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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I think most assassins are fine. Akali and Fizz could probably be toned down a bit in the early-mid game - they overwhelm non-tank opponents very quickly, often while behind in cs and items. The class excels in pro play, where the level of mechanical skill is ridiculous, so they essentially have no fail-rate, and one pick can mean several objectives are lost. In solo queue their winrates are generally not crazy and when they succeed it's usually as much because of their opponent's mistakes as their play. Most often I see assassins get a few kills and then have no idea how to approach a teamfight when there are multiple enemy champions peeling for priority targets.

Edit: DFG has always been a problematic item, in every incarnation I can remember. At one point in season 2 Karthus was regularly building it (lol). Happy to see the back of it. Should help control assassins' power spikes and tone down some champions that shouldn't have assassination power but get it by grabbing a DFG.


Not sure how Irelia is "easily" countered by item builds. She has true damage, unless they stack up a ton of health that makes her relatively immune to her opponents itemization. More so than most tops imo. If there's one argument against her, it's probably the fact she takes a lot of skill to use effectively both in lane and team fights.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
In solo queue their winrates are generally not crazy and when they succeed it's usually as much because of their opponent's mistakes as their play.
Not really.
Irelia is hard countered by attack speed reduction and qss. Her design is absolutely retarded though.
Also no.
I mean if were talking champions then janna nami thresh braum jax nasus liss are pretty good vs her but in terms of items attack speed reduction and cleanse are required if u want to survive.
Not a fan of the removal of DFG. I'm all for more active items.

Is spell vamp on Cass actually a thing or a huge noob trap?
Good pre-rework, bad post-rework. Your E can already heal you for 10% of your AP regardless of how much damage you do. Say you have 500 AP. Your passive heals you for 66HP. Against squishies 30MR, 20% Spellvamp will heal you for only 57. Cut that in half against tanks/bruisers.

Besides, I don't know where you can even fit Spellvamp. She has other better item choices: Sorc Shoes, Seraph, Deathcap, Voidstaff, Rylai, Zhonya, Abyssal, Liandry... even DFG.


assassins right now aren't fine and dfg is a pretty shitty item on its current state (kat example was bad cos kat is a dumb champion with or without dfg), but i don't think the game can afford removing items

itemization is boring enough already
inb4 they lose.

They won. An Akali and Viktor were wrecking their shit and they managed to come back in the end.

Speaking of Akali, she's one of the most broken champions right now both in terms of power and design. THREE free dashes, WITH resets, PLUS an insane amount of spellvamp and ways to get it back. Using all your stuff keeps you topped off like no other champion but maybe Vlad and Morde, and neither of them have real mobility. What a stupid champion.


They won. An Akali and Viktor were wrecking their shit and they managed to come back in the end.

Speaking of Akali, she's one of the most broken champions right now both in terms of power and design. THREE free dashes, WITH resets, PLUS an insane amount of spellvamp and ways to get it back. Using all your stuff keeps you topped off like no other champion but maybe Vlad and Morde, and neither of them have real mobility. What a stupid champion.

That awkward moment when Akali isn't banned.
assassins right now aren't fine and dfg is a pretty shitty item on its current state (kat example was bad cos kat is a dumb champion with or without dfg), but i don't think the game can afford removing items

itemization is boring enough already

I think itemization for AP mages is mostly fine. They can choose between early, mid or lategame.

Still waiting for the S5 items to be utilized more though. Righteous Glory is a really good item. The nerf to IE is good, although it hurts builds that also utilize Ghostblade or Shiv.

We're seeing more variety with toplaners too. Tanks, mages, bruisers, and even assassins get played there.

Speaking of Akali, she's one of the most broken champions right now both in terms of power and design. THREE free dashes, WITH resets, PLUS an insane amount of spellvamp and ways to get it back. Using all your stuff keeps you topped off like no other champion but maybe Vlad and Morde, and neither of them have real mobility. What a stupid champion.

Weak early game. Squishy. Single-target with nearly no utility. She can do nothing but all-in. If the match is even, she'll probably take down at most one enemy then promptly die. Her escape is extremely situational, requiring nearby enemy minions or jungle camps.


Yes.... The delicious tears of Mage mains... Yes.... I GROW STRONGER!
this is a buff to mages

expect more azir and more xerath

I think itemization for AP mages is mostly fine. They can choose between early, mid or lategame.
not thinking too hard i'd say it's probably the best out of all classes (maybe support? haven't thought too much about other classes lately), but i think it should be much better

with this change now there's like literally no difference between the build path of a mage and an assassin, which says a lot about how weak itemization was before. not as bad as adc but it's tiring to build the same shit every game

i would love to be able to alter my gameplay through my item builds. i used to be able to do that with dfg (ahri/lizzy going dfg for assassin, or athenes/morellos for dps/utility), now not so much. just add new stuff that creates fun gameplay. actives or weird passives or whatever. i really don't want dfg as a counter to health stacking, items that counter other items are fucking boring


League is soft.

I haven't been told to uninstall the game and sell my computer.

That was an every day insult in dota.

Where have all the QQ's gone?

For some reason this cracked me up. The whole "uninstall noob" thing pops up occasionally in League games, but I like the idea of someone telling me to go a step further and sell the computer.

Unrelated question, does anyone else get the bug where a nexus tower will use the really loud laser thing, and then it'll stop firing (minions all die, or the tower dies), but THE SOUND KEEPS GOING? It's really irritating.


Happy that Leblanc will get slapped, because she was becoming stupid again, but I'm not too happy about it giving Azir a roundabout buff. Azir is secretly the most OP champion in the game right now.


It'd be incredible if the versatility we now have in the jungle was brought to other lanes in some shape or form. Somewhat similar to the subtle change in play style brought by different summoner spells, but, crucially, going beyond champion select.

I'd be curious to see how different versions of ignite would function for example, particularly one that would encourage early level roaming.


I absolutely love having a Karthus on the enemy team. There's a glorious moment when the channeling begins and the trepidation sinks in.

You begin to wonder how many of your brethren will fall as you pray you don't go down with them.


Which you blew on Zed as Karthus was guzzling the jungle.

Embrace your mortality as a willingly deprived support player, Ghost.


Happy that Leblanc will get slapped, because she was becoming stupid again, but I'm not too happy about it giving Azir a roundabout buff. Azir is secretly the most OP champion in the game right now.

Seriously, fuck Azir. Stupidly safe laning phase combined with really strong offensive and defensive capabilities. I mean he's not outright broken, but his weaknesses don't feel as pronounced as they should be.

He's in the same category as Xerath in my eyes. Just a non-interactive champ.


I absolutely love having a Karthus on the enemy team. There's a glorious moment when the channeling begins and the trepidation sinks in.

You begin to wonder how many of your brethren will fall as you pray you don't go down with them.
I like evil psychic Karthus in bot games. "Someone across the map and possibly in vision has PRECISELY low enough HP to die? Ult time."
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