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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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The real tragedy here is that Kayle didn't finish her wriggles (and that Flare died, what a feeder :p).


Does anyone know why Remmington isn't there? I'm one of the few people who enjoys listening to Remmington & Phreak together.


diamond's shyv.... god its so perfect!

completely shuts down the enemy jungler. Doesn't gank often during laning but gp and his teleport really compensate for that.

god damn, this team comp too strong


Moscow 5 are ridiculous, it hurt to see SK get crushed so horribly.

Whoever wins between TSM and Dignitas is in for a crazy final game, I really want to see Moscow 5 play fNatic in Hannover later this year.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Is there some sort of tournament or stream you're all watching right now?
m5 completely dominated SK. I felt sorry for them second game. Morale was low. 1 to 14 in kills. Shyvana and her buff stealing.

Just popping in to say that Tryndamere is such bullshit in Top Lane. Why hasn't Riot nerfed him yet?
They have. At least twice. One to his Q heal and the other to his health regen and lowering his base damage. They nerfed his ult down to 5 from 8 seconds, but this was before I started playing.


That's assuming you just let him farm after destroying his first tower.
Preventing Tryndamere from farming while outdoing his crit damage and lifesteal, and simultaneously guarding yourself from ganks due to being pushed past his tower, is a non-trivial thing in my opinion.



Two games as Irelia inbetween the IEM Kiev semi-finals, first game we ran into Jarvan and Leona going M5 style bottom lane. We won that game with a 20 minute surrender, second game (above) almost the same. Awesome team chemistry, swiftly added to friends list <3


Why would you push to his tower?

It was in response to your comment about not letting him farm after his tower is down. I learned the hard way that killing his tower early (in like 10 minutes) means the minions will push and he will have free farm in a safe zone.

Also, I was just solo top using Riven vs Garen. He accused me of choosing an OP champion and complained about my Q. =( Maybe I'm just arrogant, but I feel like if he had been a better Garen (like SouthernDragon) he would have destroyed me. His main problem was that he wasn't landing silence, allowing me to kite him and farm most of the time.
"The OddOne feeding with one death." lol. TSM crush CLG. It's pretty much going to be TSM vs M5. I just don't know how CLG is going to make a come back after this.


I agree with you though, I don't really see how Dignitas can make a come back from that. They weren't massively out picked or anything, they were just horribly out-played.


Wow, what a rout. Also, that Regi CS! He's consistently putting up 10 CS/minute or more no matter who he is. So good.

Also, speaking of Kayle, how are you supposed to build her now? I tried her on my smurf while I was playing with my friend (who's new to the game) and I built AS/AD/CD - I got something like like CD boots/Tiamats/Black Cleaver/IE/Wits End/Banshees Veil, but I had no idea what I was doing. Won a 4v5 though!

Dignitas is the one with the big douche/scumbag guy, right?

I'm pretty sure that could describe every League team. Are you talking HotShotGG? The Rainman? Dyrus?
There was a call for scumbag jatt a while back. Jatt no longer plays.

TSM has been REALLY impressive. The patience, the teamplay. All excellent.
Playing as Sona, it seems like it's fairly easy to zone out the bottom lane if you are playing with a decently competent AD carry. Sona + Cait gives really nice bush control and Sona + any other carry gives really nice burst.



Apt 200th win. Get dominated by a fed Shaco and then a troll on the enemy team voted to surrender and 3 others said yes.

edit: It loaded in my AD mastery page even though I had my AP page selected. Having 18 AP at the start was fun...
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