I kinda liked him last time I tried him for a free week. What build and skill order did you use?
I was laning against a Renekton so I started with armor +pots. He started with boots so I prioritized E over Q, with 1 point in Decoy at 4. I drew first blood with a successful gank, so on my first B I completed a wriggles and boots. I took my 2nd B when his tower went down and built a sheen + Mercs treads. I then went on to finish a trinity force. Their Annie was the only one that looked like a threat when laning broke down, so I went for a Hexdrinker. The game ended shortly after that.
I tend not to follow guides and just try and react to what the opponents are doing. I doubt you'll find a Wukong guide out there that even mentions a Hexdrinker. Their team wasn't stacking armor so I didn't feel the need to go Brut or LW. I wanted more Resist but they only had 1 scary AP so I didn't want to go crazy with a Force of Nature or anything.
I went ArmPen marks, flat armor seal, Resist per level glyphs, and AD quints. Masteries were 9/21/0. I took ignite and flash.
One of my favorite moves as Wukong (especially against a ranged opponent) is to go into the brush and immediately pop W. Then you run out (while invis) and get in range of them. Auto attack once, Q, then continue auto-attacking until they dash/flash away. Then pop E to gap close and ult if you have it. Only do this if you are sure you can win the trade and you have vision on their jungler since Decoy will be down, but it saves you from blowing E to get in range.