GAF inhouse is best house
ShittyDragon is shitty. Thanks for the carry!
You did fine. We all did. It was a good game
PATCH PREVIEW!!! Nerf Sona and Soraka!! Finally!
GAF inhouse is best house
ShittyDragon is shitty. Thanks for the carry!
Pretty sure the box timers were nerfed recently to cap what Shaco could do early in the game.I think they need to look into shaco's early jungling ability, I'm constantly getting ganked by at level 2 with a shaco with both buffs. The fact he can take out both banshee and red within seconds is really bad.
GAF inhouse is best house
ShittyDragon is shitty. Thanks for the carry!
One of my short term goal is to remember to use my actives, 2 freaking item and I always forgot to activate it =/
I think they need to look into shaco's early jungling ability, I'm constantly getting ganked by at level 2 with a shaco with both buffs. The fact he can take out both banshee and red within seconds is really bad.
Real talk, why does Sejuani exist if they were developing Nautilus at the same time?
These Shen changes makes it seem like they're just throwing poop on the wall and hoping it sticks.
I kind of like them, but it doesn't make Shen any more appealing to me.
Also, Janna is looking to be number 1 support...
Play draft, bro.
Also, all the QQs over support nerfs make me lol. I'd like to see something other than Sona/Soraka, thanks.
Isn't this just proving his point that Shaco is still OP early game, when your only counter argument is to ban him?
I would imagine there's more money in making interesting champions that people actually want to play.Because money.
Just delete Sona already, she's a horrendous, failed design. Fuck that whore.[img]
what is this... i don't even[/QUOTE]
It's the first Vayne- skin I'm considering on buying [IMG]
Isn't this just proving his point that Shaco is still OP early game, when your only counter argument is to ban him?
Just delete Sona already, she's a horrendous, failed design. Fuck that whore.
Unfortunately, policy prohibits me from gifting skins, characters, IP/RP, or other special items at this time.
How could it? Attaching it to a wall pulls you to the wall and decreases the cooldown timer on the ability.His hook doesnt even let him go through walls...
Isn't this just proving his point that Shaco is still OP early game, when your only counter argument is to ban him?
It is pretty dumb when the person banning only bans against the lane they are in and just ban every AP carry.
I've played a draft where all the traditional supports were banned. Noone knew what to do. It was hilarious.
This was before the support-kill lane thing was acceptable though. Think it was before leona was released
I've played a draft where all the traditional supports were banned. Noone knew what to do. It was hilarious.
This was before the support-kill lane thing was acceptable though. Think it was before leona was released
Meanwhile in League of Legends.
Just bought Lux, Spellthief, and some mana regen runes. Anyone have any tips before I go off and make a fool of myself?
I gave up jungling, going to do that when I can afford the runes for it.
lol if that happened to me I would love to have chosen support Nunu.
sustain, ASPD/MS steroid buff for my lane mate, and exhaust nuke. pity he's not used in this way at all.
I finally broke my losing streak. Yessssssss. Feels good man.
Rofl, was it that game we just played?
Lol, yea, that was the one.