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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Everything is moe to me
She's just as strong in every other mode. It's learning to not feed away her relatively unsafe 1-5 and high early mana costs.
i would not call her 1-5 unsafe, i very rarely come out behind in lane. i feed in the 8-14 range when mid and jungle have all their killing power and mobility and you're still typically pre-zhonyas or rylais.

unless you're already way ahead from lane, then you turn on your playlist and go find those mids and jungles and have a nice chat.


From Surrender@20

As mentioned in the 4.21 patch notes, the new Blood Moon Thresh and Blood Moon Elise skins are set to release sometime during 4.21.

In case you are afraid Riot forgot about them, Riot KateyKhaos recently mentioned they will be out soon in a thread asking for an ETA on the release of Blood Moon Thresh:

"We'll be releasing him soon! (Sorry for the long wait, Snowdown and winter break happened!)

Still have to try out mid Zyra on the current season changes. Assassins hurt but Morello's rush could be a sexy power spike.

Zyra's game hasn't really changed since the last few spikes in Ass-mid popularity. She's (still) extremely strong and immobile as ever. Depending on your skillset and confidence you can still play her mid versus an Ass.
i would not call her 1-5 unsafe, i very rarely come out behind in lane. i feed in the 8-14 range when mid and jungle have all their killing power and mobility and you're still typically pre-zhonyas or rylais.

I was thinking more of people new to The Thorns Embrace. You can get so caught up in poking you have no mana left to drop an E on their incoming Vi.
When Zyra came out, was she supposed to be a mid-lane mage or a support?
Mid main but the few love taps she had and the mobility circle jerk in mid put a competitive/reliable end to that.

I mid'd and support Zyra'd my way from Bronze 2 to Silver 1 though. Guaranteed laye game strength is up there with the best.


Remember the days when Will of the Ancients had an aura so two people on a team could get it and help each other out? Those were the days. :(


Cassieopeia bans everywhere.

I had to lane against Cass with Fiora. It was a nightmare. You can't Riposte anything but her auto attacks, so she just machine guns you to death with abilities. I had a really hard time farming. I still got rolling hard later in the game, but it was rough 1v1 in lane because she could zone so hard.
It was a dark time. What a terrible mouse. It's not even good for browsing the web and just doing basic computer stuff like it should be.
But it's from Apple, looks futuristic and costs 70 bucks, think of all the status you can get with your friends that know absolutely fuck all about technology!



I could have played that so much better but I had high ping for whatever reason (I generally have 34-39, stood around 100-120?? the entire game), and also I just played like crap. We weren't struggling at all but my Sona wasn't that familiar with Kalista and he got caught a couple of times (he is overagressive sometimes and I mean.. he's just a Sona with AP runes.. so). I was doing ok but my first death came to Zed, that's when I picked my Quicksilver sash. I used it all the time and managed to save a couple of deaths but it was pointless because while Vi zoned me with her ult and being obnoxious as fuck, Kassadin was wrecking shit. ._.

God, I feel like everything is there to fuck you up, as an ADC.

I tunneled hard as well (and I'm no Rek'Sai!... hurr durr) a couple of times but also we kept losing control of Dragon and Baron and it was kinda hard to establish map control (Sona isn't that great at reading map, plus I was tunneling so.. yeah).

If anyone feels free to comment with criticism or tips, I've added the link to match history for clarity.



I played with this for a couple days when my mouse died.

It was horrendous.

I played one match with a Magic Mouse and that was it. I had one for work, but it's too low profile and it made my wrist ache badly. I liked the gestures, but I hated the ergonomics and how often it would confuse right and left clicks.


Just got into my series for gold again. Yay.

Good luck! I'm on the worst loss streak I've had in at least 6 months. Down to Gold V, 0 LP. Have lost twice at 0 once. I'm afraid to play anymore, especially with the crazy nature of people playing right now who are trolling or testing out champs in ranked. Might stick to Team Builder and try to learn new champs going into next season.
you can go an early Brutalizer too. It can really help if they buy Tabi. Basically just depends with how much money you back with. If you back with enough for a Brutalizer I'd go for that over Hydra components.


Goddamn Fiora is strong. I played her in the jungle, lol. Invaded, got fed and just took over the map.

I love jungle Fiora, but I haven't tried her since the new Rift hit. Is she still able to get through the jungle ok? She had slow clears before, but I imagine that she takes a serious beating early on now.


