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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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fallen was the only one who didnt go with the stacking item theme


Just beat up on a Gangplank with Fiora in a win. Dang, man, Gangplank starts to HURT after an item or two though. Also, there was something weird going on. I would use my W right after he would shoot, and 90% of the time it would not parry, even if my animation was up before I was hit. It was infuriating.
nah, if GP is behind and still builds damage, he'd get obliterated by the sheer damage output of Fiora/Riven (2 of his worst matchups) or he'll just do zero damage to Ryze/Gnar/etc. If GP all ins you when you're Fiora, laugh in his face, press W, Q on him and beat the shit out of him.


nah, if GP is behind and still builds damage, he'd get obliterated by the sheer damage output of Fiora/Riven (2 of his worst matchups) or he'll just do zero damage to Ryze/Gnar/etc. If GP all ins you when you're Fiora, laugh in his face, press W, Q on him and beat the shit out of him.

That's how it went, but my stupid W wouldn't work most the time against his Q. Was pissing me off. You don't have to have the W up BEFORE the Q is cast, right? It should be just that I need to have the W up before impact.
i'm not super experienced on fiora (i only play riven) but I'd imagine it's a bug or something but even if you don't block the Q, you can still absolutely shit on him because he can't trade autos when you have W up and you can force auto trades with Q, making Gangplank suffer a lose-lose situation.


Junior Member
Streamed two team builder matches but the audio wasn't captured for some reason which is disappointing. Anyway I like how Lissandra feels in the mid lane right now, if you can control how your q hits minions and your lane opponent you can get pretty far by have her passive constantly up.
idk if the only measure of a good top laner is "does gnar shit on him/her less badly than everyone else" then champs like zed would be top laners.


First time I've heard this...

she's almost ungankable which makes her a perfect ap mage for top lane if you're going to take her outside of support

by the time you hit level 4 your waveclear is absolutely stupid and once you have a chalice you can spam everything all day

lets not forget the damage you do


That's how it went, but my stupid W wouldn't work most the time against his Q. Was pissing me off. You don't have to have the W up BEFORE the Q is cast, right? It should be just that I need to have the W up before impact.

Based on the wiki, Gang's Q can be blocked by Fiora's W counter
Her W lasts 1.5 seconds, so if you suspect it coming, put it up in advance and 'yarharhar' in his face.
My friend I play with hates ADC. We play a lot each night, but for some dumb reason he hates to call a spot. He is good at all, but yeah. ADC brings him the most stress. Long story short....I think I need to pick up ADC. It is the only position I haven't learned yet.

I tried Jinx back in the day, but I'm not too great with her. I was thinking Trist, but she gets banned a lot. Out of personal preference, what are most people's heres choice of ADC?
My friend I play with hates ADC. We play a lot each night, but for some dumb reason he hates to call a spot. He is good at all, but yeah. ADC brings him the most stress. Long story short....I think I need to pick up ADC. It is the only position I haven't learned yet.

I tried Jinx back in the day, but I'm not too great with her. I was thinking Trist, but she gets banned a lot. Out of personal preference, what are most people's heres choice of ADC?
i only play riven.


My friend I play with hates ADC. We play a lot each night, but for some dumb reason he hates to call a spot. He is good at all, but yeah. ADC brings him the most stress. Long story short....I think I need to pick up ADC. It is the only position I haven't learned yet.

I tried Jinx back in the day, but I'm not too great with her. I was thinking Trist, but she gets banned a lot. Out of personal preference, what are most people's heres choice of ADC?

Try to get familiar with ADCs that have potential to not rely too much on their support, like Tristana, Corki or Lucian.

I can relate to your friend though, when I play ADC, I get super stressed because generally you have to be mindful of the enemy support, the enemy ADC, last hitting and keeping up with CS and then jungle/map awareness. I like it because I make things fall down and go boom but after a game or two as ADC, I tend to end up with a headache!
Dear God. I've never finished a game happier in my life. We were getting absolutely destroyed. Brand wrecked me mid, and Vayne was kicking some major ass. I had 0 kills or deaths across the river onto their side. Most of my team was like that. We turtled up, played extremely defensive, and pulled a win out. We had 2 team fights in a row in our base they lost. The last one they turned their brains off. Vayne positioned herself in the front of her team, she got hit hard, and her team poured in around. Cho and I bounced everyone, I used laser beam of death, and Twitch cleaned up. Marched all the way down map, and finished off nexus literally as they were respawning.

I wouldnt play corki as a starter adc because hes super reliant on effective triforce/sheen procs to be effective and newer players probably wont have the mechanics to weave rockets and phos bombs between autoattacks.

