You were right Ferrio, they changed the speed of the shop loading screens. Riot didn't put it into the patch notes.
Oh good, thought I was going crazy especially since you guys didn't notice it.
So played nothing but Sejuanni last night. I only jungled with her since I don't see how she could possibly lane since she needs items. I ran 0/21/9 masteries, and armor seals, mr/lvl glyphs, mr pent/armor pent marks, mr pent quints.
Skill order I used:
W->Q->E. Then level R>W>E>Q.
My build:
-Regrowth + 1 pot
-Regrowth -> Philo
-Merc boots
-Glacial Heart
Usually game ends there. Thinking from there finishing my shurelia's, then getting a situational item or another warmogs if I'm nuts. Maybe some more magic resist.
My observations of her:
-Starting jungling is really slow. You can easily get counter jungled.
-Blue is utterly needed. If it's stolen from you, you're screwed.
-She clears slow early levels. I often find myself underleveled early game.
-Her high cooldowns suck. Why I rush the cd reduction items. Luckily they're both tanky items (kindle scales with her W also), so it fits her build nicely.
-She's a straight up tank in this build, so not much carrying with her. Don't think she'd fair well building damage really. Her cds are so long, and ratios not that great that it doesn't seem useful.
-I couldn't seem to capitalize on pre 6 ganks that much. I think I might run flash instead of ghost.
-Her passive is trash. The slow itself isn't bad, just the fact that she already has 2 other ways to apply frost (aoe no less), that it seems very redundant. Also the passive is useless when jungling.
-Her kit works really nice together, and all her skills are useful. The only bad thing is her passive.
-Her Q is great on her, chasing down enemies for your team, through walls, whatever. Great skill. Still learning it's range since I'm on smartcast.
-Her ult is amazing, one of the best stuns in the game (imo) sans it cooldown. It's very easy to hit and has a nice range. Along with your E it can really lock down a team for some good damage from the carries.
-She clears minions really fast later in the game. A simple Q->E will decimate a wave of minions. Lets you catch up if you're underleveled.
Overall a solid tank with some great utility. My only real complaint would be she's very vulnerable in the jungle in the early levels, often making me very paranoid of a leesin ganking my ass.
Who is a good top counter against chogath? He is extremely good against riven due to the constant health and mana regen, his ability to clear minion waves instantly, and double disables that stop all of riven's abilities.
I don't think there are any good counters to chogath. He's very passive in lane, so you pretty much just have to out farm him and get assistance from a jungler to kill him. Trying to harass him with most champions will just waste your time.
Last but not least, I think there is even more reason to choose boots first on riven now due to the reduced movement speed.