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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Half my games today have had an AFK

this shit isn't fun at all.

also if you play top lane Kalista I will find you and I will end your life
The new leaverbuster/AFK stuff should help with the former.

That said, even joking death threats seem like a really bad thing that people shouldn't do. :(


I'm seeing junglers frequently behind on XP vs solo laners by a considerable margin, even if they get early ganks off for the kill. At one point I noticed a 4 level discrepancy with a top laner only getting 2 - 3 kills. Shit's cray.

I was seeing that all week with Nightblue on the PBE practicing. He really struggled to keep up in xp and he's historically been very good at xp management in the jungle.

I'd like to think they'll buff it slightly but I think they're ok with junglers being behind on xp and risking more on ganks. Sucks but that might just be the way S5 jungle rolls. Minimize the early game.

time to practice jungle routes in customs for the next 20 games.

Be a man. Do it in ranked.
crab milk where are we at on trundle jungle

NB3 has him building rangers into juggernaut which I kind of disagree with but I haven't played him yet. trying to now.
I still think of "item" as the enchants because that's what gives your stats. So, all the enchants are super gold effective.

Poacher's blows.
I took a closer look at Poacher's Knife. It is outright useless in its current iteration. The changes made to it compared to its original state are misguided and make it entirely redundant next to the one with the AoE stun smite, Ranger's Trailblazer.

Right now the amount of time and effort you need to put into justifying the Poacher's Knife is wholly unbalanced; you practically need to make the enemy's jungle your own home - with little room of focusing your attention on your side of the map - in order to pretend it could be a worthwhile purchase. The gold gains are criminally low; even after 20 minutes of doing nothing but killing the enemy's creeps and thus ignoring all other obligations tied to the role, you're only awarded with a measily 500 gold. That is terrible and considerably lower than the item's first pass: with it I could earn double that money in less time, without obsessively fixating on the one strength it had. Back then on PBE I usually treated counter-jungling as a side activity if the opportunity presented itself, which is usually how that strategic choice will realistically pan out. It may have seemed like an absurdly high number, but it was necessary to compensate for the lack of combat stats, clearing prowess or general utility that other options offered. Riot tried to smooth things over on LIVE by making the highest number of CDR reduction available from the get-go (rather than staggered per upgrade) and by granting decaying movement speed, but this doesn't help at all. The improved cooldown is a negligible improvement over Ranger Trailblazer's, the +20 gold bonus from the enemy's perspective is nothing to worry about, controlling camp buffs can still be executed without it (not that this should be altered) and the decaying 175% movement speed over 2 seconds is superfluous. Champions that can innately counter-jungle (Nunu, Trundle, Udyr, Cho'gath, ...) already have the tools to widen the gap if the enemy tries to put a stop to their actions, and less apt junglers that'd rather do it on a whim would be better served picking anything else up that'll help kill a camp faster.

Ranger's Trailblazer on the other hand is comparatively far more beneficial. Shaving seconds off of Smite isn't strictly conditional, notably faster clear for single target junglers and 15% missing health + mana restored upon Smite increased safety. Which in turns makes counter-jungling a more compelling prospect if the chance presents itself. Why would you a highly specific, short-duration movement speed buff and chump change (that isn't even enough for a god damn potion per Smite) over these three again?

I was seeing that all week with Nightblue on the PBE practicing. He really struggled to keep up in xp and he's historically been very good at xp management in the jungle.

I'd like to think they'll buff it slightly but I think they're ok with junglers being behind on xp and risking more on ganks. Sucks but that might just be the way S5 jungle rolls. Minimize the early game.
I can see them cranking the XP numbers up a little again. Wasn't this bad before on the first batch of PBE roll-outs and pre-season 3 or 4 had a similar problem initially IIRC.


I can see them cranking the XP numbers up a little again. Wasn't this bad before on the first batch of PBE roll-outs and pre-season 3 or 4 had a similar problem initially IIRC.

Or at least the scaling XP starting around level 5 or 6. Getting level 6 on some champions around the ~6:00 mark in the first PBE iteration was kinda crazy.

garath said:
I was seeing that all week with Nightblue on the PBE practicing. He really struggled to keep up in xp and he's historically been very good at xp management in the jungle.

He's also playing it like S3/S4. Buff-to-buff level 3 clears, level 3 ganks, etc. He hasn't adapted what-so-ever.
Alright, just played a little trundle jungle with rangers into devourer. This happened though:

Says I should have CDR, buuuut I don't.

crab milk where are we at on trundle jungle

NB3 has him building rangers into juggernaut which I kind of disagree with but I haven't played him yet. trying to now.
Trundle jungle's still good like I expected, but I'm struggling with the XP disadvantage right now to get a good read on anyone.

