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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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I was winning the lane at the beginning by a combo of bursting his shield and then poking at him after his shield popped. After a few levels, I wasn't able to pop his shield without blowing two or three of my spells, so even though he wouldn't do any damage, neither could I.

I drove him out of lane a few times early, but couldn't kill him because he had summoner heal + ulti later down the line. So even though I got him to back, he would just come back with more rings + a better shield. Eventually he just pushed me into my own tower and then gank top/bot with the jungler. I couldn't harass him for more damage than he could restore with pots + summoner heal + ulti.

What ultimately cost us the match was that he could leave lane and get back without losing much EXP/farm (especially since my teamates would fall to the ganks), whereas I was stuck in the lane except for a few rare occasions.
That's fair enough, and it sounds like you were faced with a good Sion, then. I like the idea of getting boots of mobility and ganking side lanes, but in practice I was probably never very good at it.

LeBlanc presumably gets worse as the game goes on, so since he had a champion and playstyle that survived the early harass, and didn't feed, plus his assists in side lanes, he won in the longterm. *shrug* What do I know, I'm just a kid. 8D


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Protip: Don't pick Leblanc.

In other news, some PBE potential upcoming changes:

Unbreakable Will mana cost reduced to 100 from 150
Trample damage increased to 10-27 per second from 10-23


Idol of Durand damage range increased to 600 from 575


Fixed a particle issue with Transcendent Blades


Granite Shield now shows a cooldown timer

Miss Fortune

Strut now shows a cooldown timer


Now has a passive cooldown timer like Ziggs and Shen


Axe Throw
Damage increased to 80-260 from 50-210
Scaling changed to +1.0 bonus AD from +0.5 total AD
Base cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
Cooldown reduction for picking up the axe reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
Ragnarok now provides 30/45/60 Armor and Magic Resist instead of 20/30/40 flat damage reduction


Paragon of Demacia now shows you over its icon how many stacks you have


Move Quick's passive component now shows a cooldown timer


Champions will now attempt to run home immediately when disconnecting, rather than attempting to Recall
Small monster camp sigils now restore up to 30 Mana in addition to Health
Small golem camp
Movement Speed increased to 300 from 180
Medium Golem base damage increased to 59 from 54
Potential blue side nerf. That mana return will also make a really big difference to some mana based junglers.


Golem base damage increase?

What's the point of that? Good bot lanes take the golems without getting hit at all.

I would play olaf again if those buffs are real


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Golem base damage increase?

What's the point of that? Good bot lanes take the golems without getting hit at all.

I would play olaf again if those buffs are real
The speed increase means they won't be able to avoid getting hit.


Soo let's try and guess how Shen will get nerfed.

1. Reduction on ki strike for sure.
2.The damage reduction from taunt will go down.


If that information is correct, her Q allow her to dash 2 times. =/ Passive health regen, regen health on strike, and block 1 auto attack.

She is going to be pain to fight against at top. They trying to make people start playing AP top?


Her kit looks very similar to Fizz.

Therefore she will only fit into the meta if she can jungle unless she has wtfbbq burst at levels 1-7.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If that information is correct, her Q allow her to dash 2 times. =/ Passive health regen, regen health on strike, and block 1 auto attack.

She is going to be pain to fight against at top. They trying to make people start playing AP top?
She'll have no harass, no CC or disruption, and probably a really bad team fight unless the kit is really deceptive. There would have to be something really crazy about her kit to prove that she'll be good. None of her moves are very original either. It's like Renekton's dash but probably involving less skill, Jax's Counter-Strike without the two seconds of immunity or stun, and Yi's Alpha Strike but probably more elaborate. Hopefully she's way cooler than she sounds.


Tragic victim of fan death
She seems to be related (not by blood obviously)to Talon judging by her clothing. Probably from Noxus. Judging from her kit she'll be an AD Caster Burst or a Tanky DPS. I'm going for the Latter. Looks pretty sweet. Anyone know which Champ Designer is making her?


She'll have no harass, no CC or disruption, and probably a really bad team fight unless the kit is really deceptive. There would have to be something really crazy about her kit to prove that she'll be good. None of her moves are very original either. It's like Renekton's dash but probably involving less skill, Jax's Counter-Strike without the two seconds of immunity or stun, and Yi's Alpha Strike but probably more elaborate. Hopefully she's way cooler than she sounds.

She will just do the same as every other melee dps without AD scaling shield. Atma it.


