hide and have a chance of jumping on ranged champions. If it's a completely open map then everyone will see melee champions coming from a mile away.They need to make a new ARAM map without bushes. Give melee champs a chance again.
edit: I'm referring to melee champs who have no poke. Tryndamere is particularly horrible in ARAM
I don't like the talk of them wanting to beef up turrets and stuff. I think turrets are too safe as is right now...
Meanwhile this Nurse Akali cosplay is fantastic.
They need to make a new ARAM map without bushes. Give melee champs a chance again.
edit: I'm referring to melee champs who have no poke. Tryndamere is particularly horrible in ARAM
Turrets are garbage in this compared to dota.
Amount of Damage they take
I'm surprised coming out of War3 they ended up with worse turrets. How are the turrets safe now they are weak as crap and have been since they changed them to be more divable than they were in S1 or betas.
Turrets are garbage in this compared to dota.
Amount of Damage they take
I'm surprised coming out of War3 they ended up with worse turrets. How are the turrets safe now they are weak as crap and have been since they changed them to be more divable than they were in S1 or betas.
I'd agree with this. Once you hit mid game basically everyone can LoL turret dive, and even before then you can easily get in and get out for a kill if needed.
I don't mind that they aren't that hard to take down. I just wish they had a slightly larger range and they gave back the damage nerf they got.
Well, I remember when I first started playing LoL, one of the first things that struck me was how safe turrets where. More specifically is how they'd target you as soon as you'd hit a champion. Dota you were cool as long as there were creeps by.
I'll play with you if you don't want to solo queue.Thinking about making a huge mistake and reinstalling this and trying to solo queue.
I'll play with you if you don't want to solo queue.
Thinking about making a huge mistake and reinstalling this and trying to solo queue.
I didn't know he was sick.Neat. Haven't started downloading yet so it probably won't be tonight.
I got a hold of crackbaby by the way. He was hella sick, but he seems to be doing better now.
Oh, good. I was worried he died or something.I got a hold of crackbaby by the way. He was hella sick, but he seems to be doing better now.
lol wtfKill me now.
I'm not sure what's up with ranked tonight, but I had two people afk in spawn for a while (duo queue bot lane) because they got angry. One of them also was afk under his turret when someone was fighting in his lane for several seconds, telling his mom goodnight. It should be in the ranked agreement that you lose your mom if you play!
Then the next game, someone's router apparently instantly goes out and it's 4v5 (with sudden AP mid tristana) for like 25 minutes.
Bad players are one thing, but having 3v5 and 4v5 ranked games just seems a wee bit unlucky.
lol wtf
The in game model is really good, so whatever. The art is just garbage. It isn't PAX exclusive either, for the record.
So you can buy it too?
The in game model is really good, so whatever. The art is just garbage. It isn't PAX exclusive either, for the record.
Sona getting boob nerf with every new skin.
Yeah after looking at it again, it's kinda cool, and I like how she looks like she's on LSD.I don't mind the Sona splash; kind of like it because it's a little cartoony and whimsical.