Whatre the two team comps? The poppy can work.I'm in solo q, and a jungle poppy just locked.
Wish me luck, I'll need it.
only penta i ever got was when i summoned satan
I'm in solo q, and a jungle poppy just locked.
with the bird too, much respect
only penta I ever made in a summoner's rift game I've got was with corki of all champions lol
Note what people are saying in chat...Whatre the two team comps? The poppy can work.
lolWould you then, perhaps, say she's poppin' and lockin'?
Idk how I feel about dfg on her. You won even though your team looks like dbags.Note what people are saying in chat...
Well the Shyvanna and Poppy were dbags. Everyone else was okay. Personally I don't care if someone acts like a dbag, as long as they're playing well.Idk how I feel about dfg on her. You won even though your team looks like dbags.
hah, I got a bunch of pentas in aram, but took me a long time, like more than a year to get my first penta and after that I got a whole lot of them for some reason. I even got one with my muramana sona :3It's my first penta in SR. My first penta ever, was in ARAM, with Anivia, lol. I was doing true damage to all of them except blitzcrank, only Evelynn noticed that because she was the only one always trying to kill me first. And succeeded at least 6 times. (I was sick of her appearing out of nowhere).
don't really have friends to play with anymore unfortunatelyAlso, I didn't noticed this site: http://torneos.lan.leagueoflegends.com/ until today, made my team, I hope it's fun.
zkylon said:just queued with my brother and had a naut give him hell for being unranked
Does the Veigar Christmas icon require a non-ARAM map? I queued up with 4 other people in ARAM queue, and we won, but no icon showed up even after I restarted the client.
nah, it was rankedIn a normal game? Why would anyone bitch about that of all things.
Her clears in S3 were already atrocious, in S4 jungle she'll probably die to the second buff.Leona Support makes me want to do Leona jungle. I can already foresee the jungle clearing being god awful, but dem ganks man.
dear fans,
i am in japan now
this toilet is warm
i will wait until the opportune moment to strike at the heart of anime
waifus?did you find more waifus
dear fans,
i am in japan now
this toilet is warm
i will wait until the opportune moment to strike at the heart of anime
I have no idea about LOL and don't play it, but I'm sort of in the need of lolGaf now. Bought a friend a Razer Naga for christmas, she already owns a RAT (no idea which model) though. Will she kill me? Is it actually useful for LOL? Did I just make a huge mistake?
I have no idea about LOL and don't play it, but I'm sort of in the need of lolGaf now. Bought a friend a Razer Naga for christmas, she already owns a RAT (no idea which model) though. Will she kill me? Is it actually useful for LOL? Did I just make a huge mistake?
I usually rush Chalice first. Next item depends on the situation.You guys playing Ziggs - what's your typical core build?
yea played my first game with ziggs since buying him
this dude is op, I don't like it
He's definitely strong. It seems OK for him to be strong though, it does not feel as bullshit to be destroyed by a ziggy as by zed when he was at his peak.yea played my first game with ziggs since buying him
this dude is op, I don't like it
I should've bought cassiomages will have their day, you'll see!
people will be all like 'nerf cassiopeia'
Ah ok. That's basically what I go with.I usually rush Chalice first. Next item depends on the situation.
- Zhonya: against AD assassins, playing safe against burst
- Athene: pushing, lost/playing safe against AP
- Lich Bane: dueling/bullying, tower killing
Core is Sorc Shoes, Athene and a big AP item (Zhonya/Deathcap). Rest is up to you.
I don't like going the Seraph route since it delays his power so much. His damage output isn't super high late late game even in the rare times where I had 700+ AP (usually ARAM). Lich Bane can fix it but not when the enemy has some pretty hardcore zoning comp.
Some people get it right away, but supposedly it can take up to 3 days for icons to be granted. I don't know what the deal is with that or why it's possible to work that way.Does the Veigar Christmas icon require a non-ARAM map? I queued up with 4 other people in ARAM queue, and we won, but no icon showed up even after I restarted the client.
but this is amazing, I love this
Are the icons not unlocking for anyone.
I should qualify for all of them now but only seeing 2.
Would buy that in a heartbeat.
Some of them don't unlock immediately. Give it some time unless you have done that already. Restart client, etc.
I used the Ziggs and Lulu snowdown skins yesterday, also had 3 wins back on friday.