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Astronaut Nautilus
Deep Sea Nautilus
Crimson Elite Swain
Dread-Knot Urgot
League of Legends
Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths
Staggering Blow (Passive) Nautilus first basic attack against a target deals bonus physical damage and immobilizes the opponent briefly. Staggering Blow cannot trigger on the same target more than once every 12 seconds.
Dredge Line - Nautilus throws his anchor forward. If he hits an enemy, he'll drag himself to his target and his target to him. If he hits terrain, he'll drag himself to the terrain and the cooldown is reduced.
Titans Wrath - Nautilus places a shield on himself that absorbs additional damage based on his maximum health. While the shield is active, Nautilus' attacks deal damage over time to units around him.
Riptide - Nautilus slams the ground, causing the earth to ripple out in waves. Each wave deals damage and slows the targets hit. This slow decays over time. Multiple waves that hit the same target deal reduced damage.
Depth Charge (ultimate) Nautilus launches a depth charge towards a target that picks up speed as it travels. This charge knocks up all enemies it encounters while traveling and explodes on impact, stunning the target and launching them into the air.
Spirit Charge
Number of charges decreased to 2 from 3
Fixed a bug where Tantrum wouldn't decrease physical damage taken
Pillar of Flame ability power ratio increased to .75 from .6
Conflagration cooldown increased to 14/13/12/11/10 from 12/11/10/9/8
Pyroclasm range increased to 825 from 750
Deadly Cadence stacks decreased to 4 from 5
Noxious Blast delay increased to 1 from .6
Miasma cooldown decreased to 7 from 9
Miasma slow decreased to 10/15/20/25/30% from 15/20/25/30/25%
Twin Fang ability power ratio increased to .6 from .55
Twin Fang base damage decreased to 45/80/115/150/185 from 60/95/130/165/200
Twin Fang range decreased to 550 from 700
Twin Fang cooldown decreased to 4 seconds from 5
Fixed a bug where Twin Fang would deal extra damage.
Transcendent Blades range decreased to 1100 from 1200
Fixed a bug where Transcendent Blades wouldn't activate
Death Defied passive duration decreased to 6 seconds from 7
Void Stone magic damage reduction decreased to 10% from 15%
Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 from 7/6/5
Fixed a bug where Null Sphere wouldn't silence
Master Yi
Double Strike now activates every 6th attack instead of 7th
Alpha Strike
Range increased to 800 from 600
Now always deals bonus damage to minions
bonus damage to minion decreased to 75/125/175/225/275 from 400
Cooldown decreased to 15 from 35
Cost decreased to 50/75/800/95/110 from 70/85/100/115/130 mana
No longer scales with ability Power
Armor and Magic resitance has been decreased to 200 from 100/150/200/250/300
Fixed a bug where Soul Siphon wasn't applying the bonus spellvamp
Black Shield
Shield strength no longer scales with ability power
Range decreased to 500 from 600
Soul Shackles
cooldown increased to 120 at all ranks from 120/110/100
Limit of three targets
Base mana increased to 280 from 250
Mana per level increased to 65 from 50
Mana regen per level increased to .7 from .5
Movement speed increased to 315 from 300
Command: Shockwave
Ability power ratio increased to .85 from .7
Fixed a bug where Command: Shockwave would not scale with ability power
Vorpal Blade
Energy cost changed to 60 from 70/65/60/55/50
Healing effect reduced to 10/16/22/28/34 from 18/26/34/42/50
Healing effect now also heals for 2% of attacker's maximum health per hit
Shen gets the heal if he last hits with Vorpal Blade
Single target damaging spells can now also trigger Vorpal Blade instead of just attacks
Feint now grants 20/25/30/35/40 Armor while it's active
Feint duration increased to 3 from 2.5
Cost increased to 50 from 45
Shadow Dash
Cooldown changed to 11-9 from 10
Energy cost reduced to 100 from 120-100
Taunt Duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
Restores 40 Energy per champion affected, from 50 Energy if you affect one
Ki Strike
Bonus Damage from Health increased to 12% from 8%
Cooldown is now reduced by 0.5 seconds for minion hits in addition to 2 seconds for champion hits
Base attack damage decreased to 49.9 from 54.1
Base health decreased to 425 from 440
Health per level decreased to 82 from 96
Movement speed decreased to 315 from 320
Fixed a bug where impale would have a longer radius than intended
Range has been decreased to 300 from 350
Cooldown has been increased to 110 at all ranks from 130/120/110
Impale is not longer affected by Energize
Hymn of Valor
Passive attack damage and ability power change to 3/7/11/14/20 from 8/11/14/17/20
Magic damage decreased to 25/75/125/175/225
Aria of Perseverance
Passive armor and magic resistance has been changed to 3/5/7/9/11 from 7/9/11/13/15
Cost has been increased to 80 mana at all ranks, from 60/65/70/75/80
Song of Celerity
Passive movement speed decreased to 3/6/9/12/15 from 8/11/14/17/20
Range has been decreased to 600 from 1000
No longer reduces magic resistance
Magic damage has been decreased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 60/85/110/135/160
Enemies hit by Starcall take 1/2/3/4/5% increased damage on the next damaging ability used on them
No longer stacks
No longer gives mana back to Soraka
No longer castable on Soraka
Cooldown decreased to 100 seconds at all ranks from 120/110/100
Tides of Blood cost is increased by 50% per each use up from 25%
Hemoplague increases the damage taken from all sources by 10% down from 14%
What the hell is with that Ahri Nerf? The freaking crap?
EDIT: this feels like a troll patch note. Probably not real.
yeah the patch is too good to be true
How is it too good? Even if it was real, those changes are mediocre and stupid. No justification behind them all. Probably some whiner who thinks "OMG [Insert Champion Name] OP!!!!"
