NIOOOO KARTHUS PASSIVE NERF!! Why are they nerfing three of my babies (Sona, Karthus and Vlad) in one patch?
Also, I'm learning Autodesk Maya right now, and the hotkeys for scale/move/select/rotate (the go-to's of 3D modeling) are Q-W-E-R.
Well, the Vlad and Sona nerfs are happening (though I'm not sure about all of those Sona nerfs), so I wouldn't be suprised if Karthus was getting one, too.They are fake.... Read the thread.
I do what I canCheezburger image, LOL QWER, patchnote whining, your post is gold.
NIOOOO KARTHUS PASSIVE NERF!! Why are they nerfing three of my babies (Sona, Karthus and Vlad) in one patch?
Also, I'm learning Autodesk Maya right now, and the hotkeys for scale/move/select/rotate (the go-to's of 3D modeling) are Q-W-E-R.
Lo fucking l.I'm actually ok with the Sona aura nerfs. But if they were to nerf the range on her ult...
I know the notes are fake, but a range nerf on her ult would be fuckin' scary.
I'm totally going to bust into your class when I visit you and yell "ULT NOW" so that you mash R while you model something.
And then I will laugh. Heartily.
I'm actually ok with the Sona aura nerfs. But if they were to nerf the range on her ult... I know the notes are fake, but a range nerf on her ult would be fuckin' scary.
I'm totally going to bust into your class when I visit you and yell "ULT NOW" so that you mash R while you model something.
And then I will laugh. Heartily.
This is the best post I have seen all day.![]()
(I'm feeling very pictorial today.)
Also, I agree about the Sona ult nerf. That's like, almost half the range; my heart totally jumped when I saw that. WHO WOULD TROLL US LIKE THIS?!
Hey Dan the man! I was thinking several of the regulars hadn't been around. Of course I haven't been playing at all.Hey guys!
Dandandanbr here.
I've been away for sooo long now, but ill have a good internet in my new home so next week ill be rock solid![]()
You joking?What the fuck is this trend with people who play AD ranged telling other people to let them farm the minions. No motherfucker, I'm not letting you get all the money while I get jack shit.
So OPEven Soraka needs dat Triforce.
What the fuck is this trend with people who play AD ranged telling other people to let them farm the minions. No motherfucker, I'm not letting you get all the money while I get jack shit.
It's not my job to babysit you. People who bitch an moan about kill stealing pisses me off to.As someone who plays(ed) AD bot, I got this gargantuan urge to kick you in the balls.
I feel the same guilt when I Q-harrass with Sona and the second string kills a minion.I feel so guilty when I'm support Alistar and his passive kills a minion by accident. I cry sometimes.
Welcome to the meta.What the fuck is this trend with people who play AD ranged telling other people to let them farm the minions.
That is exactly one of the many things what supports are meant to do.It's not my job to babysit you.
I don't mind supports taking kills that would have otherwise not been acquired, or in the middle of a chaotic team fight, but intentionally taking kills that could have been easily finished off by your mates is wrong.People who bitch an moan about kill stealing pisses me off to.
lovecraft deep one skin plzYeaaa about patch notes, Deep Sea -skin for scuba-diving champ makes perfect sense.
It's not JUST the meta. 0 CS support is mathematically the strongest team comp you can have - because AD carrys scale the best with gold.
If you want to win, you give AD carrys the gold.
Maybe you're not playing support. But if you both are going to fight over gold then you're both going to be weak.
That is exactly one of the many things what supports are meant to do.
I don't mind supports taking kills that would have otherwise not been acquired, or in the middle of a chaotic team fight, but intentionally taking kills that could have been easily finished off by your mates is wrong.
E: If you are honestly uncertain about how to play the support role properly, please read this guide
Are you talking about the confirmed fake patch notes posted above, or something else?kassadin nerf on rifwalk and passive, for real? now hes good at nothing now.
yeah go nerf everyone cause i dont care anymore, I am done with this shit.
It's not my job to babysit you. People who bitch an moan about kill stealing pisses me off to.
If I'm playing blind or otherwise with people I don't know, I'm not gonna support random Joe Blow that instalocks an AD carry. They've lost me entirely too many games in the past.
EDIT: Just wanted to say that I do agree with your statement, and I even played support in a GAF in-house recently. Still, if you're playing with randoms, sometimes i think it's better to just do your own thing and ignore the meta.
It's not my job to babysit you. People who bitch an moan about kill stealing pisses me off to.
Pre-30 people ignore the meta anyway and no one can CS well. It's sometimes better to go double AD bot or something than play support for an AD who ignores creeps and spends all their time harassing.
Unranked games are a weird thing.
Pre-30 and unranked are different beasts, my man. Pre-30 games make no goddamn sense. Thank goodness Legato set me straight. Unranked post-300 wins is pretty decent, they at least follow the meta.
Pre-30 and unranked are different beasts, my man. Pre-30 games make no goddamn sense. Thank goodness Legato set me straight. Unranked post-300 wins is pretty decent, they at least follow the meta.
What the fuck is this trend with people who play AD ranged telling other people to let them farm the minions. No motherfucker, I'm not letting you get all the money while I get jack shit.
So do we think we'll be getting the actual REAL patch notes sometime later today?
It's not my job to babysit you. People who bitch an moan about kill stealing pisses me off to.
Monday night is usually the date for patch notes. So yes.
It's surprising how many people just skin through a thread on GAF, see one post, and post immediately without even reading the rest of the thread.
Monday night is usually the date for patch notes. So yes.
It's surprising how many people just skin through a thread on GAF, see one post, and post immediately without even reading the rest of the thread.
I don't play support. And I've been bot with plenty of AD carries and still won the game.Never play support. Ever. Or go bot with an AD carry.
I don't play support. And I've been bot with plenty of AD carries and still won the game.
When I played SR, I did it this way.
If my AD could land all the last hits, I let him have everything. If I see them missing left and right, I'd rather take it rather than waste gold. If they complained I told them to learn to last hit before whining about farm.
I don't play support. And I've been bot with plenty of AD carries and still won the game.
I don't play support. And I've been bot with plenty of AD carries and still won the game.
As an AD bot, I am ok with this. If I fuck up a last hit, take it! No sense in wasting gold. However, if I see a repeated pattern of taking my last hit...
This question is not meant to be derisive; what level are you? At certain levels this is absolutely understandable.
30This question is not meant to be derisive; what level are you? At certain levels this is absolutely understandable.
Gotta have an inhouse gaf game to settle this!