Cost efficency and build path. Also, by the time most AD carries can get Black Cleaver fully stacked on one target someone should already be dead.Remind me why Last Whisper is the better choice over Black Cleaver for ADC/auto attackers?
Cost efficency and build path. Also, by the time most AD carries can get Black Cleaver fully stacked on one target someone should already be dead.Remind me why Last Whisper is the better choice over Black Cleaver for ADC/auto attackers?
Holy shit najin with that massive comeback
I don't get feral Xin. His kit is completely designed around early ganking and snowballing lanes and his clear speed sucks even with it. Yeah, he can do work when he finally gets a few stacks, but that takes too damn long.
I disagree. If anything, adding timers to the client officially should reduce cheating. People are going to just have a website on the second monitor with timers for stuff otherwise, and people who don't do that may be handicapping themselves because they don't want to use something third party etc.If Riot bans Curse Voice, wouldn't removing the timers make the app acceptable? Tbh, I don't like timers and people should learn to keep timers by themselves. Also, I have yet to find other curse voice users in ranked (guess cuz invite beta).
They could just do what Dota did and make respawn timers semi-random, completely eliminating the ability to cheat at all
Can someone explain how the IP boosts work for double IP weekend? I seem to be getting almost triple the IP.
62 + 18 = 80, then I got 161 from the IP boost.
I don't think introducing rng like that is a good thing, it would make the game worse IMO. I can't really agree that getting a drake timer when the drake is killed while in your vision is cheating, either.
Wolf Akela said:The only RNG we have right now is crit chance
Ehh no. Crit is a multiplier, not a bonus. Unless they make the % huge, they would have to change completely how adcs work.I wish they'd remove this and make it a %AD bonus, which is what it works out to be anyways.
Curse voice doesn't nothing that you can't already do. I don't see why suddenly this outside assistance is the one people gotta be all crazy about.
Ehh no. Crit is a multiplier, not a bonus.
And using mumble gives you an advantage. Using a wiki before a match gives you an advantage, using a better mouse than your opponent gives you an advantage, having a better ping gives you an advantage.
Curse voice doesn't nothing that you can't already do. I don't see why suddenly this outside assistance is the one people gotta be all crazy about.
You don't have to have them memorized, but getting them is as hard as typing 5 words in your chat and hitting enterBecause everyone has ult cooldowns for every champ at ranks 1, 2 and 3 memorized
Read the edit. The biggest difference is that Zed's W affects his abilities, but crit most of the time doesn't. I don't know about you but I don't want Graves critting his spells on me.Yeah, it adds (see: bonus) AD as a multiplier. Zed's W works as a 0.25 multiplier but it's still referred to as bonus AD. Don't be so pedantic.
You don't have to have them memorized, but getting them is as hard as typing 5 words in your chat and hitting enter
You cann always pretend you're Tarzani'm a slow typer, gg.
Read the edit. The biggest difference is that Zed's W affects his abilities, but crit most of the time doesn't. I don't know about you but I don't want Graves critting his spells on me.
There's been iPhone jungle timer apps as far back as I can remember too. Why it becomes a problem when presented in an overlay is beyond me. But again, all this should be in the game.
That just makes communication, which is already part of the game (and every team based game) and simplifies it.I'd also argue that the voice portion of curse voice gives a *much* bigger advantage than the stupid overlay. But no one seems to have any qualms about the actual voice portion....
isnt that a good thing tho? more objective based gameplay, less solo warriors.That just makes communication, which is already part of the game (and every team based game) and simplifies it.
The overlays remove the punishment for being inattentive on timers and change the actual flow of the game so there are forced teamfights every 6 minutes.
That just makes communication, which is already part of the game (and every team based game) and simplifies it.
The overlays remove the punishment for being inattentive on timers and change the actual flow of the game so there are forced teamfights every 6 minutes.
As long as you keep time stamps on in the chat, you cannot miss the drake/baron timers even if you forget to time it for 2+ minutes. Just scroll up in the chat and you get it.
That just makes communication, which is already part of the game (and every team based game) and simplifies it.
Leave LB alone.LB nerf can't come soon enough
Get off her junk.Leave LB alone.
I'd also argue that the voice portion of curse voice gives a *much* bigger advantage than the stupid overlay. But no one seems to have any qualms about the actual voice portion....
How much of that is because even in 2014 in-game voice is still quite uncommon? Maybe I'm just showing my age here but I assume I'll be using mumble, Skype, etc. when I play with friends.
Maybe I'm being overly progressive, I dunno. Players on reddit were moaning about how this is a slippery slope, that in short order there will be overlays showing you the CD of enemy abilities, last hit indicators, etc. and this will ruin the game, and I'm just sitting there thinking all of this would be really nice to have, actually.
If there was one champion I would love Riot to delete, that would be Katarina.So I'm just going to start spam picking Katarina in mid and ride her to Gold. My win rate with her is insane. As long as I don't die before level 6, I get a free kill as soon as her ult is available to me, and often another two when I roam to bot at level 7. By that point she's pretty unstoppable if you can wait for the CC to get spent in team fights.
Quadras and pentas, all day, everyday.
It'd be a slippery slope if it was even possible. I don't see how an overlay would ever get you that information unless riot suddenly releases an API to supplies it.
Mothman91 said:If there was one champion I would love Riot to delete, that would be Katarina.