Range has been decreased to 600 from 1000
kass, vlad, skarner, cass, ahri, morgana, sona, soraka
yes, all balanced champs and unknown for being powerful*
*im being sarcastic
fuck yeah they're not balancedI'm confused. Are you trying to say that Ahri, Skarner, Cass, Vlad, etc are not balanced? Sorry but in the hands of a good player they're extremely strong. The cap is the skill for some champs and the gap between an average player and one that is an expert shows.
The hell. If that is real, I am not playing sona anymore.
Support Nidalee all the way.
fuck yeah they're not balanced
they're OP and the majority were must pick/bans
good riddance
What planet do you live on where Ahri isn't OP? If people still rag on Akali I don't see them anymore.I completely disagree. Ahri is not OP. I'm not sure about the other champs since I don't play them but I don't think Ahri is OP. Hell, people still think Akali is OP.
What planet do you live on where Ahri isn't OP? If people still rag on Akali I don't see them anymore.
yeah, these nerfs were way too good to be realIt's not real so I wouldn't worry too much.
Great damage, great laning, great ganking, great escape. Oh and an AP carry with a ranged taunt. She has few real weaknesses and depending on who's playing her they can essentially catch/escape everything.Tell me why you think Ahri is OP so I don't say some stupid nonsensical crap.
It seems that it's reducing her ult output to 2 flames instead of 3, per fact, glancing at her wiki info, isn't this a buff? instead of having to get 3 charges she only gets 2 now? (I don't play Ahri but I have experience playing against her)
Great damage, great laning, great ganking, great escape. Oh and an AP carry with a ranged taunt. She has few real weaknesses and depending on who's playing her they can essentially catch/escape everything.
in fact, glancing at her wiki info, isn't this a buff? instead of having to get 3 charges she only gets 2 now? (I don't play Ahri but I have experience playing against her)
oh so she can't gank/escape everything with impunity once a minute and soAhri's ult isn't like akali's in that you build up charges. When the cd is up you get to use her ult three times in fairly quick succession, if these notes are true, you will only be able to do it twice. Stupid nerf.
Just gonna say this now....
Fake - Fake as in not real, as in nothing as in no, as in not true, as in these are false, as in be patient.
riot's response
man i knew these were too good to be true
well enjoy your further domination ap mids and sona
I like to think I'm reasonable in hating Cass, Vlad and Morgana.So not only Ahri, but you hate all AP mids?
I like to think I'm reasonable in hating Cass, Vlad and Morgana.
to me kassadin is in the same boat of Shaco, not necessarily OP but very overwhelming for most people too lazy to learn to counter him
I enjoy change and nerfs to must pick/ban champions what can I say.Sorry but your previous comments make me think that you're completely unreasonable.
I feel like there are a lot of of overtuned AP champs right now as a reaction to the old bruiser heavy meta.So not only Ahri, but you hate all AP mids?
apparently the patch notes got leaked
How do you balance AP mid anyway? The whole point of AP is to do burst damage, since AP always solo, they will be at least 1 or 2 levels ahead. Another advantage AP had is they benefit a lot more from level up, so in early game with no item, AP will win against most people 1 vs 1.
Ahri is kinda OP, if most champion with gap closer chase you down, you can flash, stun, root to escape while their gap closer is in CD. Against Ahri or Akali, they will just keep diving toward you.
Ahri can't ult through walls though, so if you flash through terrain to escape, the Ahri player will have to burn their own flash to pursue you (assuming they have it). If Ahri burn's her ult and flash to kill you, she has no way to escape anything for a while, and if she's out of position after pursuing you, she can be really easily counter ganked.
It can ult through all wall except for the big one, its only a tiny bit shorter than flash range. There are hardly any wall that you can flash over that ahri can't ult over.
Chasing down opponent is always risky, but at least she has the option to chase down to do so if it is relatively safe. Someone like annie can only type in all chat "HP???" to get some comfort.
Ohh yes Ahri ult nerfed. She will definitely be balanced now (and gankable).
Cass got nerfed quite hard though... That +0.4 on her Q is really going to make her hard to play in laning.\
I'm loving the Orianna buff!
And Ahri is OP. Her ult makes her ungankable in lane and a good Ahri who has warded well will never die in laning phase after 6. She pushes the lane, goes to gank another lane and secures kills easily with her mobility and cc. If she gets caught pushing a lane, she ults 3 times and survives.
Almost everytime i've been caught pushing mid as Ahri by 2 people, I get 1 kill and survive the encounter because of her amazing burst.
We won't be happy until Lol become a game where minions play the game while champions are walking wards.
I've taken my share of heavy damage (and deaths?) from minions, man. *glare*Minions OP?
League of Legends is a game that has been tweaked and added to for years. It has a gigantic character roster and a changing item set that augments them. There are lots of champions that fall way out of favor, and there are other champions who just excel without many (or any) weaknesses. The power disparity between the tiers of champions is just huge.I don't like how much 'OP' get thrown around in the LoL community. It's like no one will be happy until every champ is nerfed to point of boring near-uselessness. Coming from a fighting games background where everyone looks at the most lopsided match-ups you can imagine and says 'learn to play! learn the match-up! tough it out!' it's especially disconcerting how the minute something seems good in LoL, people run crying to Riot for nerfs.
Lol, Wukong and Ziggs untouched.apparently the patch notes got leaked
Hybrid Twitch is best Twitch.
EDIT: Expunge scales 100% with AP, so if you have 6 stacks of Deadly Venom on your target and even just 100 AP, you'll do 1500 magic damage to them from that one spell alone at the max level.
Expunge max damage = 150
100 ap
+ 6 stacks of passive = 6x60 = 360
= 250 + 360 = 610 max damage with 100 AP.
or am I missing something here?