I love jungle Fiora, but I haven't tried her since the new Rift hit. Is she still able to get through the jungle ok? She had slow clears before, but I imagine that she takes a serious beating early on now.

It's not too bad. I usually start one side, clear it then shop and do the other. I can clear one side and come out at about half health with just one pot used. In the last game, I did a full clear and used both pots. Came out with maybe a fifth hp. Bit riskier if you get invaded but its more gold. I didn't time it but it didn't feel too slow.

After the first back, the going gets pretty good.


the one great thing about the new jungle (one of the few good things) is that the number of solo invades by enemy junglers seems to have dropped off completely.

it's probably a combination of mobs being stronger/hitting harder and taking longer to kill, and not wanting to risk losing out on a failed invade and being set very far behind.


the one great thing about the new jungle (one of the few good things) is that the number of solo invades by enemy junglers seems to have dropped off completely.

it's probably a combination of mobs being stronger/hitting harder and taking longer to kill, and not wanting to risk losing out on a failed invade and being set very far behind.

When playing Amumu I know that they're going to try to invade, so I just ward and let them come and hit them when the camp has them low. Lots of good success with that.
LCS starting in January 22.

Well it looks like I'll support Winterfox this split. Only because of the icon, lol.


Changes to LCS
  • The 10th place LCS team will automatically be moved to the Challenger Series for the next split. The 1st place Challenger team will automatically earn a spot in the LCS.
  • LCS teams will receive championship points based on their performance in the LCS playoffs each split. The points will be used to determine seeding for the World Championship and Regional Qualifiers for North America and Europe.
  • The winner of the Summer Split and the team with the most championship points throughout the season will both qualify for Worlds for their respective region. The NA and EU Regional Qualifiers will determine the final seeds for Worlds.
Spring Split matter! Finally! (right?)

A few more changes in the link.

According to schedule league starts the 22nd of Jan.

Right! Sorry.
What? No TSM/C9 curtain raiser during the first week? It's almost tradition at this point! At least EU has Alliance/SK.

Edit: Thanks to Ocho below, I checked again, and TSM/C9 is indeed the first NA LCS game of the 2015 Spring Split. All is right with the world again. EU starts on the 20th with Alliance/Fnatic.


LCS starting in February 5.

Well it looks like I'll support Winterfox this split. Only because of the icon, lol.


Changes to LCS

Spring Split matter! Finally! (right?)

A few more changes in the link.

According to schedule league starts the 22nd of Jan.

What? No TSM/C9 curtain raiser during the first week? It's almost tradition at this point! At least EU has Alliance/SK.

TSM vs C9 is first match, unless I'm seeing this wrong.


I love when we win a match versus a cheesy support like Leblanc. I played it terrible during lane (I was trying to go for flashy plays and hook when she would come back to the distortion pad... but yeah not gonna go for that). Then I started to come back but damn. At least it was good that I was dying but my team mopping after me. They just were good at moving together so once we grouped it all went fine!


The match before that was ezpz. My Tristana got so fed that she could basically dive on her own and 1v1 Graves (although they were close calls), allowing me to just move around the map and try to help out. I got some nice hooks and Garen was super annoying.

Also it was hilarious to see both Garens try to fight each other. And they were both unable to lower their health lol.


Topped the night with an ARAM as Blitz. I only said "ggwp" and Warwick answered with "fu", so I think I did something right. :)
Blitz or Thresh on ARAM is such a cheat anyway

I was absolutely in the zone with the hooks, and if not, it didn't matter because they were already terrorized with them so even when it wasn't up, they were not thinking that I didn't have it lol.


This kinda makes up for the 2 losses that I played so bad on Graves ._. (notrly) but yeah, I sure am pumped for Blood Moon Thresh! >:O
Wow, there's actually a big change to how NA and EU LCS' Worlds' qualification will work this year. As well as adding a points system so Spring Split performance matters, there's going to be NA and EU Regionals, King-of-the-Hill style, for each regions' third and last place at Worlds. This means 2015 will be the first time since Season 2, back in the pre-LCS days, that the west has had Regionals events (in 2013 and 2014 the LCS Summer Split playoffs doubled as Regionals). The first two qualifiers will have been decided beforehand, as the winner of the Summer Split will automatically qualify, and the team will the most circuit points will get the second spot.

I'd take this stuff to the Season 5 thread, but there ain't one yet.


Trick question, I'm already shameful, just not in Silver yet. I'm on tilt so bad. Someone tell me I have horrible teammates, quick!
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