CritPlank is too fun.
CritPlank is too fun.
nothing more satisfying than crit'ing them for 60% of their life. XD
CritPlank is too toxic.
CritPlank is too fun.
salce has been midding nunu tonight. fun stuff:
edit: nm, he's top this match.
I do agree with you
Well, to be fair, I'm running a 19% rune page. Which is stupid, but fun.
Also, KJTB's shyv strat is legit.
I'm following this tread for 3 months now and I just got the confirmation for my account. I just wanted to ask the guys on the West European server if there is a neoGAF lol channel or something similar. It would be nice to play some games with people that at least communicate in a suitable way.
Eh actually there is.There's no chat room, but we are some people on the west server. We're leveling our smurfs right now. Name's "Papa is a bear"
There's no chat room, but we are some people on the west server. We're leveling our smurfs right now. Name's "Papa is a bear"
Eh actually there is.
I'm in #NeoGAF pretty often and some other people as well.
Just put it on autojoin and I could see us being 5-10 on week-end nights !
Eh actually there is.
I'm in #NeoGAF pretty often and some other people as well.
Just put it on autojoin and I could see us being 5-10 on week-end nights !
Yes. I'm level ~10 now.Cool, thanks. I'll send you a request this evening. But what do you mean by "leveling our smurfs"? Are you playing with new low-level accounts?
NA server es 1# huehuehuehuehue
My ping in the NA server ranges from 150-250.
In EU though... oh lord.
There's one on EU West tooOn EU West? I know there's one on the NA server.
Eh actually there is.
I'm in #NeoGAF pretty often and some other people as well.
Just put it on autojoin and I could see us being 5-10 on week-end nights !
I thought you'd like that Garen stats lol.
So...many...Vlads now!
Mindblown. So who's who? I see Inskipp in the channel, but the rest of the names...?There's one on EU West too![]()
vlad free week
It still makes me happy that I got Teemo in that GAF inhouse all-random-all-mid game a week or two ago, promptly ran to the middle of the mid lane and stealthed, and I think I got first blood because of it. I had to sit there like, minutes to have a chance at killing someone, and since everyone was on the same mumble channel the other team was trying to figure out why our team kept giggling on the mic. =P
I just lol'ed at work when I saw that. I approve.
Eh actually there is.
I'm in #NeoGAF pretty often and some other people as well.
Just put it on autojoin and I could see us being 5-10 on week-end nights !
Perfect, I'll use Skarner to start then. Now if only there were 4 people I knew to play some rounds tonight so I don't get mocked to oblivion for being horrible... Hmmm...
A word of advice (since I'm clearly the most awesome genius LoL player here), look up a highly rated jungle guide and/or video and pay attention to the items and routes from level 1-6.Perfect, I'll use Skarner to start then. Now if only there were 4 people I knew to play some rounds tonight so I don't get mocked to oblivion for being horrible... Hmmm...
I've already given that a go, I can clear the jungles pretty quickly by myself and am no stranger to TheOddOne's videos (although I don't know where to find ones from Saint?). Unfortunately I watch most here at work, meaning 5 mins here, or there.. so I can't really watch streams or I miss too much.A word of advice (since I'm clearly the most awesome genius LoL player here), look up a highly rated jungle guide and/or video and pay attention to the items and routes from level 1-6.
Then play some intermediate bot games, or even a custom game by yourself, and just focus on doing those routes and making sure you're comfortable with them, you don't feel you're wasting time or getting too low health, etc.
People may advise against bot games in general, and I'm sure they build bad habits if you play them all the time, but doing custom/bot games to practice a new jungle route is far preferable to starting it in a PVP game in my opinion. It should only take a game or two for the route to become comfortable for you, and then you can try the same thing in PVP.Ganking (and enemies stealing your jungle) is the wrinkle that is added, since you won't be able to practice ganking well in bot games.
Haha, I've played a few rounds where I think people do that. I've played long enough now that I'm familiar with all the champs and their skills, I understand the general role of the jungler, my biggest concern is seeing the top lane pushed while I'm doing double golems on the bot or something. Basically just not anticipating where to be and when. Also, not sure who can solo dragon and when should I get into a game without an opposing jungler (as if that's the case I don't think I'd really try soloing it, bot and mid would push so they could help).Sounds like you're definitely familiar with the concepts then, no worries. I just didn't want you to do my thing of "oh you guys want a jungler, psh sure, I'll go shaco" *spends the first 5 minutes of the game reading guides*
What about dealing with someone counter jungling you a lot? Warding helps I assume, but that's a concern of mine as well.