Oh, I totally agree. Just pointing out if someone as Lee starts with wolves, why Ferga could have the window to counter jungle Lee's red.

I tried wolves,blue enemy golems then waiting at red.

I stole red and their blue by getting fb off their jungler.

Quite a risky and very rewarding route. Pretty much makes the other jungler waste a tonne of gold to ward up their jungle.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
2 for 2 tonight...

Both games seemed like a cluster and had my team bitching early game. I duo qued with a friend and someone was always qq'ing early on. 2nd match our jungle Shiv said GG to the other team after our 1st death. Nevermind that we steam rolled both games in mid game. LOL


I played what was I think my first game since Nautilus got added. His model is huge, it's like Sejuani or something. He also seemed quite tough and powerful, and a good initiator (against our team). We were uncoordinated and I was terrified that we would lose, but in the end people worked together and carried me. :)


Love the trash talk in this game. So good.

This guy was going on and on about how bad I was because I couldn't chase him down and kill him. I was full support Sona, he was Nautilus. When I pointed this out to him, he called me bad because the Sivir in my lane couldn't kill him. When I said to him that I don't control Sivir, that it's an actual human being behind the keyboard, he said I should have done more.

Mmm mmm. The rage is so delicious. I also pointed out that he has 1300+ wins and that he probably wasted more than 40 days in this game. That got him real steamed.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
New Shen isn't as great as everyone thinks he is.

And Warwick. Why is Warwick in literally every game?


New Shen isn't as great as everyone thinks he is.

The trouble with shen IMO is his ult. Actually any hero with a global ult is a big pain in the ass. Even before his buff shen's ult was annoying, but least it was just that. Now it's to the point that you can't really gank or initiate without him showing up and wrecking your shit.


TF approves.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The trouble with shen IMO is his ult. Actually any hero with a global ult is a big pain in the ass. Even before his buff shen's ult was annoying, but least it was just that. Now it's to the point that you can't really gank or initiate without him showing up and wrecking your shit.
The channel time is really long. If you can hit the stun or interrupt on him then he's not going anywhere. Except for maybe dashing away.
Does GP's Q also use extra base damage from Sheen/Lich/Triforce before applying crit multiplier for massive damage? Or does it apply multiplier before adding the procs from said items?


So I rarely lose with nidalee. Went into a ranked game just then. Vsed a poppy at top who ran only hp regen+armour runes.

I got destroyed! We both warded quite well so there were no jungle ganks there after the first 2 failed for both teams.

I started to AA the poppy and did no damage at all so i started to farm. We both got to 150cs at around 18minutes then the aggression came. She would burst half my life off with a sheen proc and after that, I was denied. I would get around 2cs out of an entire wave. If i got more, i would die.

Got to 25minutes and she was outfarming me by 50 but no deaths though. The game score was 0-0 at the 25minutes mark as well with no dragons taken. There were about 5 really close dragon fights but noone could get dragon and due to the great supports from both teams, noone died. Then some counterjungled happened and we aced them at our blue, got baron and got a slight advantage. Game dragged on for another 20mins. We got baron another time and we won the game with poppy on 9/1. If it weren't for our taric, we would of lost that game for sure. He did some pretty good initiations and timed his stun perfectly in every fight so that once poppy's ult went down, she would be instantly stunned and melted by our team.

Really tense and unexpected game. It didn't even feel like any other game i've ever played. And it shows that supports can indeed win games.

TL:DR Run HP regen runes and armour/mr (depends on your top) runes on poppy to get through early game.
To the GP question: Sheen procs when you Q them


Soo let's try and guess how Shen will get nerfed.

1. Reduction on ki strike for sure.
2.The damage reduction from taunt will go down.
i think they'll:

1. make damage reduction scaling, probably 30% at lvl 1 and up by 5% for each level
2. reduce ki strike damage to previous
3. reduce damage on shadow dash

honestly he'll still be badass and useful now, he just won't anally violate everyone at top


these lala demacia episodes are getting more and more ridiculous. pretty sure the last one had a katarina cameltoe in it...


I got outfarmed by an Ezreal today despite getting first blood on him. He had 189 cs before the 20 minute mark.

That Ezreal makes me proud. :')

I hate in solo queue when you politely ask what everyone is going to play, get no response, claim a role, and then they pick that role when it's champ select time. I just finished respecing for nothing! /ends rant
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