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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Played with Dodo8 from Team8. Really cool dude.


If there's anyone else you would like a tip on I can probably help a bit more.

Actually not really anyone else but, I tend to save my ult for disengages or very clear skirmish engage where I know we won't get jumped up (as in, I know where everyone else is in the map). But sometimes my friends yell at me because they want me to use it as an engage tool. I feel it is fairly decent to dodge so I am not so sure if it's that great in a 5v5 brawl?

As far as bubbling, I think the rest is really up to me and my accuracy, as I have been playing her less, my bubbles have been ok but not as great as they were when I played her right after buying her. I find myself rushing Frozen Heart most of the time and then either Aegis or Mikael's. I have never actually gone for a full AP build on Nami on Normals (my runes are ad marks, health yellows, mr blues, 1 ap 2 armor quints iirc, my masteries standard 0/9/21).

Yesterday we were Cait/Nami vs Twitch/Thresh and damn, it has to be a very nightmare inducing lane. We poked them so hard that I could afford being hooked (though I tried to dodge, I was a bit overaggressive) and they were so low that my Cait could almost nuke down Thresh. Also I bought like 6 pinks lol, that Twitch didn't have a good game (he ended 1/5/1).

Pd. Newt, I see you have a Righteous Glory, I haven't tried building one yet on supports, thoughts? o:


what an off-meta game in terms of picks. Evelynn has a tough jungle, how's the jungling for fiora?
Probably worse. That dude is actually my friend. I duoed with him the game before and we lost (even though it wasn't his fault) and I decided not to duo with him for the next game. Then I matched him and we won. Poor guy.


Actually not really anyone else but, I tend to save my ult for disengages or very clear skirmish engage where I know we won't get jumped up (as in, I know where everyone else is in the map). But sometimes my friends yell at me because they want me to use it as an engage tool. I feel it is fairly decent to dodge so I am not so sure if it's that great in a 5v5 brawl?

As far as bubbling, I think the rest is really up to me and my accuracy, as I have been playing her less, my bubbles have been ok but not as great as they were when I played her right after buying her. I find myself rushing Frozen Heart most of the time and then either Aegis or Mikael's. I have never actually gone for a full AP build on Nami on Normals (my runes are ad marks, health yellows, mr blues, 1 ap 2 armor quints iirc, my masteries standard 0/9/21).
You have the right idea on Nami's ult. It's really lackluster as an engage tool, unless you get a clear opportunity, as you say.

I think building full AP is kind of weak as well. The Frozen Heart/Mikaels/Aegis path with a few small variations contains just about anything you would wish for.

Probably worse. That dude is actually my friend. I duoed with him the game before and we lost (even though it wasn't his fault) and I decided not to duo with him for the next game. Then I matched him and we won. Poor guy.
Tough times. People have gone on tilt for less.


I wish Vi's ult had a Caitlyn-esque interaction and dealt less damage to the target for each champ she hit on the way. It'd be fun to watch people diving in front of an ulting Vi to save their carry

Even if it were a direct nerf it would make me want to pick her up


i like going full ap on nami sometimes for the "i made a huge mistake" moment half way through the game lol

I wanna go a similar route with Sona If we are ahead, I'll go AP: Lich Bane+Unholy Grail+Hourglass+Randuin/Rabadon/Banshee

cOURse I'd replace spellthief with Lich Bane, but the Grail is mainly for the mana regen which I really need since I find myself staying on the map a lot before going back :p
Who do you guys feel are the champions in the game that never really had their day in the sun? As in, no FOTM, no huge tournament pick numbers, nothing?

I'd say Swain, Fiora, Galio, Karma, Lux, Quinn, Vel'Koz, and Viktor.

Maybe Poppy, even though she's been played in the LCS a few times her win rate isn't good. Also, possibly Fiddlesticks, though I haven't been around long enough to know if he was ever nerfed at the beginning.
Lux was big back in early S3. Swain was big top lane in S2, is being played lately. I'm pretty sure Galio was a thing before the nerfs, Karma was played both before the rework and afterwards and Vel'Koz shows up as supp every now and then.