For machete upgrades, Trundle can utilize Ranger's and Skirmisher's, but Poacher's is crap on every champion and Pillar substitutes the need for Stalker's. Enchantment-wise: AP route speaks for itself, AD + CDR doesn't feel right so it's a toss-up between the Ancient Golem and Feral Flare replacements. The former isn't too meh anymore on him since you're no longer wasting money on a Spirit Stone / Quill, so it's primarily a matter of whether you can get away with being more aggressive if you're snowballing or whether your team needs a meatshield frontliner.

If you do end up going for Nu-Feral Flare, some of the revised defensive items seem to fit Trundle arguably well. Ohmwrecker feels tempting; 300 health + 50 armor for less gold than Randuin's with a decent active / passive for chasing or sieging, which is what Trundle likes to do. An additional cloth armor or ruby crystal is not far out of range either if you want to buy one with the money left over, to compensate somewhat for the statistical difference. Righteous Glory might also be alright somewhere down the line, though the Catalyst is a little dubious.
Trundle jungle's still good like I expected, but I'm struggling with the XP disadvantage right now to get a good read on anyone.

For machete upgrades, Trundle can utilize Ranger's and Skirmisher's, but Poacher's is crap on every champion and Pillar substitutes the need for Stalker's. Enchantment-wise: AP route speaks for itself, AD + CDR doesn't feel right so it's a toss-up between the Ancient Golem and Feral Flare replacements. The former isn't too meh anymore on him since you're no longer wasting money on a Spirit Stone / Quill, so it's primarily a matter of whether you can get away with being more aggressive if you're snowballing or whether your team needs a meatshield frontliner.

If you do end up going for Nu-Feral Flare, some of the revised defensive items seem to fit Trundle arguably well. Ohmwrecker feels tempting; 300 health + 50 armor for less gold than Randuin's with a decent active / passive for chasing or sieging, which is what Trundle likes to do. An additional cloth armor or ruby crystal is not far out of range either if you want to buy one with the money left over, to compensate somewhat for the statistical difference. Righteous Glory might also be alright somewhere down the line, though the Catalyst is a little dubious.

I went with Rangers into Devourer's and went straight into tank afterwards and still felt very capable of dueling. I liked it a lot.


I'm seeing junglers frequently behind on XP vs solo laners by a considerable margin, even if they get early ganks off for the kill. At one point I noticed a 4 level discrepancy with a top laner only getting 2 - 3 kills. Shit's cray.

last night i played my first game as yi jungle. i didn't hit 6 until 8:30 even hard farming and a gank that resulted in a kill.

i was watching trick's stream and he was counterjungling and ganking like a boss and hit 6 at 8 minutes as nunu. it was dumb.
Their movements are very similar. That's what I was referring to.

Might be hard for you to understand, being babied by Lucian and Corki and all ;).

I mean I used to be a Draven player. It was a while ago, but I played him a whole bunch. They're not really comparable because with Draven you can cancel your autos to run to a spot. With Kalista it feels really different. Even as someone who is used to unusual movements from catching Draven axes, Kalista's passive still feels really weird to me.

Maybe I just need to get over the lack of being able to properly cancel the autos. I still instinctively try to cancel every auto and dash to bad spots.


Chat not working last night made champ select in ranked really interesting. Especially when people pick champs that can run in multiple lanes like lux that actually went support or jayce which went mid.

On a side not warlords is so fucking good.


I mean I used to be a Draven player. It was a while ago, but I played him a whole bunch. They're not really comparable because with Draven you can cancel your autos to run to a spot. With Kalista it feels really different. Even as someone who is used to unusual movements from catching Draven axes, Kalista's passive still feels really weird to me.

Maybe I just need to get over the lack of being able to properly cancel the autos. I still instinctively try to cancel every auto and dash to bad spots.
I was just kidding about the Lucian/Corki comment, I knew you played Draven. I dunno. The timing of canceling the autos is the same, the only difference is that you don't have to right click on the spot you don't walk to. Sure, Kalista jumps slightly faster than the axes drop, but that doesn't make it feel too different to me.


Anyone ever got this DirectX unknown error?

I was playing these days just fine and than today it just makes me unable to play any match. I have no idea what to do. Already have the latest version of Direct X installed and updated my video drivers. Nothing.

Should I run a repair? >_>

Edit: Repair didnt work either. Oh well. Looks like no lol for me anymore. :(


continuing the topic of the new jungle...

master yi feels really strong with the attack speed jungle item. it's like the powerspike he got from BORK comes even earlier with it. it doesn't have the on hit HP which was part of the reason it was really strong, but the compromise is you get a smaller power spike sooner than you would with the bjork.

makes early dragons even easier if you can steal your midlaner or support for it unbeknownst to the enemy team.

also i feel like "juggling" dragon damage is easier since his main attack seems to be a cleave now.

also pantheon is utter BS in his ability to solo dragon with his block resets. he's going to be nuts in the jungle.


continuing the topic of the new jungle...

master yi feels really strong with the attack speed jungle item. it's like the powerspike he got from BORK comes even earlier with it. it doesn't have the on hit HP which was part of the reason it was really strong, but the compromise is you get a smaller power spike sooner than you would with the bjork.

makes early dragons even easier if you can steal your midlaner or support for it unbeknownst to the enemy team.

also i feel like "juggling" dragon damage is easier since his main attack seems to be a cleave now.

also pantheon is utter BS in his ability to solo dragon with his block resets. he's going to be nuts in the jungle.

