lissandra is kinda nice when you want to zyra mid but they pick leblanc or something equally horrifying before your turn to order of mah skillz-> Supp/mid, ADC, jungle, top.
I don't think i'v ever played those champs once, either.
lissandra is kinda nice when you want to zyra mid but they pick leblanc or something equally horrifying before your turn to order of mah skillz-> Supp/mid, ADC, jungle, top.
I don't think i'v ever played those champs once, either.
Like Panda said, using flat Mpen marks could be worth some tests. Mpen is far stronger than Arpen and it could potentially increase the damage in your passive and the rest of your kit by a significant amount.
you could buy skarner, and embrace the true fun that is being the order of mah skillz-> Supp/mid, ADC, jungle, top.
I don't think i'v ever played those champs once, either.
in order of mah skillz-> Supp/mid, ADC, jungle, top.
I don't think i'v ever played those champs once, either.
I feel the opposite lolI feel you guys underestimate what armor pen can do in lvl 1-5.
Once Jinx receives her nerfs and a bit more tuning (Lucian, Sivir, Graves, MF) , ADCs in the bot lane will once again be the most balanced class in the game. It's also the position closest to not having a "yardstick" champion - that's not a coincidence.
What's mid Lulu current build order?
CDR item into Lich Bane, straight Lich Bane, Deathcap into other things or what?
i changed my runes at the last second, lolnexus says i have ad runes, the game itself gives me ap runes, when i start a new lobby it defaults to my last used runes.... ad runes.
How exacty do I play against LeBlanc, in like 2seconds she can take morethen half your life and get back to safety, can never do well against her. Thinking about trying morgana into her, cause when she hits you with the first mark most likely she gonna come back in so pop blackshield then root her. Any tips wud help
in order of mah skillz-> Supp/mid, ADC, jungle, top.
I don't think i'v ever played those champs once, either.
i changed my runes at the last second, lolnexus says i have ad runes, the game itself gives me ap runes, when i start a new lobby it defaults to my last used runes.... ad runes.
varus.You playing Thresh? :^)
and all is right with the worl-In other news, now 6/7 since reverting back to the waifu.
>_>I think I may pick up Akali,
I'm way out of the loop on current meta, but pushing the lane hardcore against her use to fuck her up.
I think that's not the thing anymore. Im no lb player, but I think the new thing to do is to max w now.
How exacty do I play against LeBlanc, in like 2seconds she can take morethen half your life and get back to safety, can never do well against her. Thinking about trying morgana into her, cause when she hits you with the first mark most likely she gonna come back in so pop blackshield then root her. Any tips wud help
bully the hell out of her before she hits 6. It work for me yesterday when I was playing against lb wit viktor. lol she was like 3 levels behind me.
janna probably won't be able to keep up in lane now that they nerfed her waveclear. she has too low of an autoattack range and her skills are all kind of too weird for laning.Pretty sure it was complaining about utility scaling being stupid on supports. This is an example of why stupid on mids for a whole different reason. Can't wait for someone to bust out mid Janna in competitive. 600+ shield with a 90+ AD boost on the likes of Yasuo, etc. and the ability to heal up your team after a fight? Maybe then Riot will change course.
I dunno, all of that doesn't affect my experience with lee sin, although maybe him being weaker in duels will allow my jungler to get on his shit a bit more and have him lay off me.I'd like them to address his undervalued power in this Cripple and Iron Will first. Outright remove the attack speed debuff and spellvamp, respectively, and rebalance from there if necessary. They combine to give Lee Sin - ostensibly an assassin - loads of bruiser-like dueling potential.
that's kind of how competitive works, you just play the champion that is less countereable and most bullshittyThis is the main issue with Lee, and why he's OP. He's Renekton-like, "you must be this tall to ride the jungle". He's been considerably above average in power for so long he's become a measuring stick that warps game balance around him. It's not surprising that the best jungle picks are those most similar to Lee Sin. We're also starting to see the same thing happen in bot lane support with Thresh.
Once Jinx receives her nerfs and a bit more tuning (Lucian, Sivir, Graves, MF) , ADCs in the bot lane will once again be the most balanced class in the game. It's also the position closest to not having a "yardstick" champion - that's not a coincidence.
it's not all there but damn I just want a skin, any skin, for her
I made gold guys, plat is next! Also I'll get into this thresh discussion when I'm off work. I prefer the ad for early harass though.
well ahri and sona already have perfect skins so it is only natural I want the best for all the girlsYou're way too thirsty for lux and syndra skins, lol.
congrats yoI made gold guys, plat is next! Also I'll get into this thresh discussion when I'm off work. I prefer the ad for early harass though.
Excuse my language but:
One game I lost had the most noobest Trudgle ever, I managed to kill te poor sod half a dozen or so times.
My recent match had Bltizcrank+Nautilis at bottom and those 2 were FEEDING the opposition. By 20 mins mark, I said eff it and made a surrender request, they were 15 kills ahead of us and I don't think I could've made any progress at effin' all.
I made gold guys, plat is next! Also I'll get into this thresh discussion when I'm off work. I prefer the ad for early harass though.
I made gold guys, plat is next! Also I'll get into this thresh discussion when I'm off work. I prefer the ad for early harass though.
Luckily I don't rage, if I lost, I lost whether it was because of me or because of other players not doing shit right.
Can elise carry?
I think that's not the thing anymore. Im no lb player, but I think the new thing to do is to max w now.
When was that not the thing? When I briefly played LoL in Jan of 2012, LeBlanc was the only champ I played and maxing W was the thing then too. Highest damage skill and you want the cooldown as low as possible. I don't ever remember a time when maxing W first wasn't the thing to do.
? q was always the one people maxed because it was the max single target damage spell and it still isWhen was that not the thing? When I briefly played LoL in Jan of 2012, LeBlanc was the only champ I played and maxing W was the thing then too. Highest damage skill and you want the cooldown as low as possible. I don't ever remember a time when maxing W first wasn't the thing to do.
I think 105 armor taruc at level one is hilarious
Ya that was pretty silly
its different in the latin america mebbe hue? q was always the one people maxed because it was the max single target damage spell and it still is
and maxing w first right now isn't really the thing either, most people still max q first :/