I find it difficult to believe my ELO is over 1500, so I'm not sure how accurate this site is.
I find it difficult to believe my ELO is over 1500, so I'm not sure how accurate this site is.
If so, I will play this new EXPLOSIVE TEEMO.You say that now, but wait for the suicide pentakills and landmine baits all over the place
When boar lady gets AD buffs she will be op
That's how tanks work in general. Some tanks can do damage, but Leona is probably one of the worst tanks at doing damage, I'd say. Nearly whole point of her is to stun people and hopefully help her damaging teammate to get the kill.So yea. I give up with Leona. If I build her tank I need people I know on my team. If I build her ad.....she dies.
Well it's claiming that my elo is 2500... So probably not very accurate.I find it difficult to believe my ELO is over 1500, so I'm not sure how accurate this site is.
You guys don't want Ez to be tier 1 again.
Trust me on this guys.
..... guys
You say that now, but wait for the suicide pentakills and landmine baits all over the place
I didn't use that website because my hidden ELO is so huge, it would make the program explode.
Haha, the announcers. "These can't be the M5 players on these accounts."
I think it's a mixture. With some (maybe even most), the changes might be minor. You never seem to see Talon now, and I don't know if it's because the mana problems are really that terrible, or if people just don't like him as much.Are the buffs/nerfs that are included in most patches that big of a deal, or is it just the community's perception of champions that influences how much each character is played? For example, is Akali really that bad now, or does no one play her because they perceive that she isn't good anymore? That's just one example, but it seems strange when you see a champ nerfed in a small way and then no one plays them. Same with FoTM champs. Are they actually better than they were last month, or is it just that more people are playing them now? WuKong comes to mind. He got buffed and people began to play him. But was the buff that significant, or was it just a mindset that "Hey, he got buffed. He must be good now"?
Akali is fine. Don't reckon any champion was ruining by the last patch. People will cry on the forum if a champion gets a movespeed reduction. Vladimir was just buffed, but his passive did receive a small nerf. A lot of people on the forum were unable to see beyond this rather small nerf and recognize that he actually came out stronger.Are the buffs/nerfs that are included in most patches that big of a deal, or is it just the community's perception of champions that influences how much each character is played? For example, is Akali really that bad now, or does no one play her because they perceive that she isn't good anymore? That's just one example, but it seems strange when you see a champ nerfed in a small way and then no one plays them. Same with FoTM champs. Are they actually better than they were last month, or is it just that more people are playing them now? WuKong comes to mind. He got buffed and people began to play him. But was the buff that significant, or was it just a mindset that "Hey, he got buffed. He must be good now"?
Akali is fine. Don't reckon any champion was ruining by the last patch. People will cry on the forum if a champion gets a movespeed reduction. Vladimir was just buffed, but his passive did receive a small nerf. A lot of people on the forum were unable to see beyond this rather small nerf and recognize that he actually came out stronger.
FOTM champions are more about new approaches and techniques. If someone has success with a certain champion/playstyle and streams it to 10k viewers, then it'll catch on. AP Master YI comes to mind. He hasn't been touched in a long time, but suddenly people started playing him as an AP carry.
Just curious, but what does GAF think about the presumably AD champions that scale with AP? A lot of the early champions seemed to scale with AP, and this design "screw up" led to things like AP Sion, AP TF, AP Yi, AP WW, etc.
I think it's cool that different item builds can flip the role of the champion on its head, but it seems like Riot isn't making champions like this anymore - modern AD champs all seem to have skills that scale with AD for the most party. Characters like Graves seem really one dimensional to me.
Wish they would make more champions the other way around, I like the fact that they can be built different ways and for the most part, still be used effectively.
You're probably right about the stun (and invisible sunfire cape). If there was an invisible high-speed roaming assassin who COULD solo most full-health champions I'd say that was overpowered though. Presumably the idea is that an assassin shouldn't be able to solo a full health champion, but could kill one who is at low health or help a teammate nearby kill somebody.The biggest Nerf to Eve was the loss of her ability to stun. Anther things I think hurts her the fact she scales off AP (OK, she casts Ravage, then what? She will mash Q and Auto attack for 3 or 4 seconds, then most people will just walk away) If she scaled off AD, she would be able to auto attack effectively after breaking Shadow Walk, in my eyes she has a hard time soloing most Champs if they have full health.
You're probably right about the stun (and invisible sunfire cape). If there was an invisible high-speed roaming assassin who COULD solo most full-health champions I'd say that was overpowered though. Presumably the idea is that an assassin shouldn't be able to solo a full health champion, but could kill one who is at low health or help a teammate nearby kill somebody.
And oh man, I have seen AP miss fortune and it is horrible. Like 400 minion kills and no champion damage horrible.
Holy shit, GAF on youtube. What's next?
I'm NOT actually this surprised. SURPRISE!
Holy shit, GAF on youtube. What's next?
I'm NOT actually this surprised. SURPRISE!
Here's a demonstration of kiting blue in such a fashion that your jungler takes almost no damage.
Inspired by:
Reddit Link:
I use to get people to leash that way until the jungle got the changes. Plus if you get a strong jungler and get bot/top lane to put some damage in, you won't lose more than 100 health if you run armour yellows
Warmogs shaco..... neat.
Holy shit those CS numbers are incredible.
don't even start.Last hitting? What's that?
thanks. but it wouldve went down hill late game. since shaco can't farm at all.Warmogs shaco..... neat.
Holy shit those CS numbers are incredible.
yea i am still experimenting with shaco. i haven't tried anything in terms of cool down yet. but i really want to.Shaco is an incredibly weak laning champion. If you have trouble farming normally then you compound it twofold when you lane with shaco.
yea i am still experimenting with shaco. i haven't tried anything in terms of cool down yet. but i really want to.
Not giving you a hard time so much as the rest of the match. I expected Shaco's CS to be low. (Not that I farm very well myself.)
Did they surrender, or did you guys get their nexus?
The thing about Shaco, is that once you hit 30, and/or play ranked, (you can duo queue at 20, provided you have 16 champions) he's either a jungler, or he's banned. :-/
So don't work too hard trying to make him into your favorite laner.
Best of luck to you, sir.![]()
what. how. i am soo confused.
we got to their nexus, then they quit =/
what. how. i am soo confused.
we got to their nexus, then they quit =/
He's a top ban in Draft mode. In Draft, each team can ban up to 3 champions. Shaco is almost always banned. You can try draft mode out, as it was added to normal play a few months ago.
All ranked matches are Draft.
You're not allowed to try draft mode until you have like 15 characters available or something. Might also have a summoner level limit.
The thing about Shaco, is that once you hit 30, and/or play ranked, (you can duo queue at 20, provided you have 16 champions) he's either a jungler, or he's banned. :-/
So don't work too hard trying to make him into your favorite laner.
what. how. i am soo confused.
we got to their nexus, then they quit =/
i am :sadface:
Too true, lol.If you see shaco not in a lane you should be scared for the first 20 mins.
If you see shaco with smite on the opposite team, you are scared for the first 20minutes of the game.