It's really sad, to be honest. Riot Guy was really cool.
This guy named Rotz or something was ultra-mad over his waifu Sona getting nerfed (his words, not mine) and basically stalked the guy and reported him to Riot.
It's funny in a kinda sad way. He basically just pissed off everyone just so he could "get back" at a guy who did nothing but give him a heads up on sona nerfs. I really don't understand his train of thought here. So now Riot is upset that they had a leak, Riot guy is upset because he has to leave a job he loved, we're upset because we lost a nice guy who was giving us lots of neat info, and Rohz is upset because his stupid waifu is getting nerfed. No one wins.
Sorry, I know that's confusing, but it's not my words.I'm just passing what I remember.
Sona nerf... there goes my Ranked career.