Probably the best starter adcs would be Caitlyn (strong laning phase, learn csing and harassing) and lucian (strong everything, impossible to trade against) because of how relatively straightforward their kits are.


And you don't even own everyone. I can never trade with you.

I assume you're holding off because of ARAM.

I have 52 champs, so it doesn't seem like a particularly limited pool to me.

It's not because of ARAM. It's because of this: if I play 3 games a day on average, I could play every champion once every two and a half weeks before I cycled back to the beginning again.

There just isn't any need. I have more than enough already, so I buy champions if I become specifically interested in playing one, and not when I just can afford to do it. What advantage is there to buying more? Should I buy a bigger television just because I can, even if I'm completely satisfied with what I Have?
What's with people's obsession for never wanting to group up and end a game?

The enemy team's nexus was open for like 15 min, but no matter how many times I pinged it and asked for them to group, they just kept running around the map and killing wolves or getting caught.

It amazes me how some people are content with just not helping or trying to win.

"Sivir, group mid so we can ace them and get the win"

"Nah, ur a thot"
I have 52 champs, so it doesn't seem like a particularly limited pool to me.

It's not because of ARAM. It's because of this: if I play 3 games a day on average, I could play every champion once every two and a half weeks before I cycled back to the beginning again.

There just isn't any need. I have more than enough already, so I buy champions if I become specifically interested in playing one, and not when I just can afford to do it. What advantage is there to buying more? Should I buy a bigger television just because I can, even if I'm completely satisfied with what I Have?
I'm the same exact way, but mostly because I'm completely satisfied with what I have. I really have to give myself a good reason to buy a new champion. I owned 5 champions when I hit 30. I bought all the cheapest just to get to 16 to play ranked. 95% of games I'm Vel'Koz mid. I love him too much to play anything else. I'm sure LoL players who are actually good hate me though, because I can never really counter

What's with people's obsession for never wanting to group up and end a game?

The enemy team's nexus was open for like 15 min, but no matter how many times I pinged it and asked for them to group, they just kept running around the map and killing wolves or getting caught.

It amazes me how some people are content with just not helping or trying to win.

"Sivir, group mid so we can ace them and get the win"

"Nah, ur a thot"
My God. My buddy and I were just complaining about this very thing tonight. Our last game of the night tonight we aced the enemy team. With 40 second-ish respawn timers on all of them, I pinged for us to push into their base. We were at their inhib towers in each lane. What did the team do? One ran for red buff. Another pinged for dragon. Another went and killed some wolves. I pinged like a madman, but by the time everyone came to help we had only gotten 1 inhib tower.


she's almost ungankable which makes her a perfect ap mage for top lane if you're going to take her outside of support

by the time you hit level 4 your waveclear is absolutely stupid and once you have a chalice you can spam everything all day

lets not forget the damage you do

I'm always in the mood for a different champ to try on top.
Thing is I never used Karma before but have seen enough players use her to know what I should be doing.

What should spell order be for top in this case?
My God. My buddy and I were just complaining about this very thing tonight. Our last game of the night tonight we aced the enemy team. With 40 second-ish respawn timers on all of them, I pinged for us to push into their base. We were at their inhib towers in each lane. What did the team do? One ran for red buff. Another pinged for dragon. Another went and killed some wolves. I pinged like a madman, but by the time everyone came to help we had only gotten 1 inhib tower.

I'll never forget the time where my team aced our enemies and ran away to our base when they had 50 second death timers. They all "ran back to heal and buy" and by the time they ran back to the enemy base, the opposing Yi teleported and got our nexus. I didn't get back on for 2 weeks after that game. (It was pre-30, but still.)


I don't want to own ALL champions (or maybe not just yet) but I do have at least 44 champions that I want to own. Out of those I own 23 of them already so that's good. I'm just glad there's so many interesting champions in League. I have an acquaintance that only basically plays Nami. As much as I love her, I don't see myself playing the exact same champion over and over again...


Sion Support guys. Rex thinks he was hacking.

The time when I said he was scripting was similar to this:


You can't weave through the jungle like that with the Sion ult. The guy literally ran through the blue buff, straight down the top right jungle alley way and did a 90 degree left turn straight into tristana.

It was so obvious if you've used Sion ult before.

You cannot turn like he did without mouse macros or scripting

There's a replay of the game on opgg


The time when I said he was scripting was similar to this:


You can't weave through the jungle like that with the Sion ult. The guy literally ran through the blue buff, straight down the top right jungle alley way and did a 90 degree left turn straight into tristana.

It was so obvious if you've used Sion ult before.

You cannot turn like he did without mouse macros or scripting

Sounds gross tbh.