Fiora, Garen, Malzahar, Miss Fortune (wrong about this one), Quinn, Viktor and Veigar are the champions that I can't recall ever having a significant tournament presence at some point


Who do you guys feel are the champions in the game that never really had their day in the sun? As in, no FOTM, no huge tournament pick numbers, nothing?

I'd say Swain, Fiora, Galio, Karma, Lux, Quinn, Vel'Koz, and Viktor.

Maybe Poppy, even though she's been played in the LCS a few times her win rate isn't good. Also, possibly Fiddlesticks, though I haven't been around long enough to know if he was ever nerfed at the beginning.

fiddle support was really popular for a while, until he ate a couple of nerfs.


Probably worse. That dude is actually my friend. I duoed with him the game before and we lost (even though it wasn't his fault) and I decided not to duo with him for the next game. Then I matched him and we won. Poor guy.

No, Fiora is not worse than Eve clear-wise, especially not clearspeed-wise. And I play both.


Lux was big back in early S3. Swain was big top lane in S2, is being played lately. I'm pretty sure Galio was a thing before the nerfs, Karma was played both before the rework and afterwards and Vel'Koz shows up as supp every now and then.

Fiora, Garen, Malzahar, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Viktor and Veigar are the champions that I can't recall ever having a significant tournament presence at some point

I remember there was a period where MF was played in OGN. 

Actually wasn't MF big when wombo combo comps were a thing?


I had the pleasure of laning with a Sivir earlier today. It went pretty much exactly like Newt told me it worked; slightly behind in lane, stomp all over enemy team in mid game and win before late.


Vayne is such a stupid champ if she gets any semblance of a lead....

I got FB on her but got way too greedy during a gank by our Hec. I forgot she had heal and I got baited super hard.
Who do you guys feel are the champions in the game that never really had their day in the sun? As in, no FOTM, no huge tournament pick numbers, nothing?

I'd say Swain, Fiora, Galio, Karma, Lux, Quinn, Vel'Koz, and Viktor.

Maybe Poppy, even though she's been played in the LCS a few times her win rate isn't good. Also, possibly Fiddlesticks, though I haven't been around long enough to know if he was ever nerfed at the beginning.

Fiddlesticks and Fiora have definitely had times when they were extremely dominant in solo queue, and Fiddle had a period where he was played all the time as support (especially with Caitlyn for fast pushing in 2v1s). He's a strange one in that, because he's so strong in solo queue, Riot tends to nerf him before competitive trusts him. Fiora will never be good in competitive with her current kit - too binary, too vulnerable to CC/shields/ganks/kiting.

Swain was big S1 and early S2. Galio was huge in S2 before nerfs. Karma had a period where she was played all the time as support after her rework.

I agree with Quinn, Vel'Koz (seen a little play as support but it died out quickly following nerfs/changes) and Viktor. Garen is another who will never get a shot. I suspect Viktor might get his day yet, but I don't hold out much hope for the others before they're reworked.



This game was way too stressful. I was down like 1/3 but I roamed mid and got a double kill which brought me even. I'm kinda glad our Hec didn't waste his time ganking, he was a monster late game. Late game Hec is crazy! Once I got my visage him and I just tanked forever. Dummy LB didn't build Morello's!
I had the pleasure of laning with a Sivir earlier today. It went pretty much exactly like Newt told me it worked; slightly behind in lane, stomp all over enemy team in mid game and win before late.

No wonder I couldn't make Sivir work anymore, I was playing her like her 58% winrate lane bully self. Wasn't even trying to fight their Lucian and just steamrolled on the enemy by pressing R and letting Kass do the dirty work while farming everyfuckingthing


Just played a game of Graves and holy crap he is silly. At level 6 I just E Q then R their Lucian and he disappeared. Unfortunately, it all went downhill from there. My positioning was rather weak and I stood on Rumble's ult forever. Luckily our Kha was ungodly fed and got triple after triple.


