That Soraka nerf is idiotic.
infinite mana sustain is idiotic
now ad bot is just a bit less terrible to play
That Soraka nerf is idiotic.
Nerf needed... but this is merely peer pressure and crap?
All I've seen is that you tried to surrender that one game =p
Ezreal did. He's designed and co-designed tons of champions. Original Jax, Annie, Amumu, Blitz, Caitlyn, Heimer, Jarvan, Kassadin, Kog'maw, Malzahar, Morgana, Nasus, Nocturne, Singed, Shyvana, Sion, Teemo, Warwick, Trist, Zilean, and a few others.
Sorry I should clarify. She needed a nerf but peer-pressure once again pushed the nerf overboard. To that second comment, in all honesty we should've lost that game. Normally people don't come back and as a result of that experiment, I'd rather not waste time and just surrender. Easier to go to the next game.
infinite mana sustain is idiotic
now ad bot is just a bit less terrible to play
Nerf it if you want, but to completely take it away?
That shit is only going to be used to silence people. Her heal costs way too much mana, the Starfall change is nice and all, but it's just making her more AP and less support.
Ok I see all this stuff about obeying the meta, etc. But what exactly is the Meta?
Shen has always maxed Q first.Thing is Shen still lacks a good CC. One taunt in a straight line doesn't cut it. I'd give him the ability to dash with no cd. Let him be able to dash twice with full energy and burn it all in exchance to possibly taunt the entire team. Or make his ult shield everyone but he tp's to target champ. I dunno, maybe the buff will see Shen maxing Q first now.
Ok I see all this stuff about obeying the meta, etc. But what exactly is the Meta?
Subterranean Natilus
Abyssal Natilus
Valentine Vayne
Dark Crystal Ryze
solo top, ganking jungler, ap mid, and ad+support bot
Shen has always maxed Q first.
His shield was really bad, dunno why you'd max it out early. Q was needed to jungle clear speed or for laning heal/harass, as the only way for him to really put out damage it was necessary to max it. Of all his abilities it gains the most from additional ranks, and it gets the most use out of any of his abilities.Really? I always get 2 pts in Q for early lane phases and then max the others next.
His shield was really bad, dunno why you'd max it out early. Q was needed to jungle clear speed or for laning heal/harass, as the only way for him to really put out damage it was necessary to max it. Of all his abilities it gains the most from additional ranks, and it gets the most use out of any of his abilities.
Just got back from holidays and saw the Shen buffs. Appears that they've improved him too much because he's constantly banned and I can't get around to play him...
I was talking about old Shen.His Q gains the most from level 2 - still. But his feint now is sooooo strong. Maxing W after leve 2 Q is def the way to go. Shen is clearly OP.
Nerfs and bans have weird feedback loop behavior though. Even if someone doesn't need nerfed much, if enough people complain loudly enough, Riot may nerf them a bunch anyway.
If someone is nerfed even a little, you may almost completely stop seeing them. I hardly ever see Trondomore anymore. He may not be a good example, but I feel like there have been cases where someone lost 40 damage from an ability or something, and everyone stopped playing them.
Nerfs and bans have weird feedback loop behavior though. Even if someone doesn't need nerfed much, if enough people complain loudly enough, Riot may nerf them a bunch anyway.
If someone is nerfed even a little, you may almost completely stop seeing them. I hardly ever see Trondomore anymore. He may not be a good example, but I feel like there have been cases where someone lost 40 damage from an ability or something, and everyone stopped playing them.
The die has been cast.HNNNnnnnn that vayne skin. Going to have to start playing AD bot more.
I think I can safely say, "If there's anything Riot has to remake next, it's their client."
It is seriously getting out of hand at this point.
Every single game I play I experience significant FPS drops here and there, sometimes I glitch and can't move anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
I'm disconnecting on game loads every ten as well.
That combined with not even being able to start a game is getting on my nerves.
I wonder if Rayven can give us any sort of inside info. It seems like that game's stability is getting worse and worse.
It is seriously getting out of hand at this point.
Every single game I play I experience significant FPS drops here and there, sometimes I glitch and can't move anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
I'm disconnecting on game loads every ten as well.
That combined with not even being able to start a game is getting on my nerves.
I wonder if Rayven can give us any sort of inside info. It seems like that game's stability is getting worse and worse.
Nautilus is so god damn fun to play
The hook skill is awesome for me since it isn't that punishing if you miss one. He hooks around every 4 seconds if you hit terrain. It's like i'm the god damn spiderman.