I have 52 champs, so it doesn't seem like a particularly limited pool to me.

It's not because of ARAM. It's because of this: if I play 3 games a day on average, I could play every champion once every two and a half weeks before I cycled back to the beginning again.

There just isn't any need. I have more than enough already, so I buy champions if I become specifically interested in playing one, and not when I just can afford to do it. What advantage is there to buying more? Should I buy a bigger television just because I can, even if I'm completely satisfied with what I Have?

I used to do this too. Then I got enough IP to buy everything


I have 52 champs, so it doesn't seem like a particularly limited pool to me.

It's not because of ARAM. It's because of this: if I play 3 games a day on average, I could play every champion once every two and a half weeks before I cycled back to the beginning again.

There just isn't any need. I have more than enough already, so I buy champions if I become specifically interested in playing one, and not when I just can afford to do it. What advantage is there to buying more? Should I buy a bigger television just because I can, even if I'm completely satisfied with what I Have?

I can see the reasoning. There is a need to acquire more champs if you want to be able to play ranked and be able to swap with your teammates (i.e. when you need to firstpick something for someone, or someone firstpicks for you), but if you mainly play Dom then there should be no need. I know I do not play anything near 50 or even 20 different champions during any relatively short time period, so the rest of the roster is kind of unnecessary for me outside of swapping. If you remove swapping then there would be absolutely no reason for me to own them outside of completion purposes.

I think the comparison with the television is a bit flawed since you can always use real world money in many different ways, while IP can essentially only be used for champions or runes; it's not a waste if you literally cannot spend it in any other way. I do get the point you're making, though.
I had so many questions when that channel popped up.

In other news:


I think Taric is pretty awesome.
Be enlightened about one crucial element.

I've been playing Karma support recently, question, is she still viable mid?
She's fine for all three lanes. Strongest in top lane but she can get work done in mid lane as well even against assassins early on. Nev got to Diamond with her too primarily through mid Karma IIRC, back when all of said assassins were considerably stronger. Just play her wherever you want if you find her fun, not like solo queue holds any importance or serves as any kind of benchmark.


Does anyone know if there's some sort of way to check when you created your leagues account? A website perhaps, or some official way on the Riot website?


I saw a really weird bug that I guess is related to lag on the new map. I think I had recalled to the bottom left, and was watching a teammate in the top right of the map. They were in the little bush between the inner tower and the enemy red buff. On my screen, they then walked through the rock wall behind the...raptor things (?), basically following the inside of the rock wall until they came out into mid lane. They said they didn't see it on their screen.
There just isn't any need. I have more than enough already, so I buy champions if I become specifically interested in playing one, and not when I just can afford to do it. What advantage is there to buying more? Should I buy a bigger television just because I can, even if I'm completely satisfied with what I Have?
I guess since you don't play SR, it doesn't really matter.

It's not about having a bigger television or "collecting them all". At a certain point, it really just comes down to what else are you going to do with that IP. You can't cash it out.

And then of course (I know you don't play SR, but if you did) trading in draft is useful (maybe even moreso in ARAM) and I also just believe that playing all the heroes at least a few times is unfortunately important to be decent at this game.


My friend I play with hates ADC. We play a lot each night, but for some dumb reason he hates to call a spot. He is good at all, but yeah. ADC brings him the most stress. Long story short....I think I need to pick up ADC. It is the only position I haven't learned yet.

I tried Jinx back in the day, but I'm not too great with her. I was thinking Trist, but she gets banned a lot. Out of personal preference, what are most people's heres choice of ADC?
...Jinx. haha Jinx and Varus are my favorite two, but since Varus isn't really that viable in a lot of match ups I use Lucian. For you I'd say start with someone like Lucian or Caitlyn. Their kits are straight forward so you can focus on the role.

But really if you get into the role go back to Jinx she's such a fun playmaker.
I have 52 champs, so it doesn't seem like a particularly limited pool to me.

It's not because of ARAM. It's because of this: if I play 3 games a day on average, I could play every champion once every two and a half weeks before I cycled back to the beginning again.

There just isn't any need. I have more than enough already, so I buy champions if I become specifically interested in playing one, and not when I just can afford to do it. What advantage is there to buying more? Should I buy a bigger television just because I can, even if I'm completely satisfied with what I Have?
Yep I'm like you Mr. Opiate. I have around 80 champions and I look at the list of ones I don't own and I don't want to unlock them. I don't care about owning them all, there's no benefit to owning them all, it's a detriment because there are champions I straight up don't have fun playing. Since I also play ARAM quite a lot I don't want those to show up there either.
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