I really think farming junglers are going to be strong in this early preseason. Ganking junglers will likely be under leveled and hit that midgame spike a lot later.

Yi will be nerfed if he's even remotely strong though. He's just one of those champs that is nerfed the instant he's anywhere close to being strong lol.


So if junglers get so far behind what is stopping assassins from buying more wards and just showing up to murder the enemy jungler at wraiths?
I think it also helps that farming junglers have the best item now. Unless you're going like super hard counter jungling I thing Trailblazer is by far the best of the 4. The lower smite cooldown, AoE smite and the stun on monsters makes your clear so strong. If you're playing a champion that scales really well with farm like Diana, Yi, Kha'Zix etc. you can get huge really easily.


I really think farming junglers are going to be strong in this early preseason. Ganking junglers will likely be under leveled and hit that midgame spike a lot later.

Yi will be nerfed if he's even remotely strong though. He's just one of those champs that is nerfed the instant he's anywhere close to being strong lol.


farming junglers get penalized for farming by a negative XP return if they are a higher level than their jungle farm, not sure if extended farming would work out for them

and ganking junglers are punished by losing time not farming, and double punished for a gank resulting in nothing or worse -- their own death

there are also more tools now that both aid ganking junglers and hinder them, which is weird.

it seems like a net nerf to jungler progression with a few exceptions in certain weird places

I think it also helps that farming junglers have the best item now. Unless you're going like super hard counter jungling I thing Trailblazer is by far the best of the 4. The lower smite cooldown, AoE smite and the stun on monsters makes your clear so strong. If you're playing a champion that scales really well with farm like Diana, Yi, Kha'Zix etc. you can get huge really easily.

one other issue i found and maybe it can be addressed through different jungle pathing, but...

i was doing my standard figure 8 yi clear. finished a loop and.... ... i had killed all my jungle creeps and there was literally nothing to kill because nothing had respawned. this slowed me down. totally forgot the upped respawn time and that really threw a wrench into my farming efficiency at first.



farming junglers get penalized for farming by a negative XP return if they are a higher level than their jungle farm, not sure if extended farming would work out for them

and ganking junglers are punished by losing time not farming, and double punished for a gank resulting in nothing or worse -- their own death

there are also more tools now that both aid ganking junglers and hinder them, which is weird.

it seems like a net nerf to jungler progression with a few exceptions in certain weird places

That I can agree with. For all the fancy changes, it's a net nerf. Apparently Riot felt junglers were too much in S4.

So if junglers get so far behind what is stopping assassins from buying more wards and just showing up to murder the enemy jungler at wraiths?

Absolutely nothing. But it is harder to ward wraiths with the free oracles. And junglers SHOULD be smarter now and not walk around the jungle too low.


That I can agree with. For all the fancy changes, it's a net nerf. Apparently Riot felt junglers were too much in S4.

as it stands right now in my (probably ill informed opinion):

the new jungle raises the ability for farming junglers to be more relevant in the game earlier than s4.

the new jungle also gives ganking junglers the chance to snowball their lanes even HARDER than before with the caveat that the new tools that help them do this can also be used AGAINST them to prevent their ganks from working in the first place.

if a ganking jungler sets up a camp and gets their mid laner first blood, then a second kill after that then it's pretty much GG, there will be no stopping that mid laner with the new (old) first blood gold.

but if they mess it up... it won't be pretty. the farm jungler will now be ahead on only the fact that he didn't take a risk and mess something up. if you're a farm orientated jungler and the enemy sololaner was just fed hard, then you will never be able to farm yourself into relevancy.

i dont know im just stream of consciousnessing it now.

Absolutely nothing. But it is harder to ward wraiths with the free oracles. And junglers SHOULD be smarter now and not walk around the jungle too low.

i loved running around as Yi in s4 with almost no HP, confident that I could still get stacks with my auto resets and damage dodges :(
one other issue i found and maybe it can be addressed through different jungle pathing, but...

i was doing my standard figure 8 yi clear. finished a loop and.... ... i had killed all my jungle creeps and there was literally nothing to kill because nothing had respawned. this slowed me down. totally forgot the upped respawn time and that really threw a wrench into my farming efficiency at first.

Yeah I had that with Diana a few times. If it happened and there were no gank opportunities I would just use it as an excuse to back and get wards or something. Camps would start respawning as I left base.
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