Just played Azir for the first time, he seems pretty fun.
he's awesome, really fun to play, specially now that most of his e nonsense was fixed

i'm hoping at one point i'll be confident with him to be able to
1) consistently use ult for damage
2) know my damage so i can kill ppl 1v1
3) get mad cs

none of those apply right now tho lol


So I'm back in the jungle again. We were a premade all of us but the Nidalee. I got a gank off at top that burned Riven's flash at level 3, then came back and got a kill there. I got some ganks off at mid (2-3 were successful). I failed my e > q combo miserably at bot and gave red (qq) and that just made their lane ever more snowbally.

Anyway, I am so fed up with always having such low damage on jungle? I feel like I contribute so little, and yeah I am tanking but they were deleting me (Randuin's first item didn't help at all of course..) anyway. Mid got somewhat even with my ganks but it was not enough, and despite the initial kill top, Warwick kept camping top so it got Riven ahead. Bot I kinda left it to its own devices after Ezreal was like 4/1? And Nidalee didn't press her advantage anywhere else.


Idk, I feel pretty down because I want to improve on J4 but clearly I'm just straight up dookie. D; Sigh. Also the god damn Nidalee was fucking rude. "Noob team" and the like, and made fun of me for "focusing WW" lol, like, I only just used my E > Q to cancel his ult, I'm sorry geez.


fiddlesticks was played fairly heavily in the pro scene in the east (China/Korea) for a good period of time, as well as support in the west for a short while.
fiddle support was really popular for a while, until he ate a couple of nerfs.

Oh yeah, forgot about that.

Lux was big back in early S3. Swain was big top lane in S2, is being played lately. I'm pretty sure Galio was a thing before the nerfs, Karma was played both before the rework and afterwards and Vel'Koz shows up as supp every now and then.

Fiora, Garen, Malzahar, Miss Fortune (wrong about this one), Quinn, Viktor and Veigar are the champions that I can't recall ever having a significant tournament presence at some point

Lux was good back in S3 but she was never a huge solo que champion or a competitive pick. Swain top in S2 was definitely not a thing to my knowledge, never saw it in LCS or ranked though I could be wrong.

Galio was never really nerfed hard and even when he was strong, I don't recall him being played much. Vel'koz showing up as a support now and then doesn't count.

As far as Karma goes, I can't recall her ever being widely used. Bjergsen played her what, two times?

Garen and Malzahar used to be very strong and played competitively, they were both nerfed. Veigar is a good choice I hadn't thought of, though the Koreans are keen on him.
She was also used mid during S2 in certain team comps. Wasn't widely spread - mostly Alex Ich - but it was there.

Karma was also one of the bigger counters to Morg last season and also used in more aggressive lane swaps. Her solo laning presence was pretty unsubstantial even though she was and still is pretty good and Karma jungle was alledgedly a thing at some point but Diamond never perfected it for competitive play, though he did use her once or twice.

Lux saw some play before S3 with Shushei and she was used a decent amount until Riot nerfed her ult.


i would love lux to be on competitive but i can't really see it

she's balanced i think on part of her having to choose between slow waveclear with her low e damage or using her ult and that seems like a too big of a limitation for competitive

she also has a bit of a contradictive design, being both a very support-y mid but also a total syndra-esque pick champion to like hide in brushes and one shot ppl, so i'm guessing if rito were to buff her she might become pretty obnoxious (more than she already is at least :>)

i dunno about other low pick champions, but i would love to see miss fortune combo comps with like amumu again

watching korean games tho, the competitive meta looks pretty fun right now. lots of flashy champions and entertaining-to-watch mobility-based comps


Tragic victim of fan death
Thanks for Newt and Neko putting up with my shit fiddle performance. Now I know how to play one new jungler in this meta.


Thanks for Newt and Neko putting up with my shit fiddle performance. Now I know how to play one new jungler in this meta.

the biggest thing is don't underestimate the completion of the jungle item. they're pretty much all really good right now (except devourer). fiddlesticks is also a jungler that people can make look incredibly easy to play, but it's usually because they've worked on total vision control for over the wall ult ganks.
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