starks has much less synergy with IE than PD does. (Need the boost in crit chance). Starks is just mostly inferior to BT in terms of what the AD carry needs.
Bloodthirster (full stacked) + Phantom Dancer VS Starks (both auras) + Infinity
100 dmg > 80 dmg
25 life steal < 40% life steal
55% atk spd < 60% attack speed
30% crit > 25% crit
15% mov >
< 50% more crit dmg
< 60 health regen
< -20 armor reduction
Bloodthirster (no stacks) + Phantom Dancer VS Starks (sing aura) + Infinity
60 dmg < 80 dmg
15 life steal < 20% life steal
55% atk spd > 40% attack speed
30% crit > 25% crit
15% mov >
< 50% more crit dmg
< 30 health regen
< -20 armor reduction
5845g > 6380g
Why are you using BT + PD as a comparison? I don't have the raw data but showing me IE + PD vs starks + IE would be more in line, or starks + IE + PD vs BT + IE + PD.
I think a good time to stack Starks is if you have a trynd on your team. Trynd and the ad carry would benefit from the stats quite well
Because Bloodthirster can be a really strong pickup as your first item.Phantom Dancer + IE is the standard anyway. Why isn't that the default option?
ATmogs on a ad carry? huh?
Wamrogs into Atmas. Trust me. On a carry like Graves or Trist it is so good.
If you have a fully stacked BT + wamrogs with atmas you can 3v1.
This is wholly a lower level build that isn't going to fly when you have a team that can protect an AD carry who will do three times the amount of damage than an Atmogs carry will.
Inf Edge vs BT comes down to teamcomp in almost every case. Except if your AD carry is Urgot.
Wamrogs into Atmas. Trust me. On a carry like Graves or Trist it is so good.
If you have a fully stacked BT + wamrogs with atmas you can 3v1.
Any interest in us low level summoners getting together to do some normal queues?
My in game name is dabe and I'm level 16. I can guarantee that I'm a nice guy and won't rage at all! Level 30 dudes are totally welcomed to join too, though I'm not sure how it'll affect matchmaking.
Feel free to add me if you're interested! I'll probably be idling in the gaf channel whenever I'm on too.
I'm guessing warmogs first has the benefit of charging up the warmogs as part of the process of farming minions for the next item (atmas).Warming 1st or atmas 1st?
You can join the "neogaf" chat channel. It's where we all hang out anyways - or rather "afk" all day.
You can join the "neogaf" chat channel. It's where we all hang out anyways - or rather "afk" all day.
Just finished and submitted an 8-bit entry for the art contest, I'll post it on here when I get a chance. Who else made an entry?![]()
i never knew this. but morgana is pretty damn good. i mean i just go for an ap/cooldown build but that seems to work just fine.
i never knew this. but morgana is pretty damn good. i mean i just go for an ap/cooldown build but that seems to work just fine.
edit: I think I am starting to steal kiunch's champ. First sona, now morde
You're turning into Kiunch. Soon you'll be playing Eve![]()
Got 5 kills playing as a jarvan counter jungle in the first 10minutes.....
I hope he never gets nerfed
Just finished and submitted an 8-bit entry for the art contest, I'll post it on here when I get a chance. Who else made an entry?![]()
HAvent been playing long, kinda digging the game. I have hit lvl 12 and am finding it incredible slow to lvl, can someone fill me in:
1 - Should I be playing vs AI or PVP, which has better XP/IP
2 - Should I worry more about killing champs, or clearing zones (vs AI)
3 - When the game is loading on the VS screen, why do certain people take so fucking long to load. Is it their PC (they have a far better ping than me)?
Cheers GAF.
HAvent been playing long, kinda digging the game. I have hit lvl 12 and am finding it incredible slow to lvl, can someone fill me in:
1 - Should I be playing vs AI or PVP, which has better XP/IP
2 - Should I worry more about killing champs, or clearing zones (vs AI)
3 - When the game is loading on the VS screen, why do certain people take so fucking long to load. Is it their PC (they have a far better ping than me)?
Cheers GAF.
Kinda hard to do well when your champion locks up entirely in the middle of a "walk there" command.
There's a notice about it right now. And it was in Dunkey's latest video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K78y5aX95MI've had this happen before but it's been months since I last experienced it so I just assumed it was fixed.