Seems like GAF is smartening up.Pass Go and buy Draven.
Don't succumb to the Lucian pressure. He's a scrub and he'll rotate out of FOTM soon enough. Jinx is good, but TWITCH 4 LYFE.Mmm should I buy Cass or wait to have 6300 ad buy either Jinx or Lucian? I want Cass but I feel so old school when I play with Caitlyn or Twitch (when I don't play with Sivir, too lazy to play with Draven)
And Sejuani is awesome.
personally I think lucian is really boring so if you're gonna buy a new adc go for jinx or ezreal or draven or varus, I find all of them more fun.Mmm should I buy Cass or wait to have 6300 ad buy either Jinx or Lucian? I want Cass but I feel so old school when I play with Caitlyn or Twitch (when I don't play with Sivir, too lazy to play with Draven)
And Sejuani is awesome.
I don't think she's THAT hard to play, but you can't just pick her up and be immediately consistent that's for sureI honestly don't recommend Cass unless you're planning to completely dedicate playing her.
She's the type of champ you really need like dozens of games with to play properly.
It's not that she's exactly mechanically hard to play - after all, it's just skillshots and keeping track of ranges in the end - but her pace overall is really, really different from other mid laners. It's the type of champ that you absolutely have to get to make it work, unlike other champs that have some leeway for you to do cool stuff with, the first few games with Cass are basically a nightmare that makes you think she's shit.I don't think she's THAT hard to play, but you can't just pick her up and be immediately consistent that's for sure
she's pretty fun to play tho
I dunno, I'm used to playing mid with other champions that require some degree of microing like syndra and ori and I didn't find cass to be as brutal as I thought. the one thing I'm completely awful with her is her ult, but I had pretty good first games, 2v1ing people when ganked and such.It's not that she's exactly mechanically hard to play - after all, it's just skillshots and keeping track of ranges in the end - but her pace overall is really, really different from other mid laners. It's the type of champ that you absolutely have to get to make it work, unlike other champs that have some leeway for you to do cool stuff with, the first few games with Cass are basically a nightmare that makes you think she's shit.
I like cassio. The good players are REALLY GOOD with her and she has some very scary damage as well as mobility from her Q. But she is a little clunky. You have to micro more than an ADC trying to land Es while still being mobile.
join the neogaf channel.
most of us are afk
Hey guys, I'm a relatively new League of Legends player (been playing for maybe 3.5 weeks, level 24) with a competitive gaming background. I played Halo 2, 3, and Reach (*gag*) competitively, attended multiple MLG/AGL events, before moving to Counter Strike: Global Offensive and then to League. I'm looking for other people to play with and whatnot, so if anyone is interested to play, add: hetyred1 on NA.
A halo friend is a friend of mine, welcome.
Thoughts on halo 4? Also I thought zero bloom MLG reach was really good.
Don't succumb to the Lucian pressure. He's a scrub and he'll rotate out of FOTM soon enough. Jinx is good, but TWITCH 4 LYFE.
I honestly don't recommend Cass unless you're planning to completely dedicate playing her.
She's the type of champ you really need like dozens of games with to play properly.
Don't succumb to the Lucian pressure. He's a scrub and he'll rotate out of FOTM soon enough. Jinx is good, but TWITCH 4 LYFE.
Is Cass a thing now? I'm miserable with her. I remember the first time I ever played her was in an ARAM and I went like 0/17. That was fun. Touched her like twice since and it didn't improve much.
And Sejuani is awesome. I think her sound design is the best in League, too.
personally I think lucian is really boring so if you're gonna buy a new adc go for jinx or ezreal or draven or varus, I find all of them more fun.
I don't think she's THAT hard to play, but you can't just pick her up and be immediately consistent that's for sure
she's pretty fun to play tho
I know the question wasn't for me, but I loved Halo 4. Too bad all of my friends stopped playing when Black Ops 2 came out.
And Cass is one of those champions I have always wanted to play, even if she requires quite a good amount of games to get a better feel and be consistently good with her. I think I'll buy Cass and then Jinx. Lucian will be on sale pretty soon, like this month, I think.
