That's fair enough, and it sounds like you were faced with a good Sion, then. I like the idea of getting boots of mobility and ganking side lanes, but in practice I was probably never very good at it.I was winning the lane at the beginning by a combo of bursting his shield and then poking at him after his shield popped. After a few levels, I wasn't able to pop his shield without blowing two or three of my spells, so even though he wouldn't do any damage, neither could I.
I drove him out of lane a few times early, but couldn't kill him because he had summoner heal + ulti later down the line. So even though I got him to back, he would just come back with more rings + a better shield. Eventually he just pushed me into my own tower and then gank top/bot with the jungler. I couldn't harass him for more damage than he could restore with pots + summoner heal + ulti.
What ultimately cost us the match was that he could leave lane and get back without losing much EXP/farm (especially since my teamates would fall to the ganks), whereas I was stuck in the lane except for a few rare occasions.
LeBlanc presumably gets worse as the game goes on, so since he had a champion and playstyle that survived the early harass, and didn't feed, plus his assists in side lanes, he won in the longterm. *shrug* What do I know, I'm just a kid. 8D