elo hell is just negativity bias coupled with a lot of bad habits that actually got to the point that worsened your own skill at the game
like crab said, depending on mias in the end just hurts your map awareness. or focusing in what others did wrong instead of what you could've done better. or whining about not getting the role you wanted instead of just learning to support, etc.
I mean vent if you want but the only thing you can really control is your own ability to carry games, and not even in that trick2g "get out of bronze" way, just make a bunch of smart decisions and by simply doing better than the guy in the other team you're just raising the odds you'll win
it sucks but it's more about accepting you're not special and you'll have to grind it out like the rest of us than anything else.
edit: it's also a lot about how you see it. my last ranked game I had a sion mid and malzahar top and the enemy team had a bunch of crazy scary teamfight picks like shen, leona, yi and karthus. and just like whatever, I don't really care for their picks but I'll just do my thing, let them do theirs, and they ended up wrecking face and we won very easy, we played the game well and never even got to opiate's adored teamfighting

I could've just whined about their picks being crazy (they're not even that crazy but eh...) but whatever, it doesn't really help and I won my lane and did my shit landing a bunch of hooks and that's it.