Hence why I mentioned all champs to date.Achtius said:You have to take into account that they release a new champ every 2 weeks![]()
Hence why I mentioned all champs to date.Achtius said:You have to take into account that they release a new champ every 2 weeks![]()
How does GAF feel about Katrina?
Really fun to play, but can be tricky without the right team comp. If you're at a lower level you can really mop up with her though.How does GAF feel about Katrina? I think I'm saving up to get her next, because she has boobs and can assassinate people.
Akali would be a better pick imo.How does GAF feel about Katrina? I think I'm saving up to get her next, because she has boobs and can assassinate people.
How does GAF feel about Katrina? I think I'm saving up to get her next, because she has boobs and can assassinate people.
Edit: Also, login ques? wtf...
Got back from my holiday and watching this nautilus art.
Probably will have a blitz hook and a bit of burst maybe?
Got back from my holiday and watching this nautilus art.
Probably will have a blitz hook and a bit of burst maybe?
Are you still farming 6300 IP every week or two so you can buy new champions though? :O
I don't have IP for anything! Is it worth buying champions with RP when they are on sale? ARAGAHAG
If you don't feel like playing for a day, you can play vs bots on dominion. Super fast way to get your first win of the day bonus and then go about your business.
lol too soon?I dunno if any LoL Gaffers are from New Orleans.
She's a lot of fun as long as the other team isn't CC-heavyThanks for the advice everyone, I'm going to disregard most of it, save up and get Katarina anyway.
I said other spells (ignite) are more useful in a fight than clarity. This was not galio specific. Clarity doesn't give you jack in an actual fight. If your lane opponent decides to fight you, they have an entire nuke of damage over you. Unless you've severely out picked them, youre behind. If you're cool with passive scared lane opponents who don't want to fight you then thats ok but ignite lets me fight my opponent and kill them. Clarity me in my face, IDC.Both statements are just flat wrong. If you aren't keeping pressure with Q, your CS sucks and your opponent is basically free farming. I rarely miss Q's and I'm still not zoning someone with 50% of a mana bar. If you are cool with a passive farm fest up top, that's cool but clarity tends to allow me to zone an opponent out of CS and Exp which is the whole point of the lane phase.
I'd still like to know how you figure teleport is a better team fight ability than nearly an entire mana bar to you and 50% of that to your entire team. I watched carries in the Kings of Europe tournament run OOM with enemy champs still alive. If they aren't good enough to run around with a full mana bar all the time and still get kills, then yeah I guess I'm trolling/bad and I should just uninstall.
Darn, I just uploaded that scoreboard and was going to post it. XD![]()
I believe what you mean is:
Sounds pretty fake.According to /v/, a riot guy got fired for leaking info on /v/, was this for real real or for play play?
Good gravy, I thought the English version was suggestive.
Is there reconnect support for DotA 2?
This was actually one of the very first things we added early on, before the game was stable, in order to help with testing. Youll also be able to have a friend of similar skill level substitute for you in case you have to leave. Players that want to improve their reputation in the game and community will also be able to help out by joining ongoing games that are missing players.
I read this on the dota 2 website:
what do you think of this guys? I would love to see that in LoL.
I would love to see that in Dota 2.I read this on the dota 2 website:
what do you think of this guys? I would love to see that in LoL.
According to /v/, a riot guy got fired for leaking info on /v/, was this for real real or for play play?
I wonder why people would risk their jobs over something so futile...
I would love to see that in Dota 2.
Realistically, leavers have ruined the game by the time a sub could come in. The absence of the player has already created a massive gold deficit and map control disadvantage. I'm not sure what it would really solve to have someone come in when the game has already swung into such an unfavorable position. In situations like that it's best for the game to end as soon as possible and for players to start a new game where a level playing field is available.
He leaked Nautilus and a bunch of upcoming balance changes.
where does one find such infos?
Well that's a shame, I thoroughly enjoyed the global capability of this ulti (although it was weird that it was one of the few global damage skills left in the game)GP getting nerfed (something to do with his ult, possibly not global anymore)
Yeah, I would not be okay with this. And I don't even play GP anymore.GP getting nerfed (something to do with his ult, possibly not global anymore)
Yeah, I would not be okay with this. And I don't even play GP anymore.
This is like...what? Because Warwick is a super strong laner that everyone picks right now.Again:
I don't know if I'm remembering it correctly because it was a few days ago
I also heard that WW is getting a nerf to laning and a buff to jungling.
Why would you be so stupid when you're working your dreamjob... jesus.
This is like...what? Because Warwick is a super strong laner that everyone picks right now.
Sona already got AP nerfed a while back, if I recall correctly. She already can't give mana like Soraka. Kind of an odd change to nerf her further, or maybe not?
Warwick is already super rare as far as I know. His jungling is super slow, but it's not like you ever see a decent warwick in lane. Kind of an odd change?
Gangplank still seems like a slow/iffy/damage-taking jungler with questionable ganks to me, and I don't seem to see many strong gangplanks anymore. Getting rid of the global ult, which already didn't do much damage (and was AP which gangplank won't be building) just seems kind of sad, and might make him even more unused.
Bleah all around. =/