I like Cass quite a bit too, especially in ARAM (I can zone the entire enemy team like crazy with her there by myself), but now that I've kinda gotten the hang of Syndra I agree that niche wise she feels pretty similar while being easier to use and more dangerous of a duelist. Cass ult is definitely more devastating but other than that I think Syndra is better. If the game is still "going" once Cass gets her trinity though (Liandry's/Ryalis/DC) she'll just wreck in teamfights. The synergy with those + her kit is better than just about any other mage.
Now I need Ice Bitch Lissandra and no other new skin will fulfil my desire.
Nev, I can't even fathom how massive a troll you are.I was trying to de-sexualize some girls. Turns out it's funnier and easier to sexualize
Now I need Ice Bitch Lissandra and no other new skin will fulfil my desire.
What did you loved about Halo 4? I was a huge fan (I'm still a fan, but not so much anymore) after playing it for 4 months since its release, I finally conceded that the multiplayer truly didn't feel like Halo, there was no flow, no map control, just running around the map, and I'm not even talking about instant respawn, ordnance, armor mods, lack of ranked, too many big maps, etc, etc. Single player was ruined for me since I got spoiled by a "friend", and the only moment I truly remember of the campaign is in the second level when you see Requiem's sky for the first time (here)... and where the music truly fit with the game. Shared Files were incomplete, Spartan Ops were really repetitive, even if the second half of the season was pretty cool. Reach Forge was actually better than the one for H4 even with the new dynamic lights. No playing as elites. No firefight, repetitive (and lame) diary challenges, like with Reach. Boring medals. No Chopper (RIP 2007-2010), etc. And let's not forget what 343 has been doing with Halo's lore... I preferred when luck was just luck. Too much brown. Generic feel.
Sorry for the rant since this really isn't the place, but I really miss Halo and halogaf is salty enough. Why can't Halo just be Halo. )':
(And I still believe Xbox Live Party did hurt Halo multiplayer, even if it was, and is, a great feature. It also made it less fun in some ways).
[RIP Halo]
Perhaps because of everything that happened with Halo, that is the reason of why I'm so condescending with Riot, they really have to made a huge mistake for me to be disappointed with them... like not releasing a new Ahri's skin this year, I mean popstar Ahri was released last year ):
Nev, I can't even fathom how massive a troll you are.
She looks like a erect phallus.How is Liss even sexualized ._.
Worst match making ever
That ARAM was fun.
The sona dmgs. it was funny to see nami tidal wave one shot karthus.
The Xerath rework still isn't live? Why?
Silver 1 S3, 6-4, Silver 3 S4. 45745927572 losses in a row, Silver 5. My MMR is pure shit. Need to win like 15 games without losses. Im losing more LPs than wining...
I had that during preseason. Now I'm in Bronze IV :'(
Try "fixing Sivir's everything" when looking at her default splash art.I think it was more the syndra, zyra and elise era more than anything.
riot is kinda getting better
worse thing they've done is not fix sivir's teeth
They did, but they usually don't mention those kind of tweaks in the patch notes for LIVE servers. Like how they didn't bring up changing Caitlyn's or Soraka's running animation recently, for example.they didn't push it to live I think
Xbox Live Parties ruined a lot of multiplayer games back when it was patched in. Gears of War 2 was a lot less fun (no more moments of silence when everyone else died like in Gears 1) and proximity chat from the Halo games lost its value. Never mind the effect it had on Chrome Hounds, what with radio transmission towers (effectively control points) being integral to use and maintain voice communications with the rest of your team in that game.(And I still believe Xbox Live Party did hurt Halo multiplayer, even if it was, and is, a great feature. It also made it less fun in some ways).
[RIP Halo]
Perhaps because of everything that happened with Halo, that is the reason of why I'm so condescending with Riot, they really have to made a huge mistake for me to be disappointed with them... like not releasing a new Ahri's skin this year, I mean popstar Ahri was released last year ):